Forecasts for 2001
by Gordon-Michael Scallion
“We have become a polarized society and I see
it affecting all levels of society and government.”
In this issue of Intuitive Flash, we present our annual forecasts for the year 2001, and … we have some good news for you! To keep you better updated in light of all the dynamic changes happening throughout the world, we have decided that, beginning with the March issue, Intuitive Flash will be published monthly except for July and August. In addition, we have tightened up our focus, and will be concentrating on presenting forecasts for the future particularly in the areas of the environment, the economy, and society. More importantly, we will look at the dynamic forces at work driving these changes. Wherever possible, we will include strategies that will have the force of energy behind them, so that you can make informed decisions in light of these changes. To keep the focus of Intuitive Flash tight, articles on the consciousness studies element of our work will be presented, as they are developed, in programs such as the Children of the Rainbow and the Dream Voyager Series, rather than offering them in another publication such as a journal, as we had planned.
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The Election & Cycles
We have become a polarized society and I see it affecting all levels of society and government. Nowhere has this become more apparent than in the past U.S. presidential election. The issues, closeness and contention surrounding the election was less about political ideologies and more about extreme polarization. Shades of gray have been replaced by black and white. Long time subscribers will recall my forecast about “the coming polarization.” What concerns me most now is another forecast I made in ’91, where I saw that as the polarization became entrenched, the U.S. would begin to move toward a new political structure --- “The New 13 Colonies of America.” (See Future Map of North America for details.)
At that time I saw two contributing issues that would bring about this change. First, I believed then, as I do today, that geophysical Earth changes would play a significant role in the breakup of both the U.S. geographical map and the U.S. political structure. Second, I saw Texas at the forefront of the political shift. Is it a coincidence that the recent U.S. election focused around a candidate from Texas?
It is often difficult to tell which phase a forecast is in – building, unfolding, or future. My intuition tells me that we are at the building phase of a cycle that will result in unprecedented social and political changes. Cycles govern our lives in more ways that we might imagine. We have solar, lunar and planetary cycles that determine the length of our year, month and day. We have individual biorhythmic cycles that determine our moods and energy levels. There are also some extremely powerful cycles that we may not be aware of. I call these cycles of consciousness. These are patterns of dynamic energy that come about as a result of highly charged emotional events that significantly affect large groups of people. They can be thought of as powerful thought forms that cycle around every so many years when conditions are just right. These thought forms continue to repeat themselves until the underlying issues are finally resolved.
For example, the Lincoln and Kennedy presidencies and assassinations were repeating cycles – meaning that the energy that was at play in the 1860’s reemerged in the 1960’s to continue playing itself out. Further, many of the people involved in the 1860’s returned to participate in that repeating cycle. Today, we have a harmonic of that same cycle being played out in the recent events surrounding the presidential election. The issues at the heart of this phenomenon are the same issues that existed in the 1860’s: North versus South; States’ rights versus Federal rights; Whites versus Blacks.
In the 1860’s it was about freeing the Blacks held as slaves in the South. In the 1960’s it was about the civil rights – including the right to vote – of the African-American ancestors of the same slaves. In this past election 90 percent of African-American voters cast their ballot for the Democratic candidate, and many of those feel disenfranchised because much of their vote was invalidated in Florida.
All three events involved North versus South, and States rights versus Federal rights. The first time, Southern states seceded from the Union culminating in the Civil Was that pitted North against South. The second time, large voter registration drives were conducted in Black areas of the South, mostly by outsiders from northern states. Federal troops were called in to enforce the civil rights laws in Southern states. This time we have an election decided by the U.S. Supreme Court that superimposed its will on the Florida State Supreme Court.
The most important aspect of the current cycle that is now playing itself out, is that of polarization. Polarization occurs when rapid changes threaten the belief systems of a large number of people and they react by becoming even more entrenched in their beliefs.
Technology plays an important role in this cycle of polarization because it has given us the instant communications of television and the Internet. The way it is used currently, it fosters polarization by fueling both sides with instant comments and opinions from concerned parties and their representatives. Each side then repeats over and over again their oversimplified take on the issue, until it becomes a mantra that everyone picks up on. So instead of having a constructive airing of the issues with time in between for consideration, we have only a mindless chant from each side, that only acts to further divide people.
The Internet fuels polarization by providing an anonymous platform for venting anger and launching attacks. Anyone online can launch an attack or hack into a site targeted simply because it represents something they don’t agree with.
Technology can also be used to heal the rift created by this past election with all of its baggage from the past. It can be a vehicle for constructive dialogue that can dissolve the polarization that has split this country in two. Individually, we can all work on our attitudes and opinions by trying to go beyond the rhetoric to an actual understanding of the issues. We can resolve to let go of our preconceived notions and open up our hearts and minds to those who might hold differing opinions from us.
At this time it is vital for us to find ways to heal our differences because unless we resolve the underlying issues, this repeating cycle will continue to play itself out, eventually resulting in a new political structure. The one that I see is composed of 13 colonies, as previously stated. At this time, I see that the seeds have been set for this country to move in that direction.
The Economy Will Continue to Slow This Year
As Recession Sets In -
But It Will Not Crash.
The economy began to slow down last fall as I predicted and will continue to slow this year as recession sets in – but markets will not crash. Technical stocks will continue to decline in value as ongoing funding dries up. Wireless companies will continue to grow as will alternative energy stocks.
Precious metals – gold, silver, platinum have not performed well for years – with the exception of numismatic coins. I sense a comeback beginning in ’01 and moving briskly in ’02. As I have stated in this letter previously, I feel collectable coins – rare coins, are a safe harbor – coins that have been certified and sealed by a coin grading company.
In 1996 we forecasted that fuel cell technology would be the next wave in alternative energy. Fuel cell companies like Fuelcell Energy Inc. are already receiving contracts for commercial applications. Ballard Corp. is making advancements in automobiles and Plug Power has been testing fuel cells for home use. It will take still another technological breakthrough to handle our future power needs – and I see such a breakthrough on the horizon – a small, low cost electrical power device – the size of a microwave oven. It will use solid chemical cartridges to power it and provide enough electrical power for the average small home or office.
”2001 will be a roller coaster year
as storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods and
tornadoes roll across our planet.”
In 1991 we forecasted that Earth changes would explode in ’92 and that certainly did happen. Earth changes have continued since then building each year, but as far as earthquakes to, it has been quiet in the U.S. since the Northridge quakes. This year we will see devastating quakes like Northridge occurring around the world and possibly in the U.S.
At this time I also see a building force in the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. If a massive solar storm hits this year at just the right time period, it can trigger such a quake. In late November, the massive solar flares I predicted for 2000 happened – five massive flares – all directed at Earth and occurring within days of each other. Some were 100,000 times more powerful than a normal flare. My insights tell me that 2001 will be a roller coaster year as storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods and tornadoes roll across our planet – in this case, most triggered by solar storms and magnetic shifts.
In late 1992, when Popocatepetl was dormant, we predicted that it would become active in the near future. In July, 1994, after 70 years of silence, it abruptly awoke with seismic activity and eruptions of tons of sulfuric dioxide. In March, 1994, we predicted that a major eruption of Popocatepetl would be a precursor to quake activity on the West Coast. Most recently, on Dec. 19, according to a CNN report, Popocatepetl exploded in the strongest eruption since AD 800, spewing red-hot rocks into the air and blowing a cloud of ash some 20 miles high. Scientists are concerned that a dome of lava at the base of the mountain is causing pressure to build that could trigger strong eruptions.
My insight on this is that Earth’s core is about to shift its position relative to the mantle and other boundaries, and as a result, magma is being forced upward.
The current activity of Popocatepetl should be considered a warning for geophysical activity in both South and North America.
My view of the future, as illustrated in my Future Map of the World, could only happen if there is a major melt-off of the world’s ice. This year I see major coastal flooding in the U.S., Europe and Australia as a result of increased solar activity coupled with changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. Global warming, which has accelerated a melt-off in the world’s ice, is also a major factor. Scientists seem to agree, according to a report in Nov./Dec. 2000 World Watch which states that because of global warming much of the world’s polar and mountain ice has melted in the past century. Most of that has occurred in the past few decades. Since 1992, Greenland’s ice sheet has thinned in some areas by nearly 20 feet. If Greenland were to completely melt, it could cause the seas to rise by over 20 feet. In the U.S., the East and Gulf Coasts are particularly vulnerable to floods as we have continuously warned about since 1991. Also, coastal areas along the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers are at risk because of a melt-off of Montana’s glaciers – 100 of the 150 have completely melted since 1850. A good resource on global warming is World Watch.
Florida’s River of Grass to be Restored
In 1994, we predicted that potable water would soon become a diminishing resource. Since then, we have seen our fresh water supply become more and more in jeopardy because of pollution and isguided water management. One of the most promising events in reversing these trends has been the enactment of the Everglades Restoration Bill. On Dec. 11, President Clinton signed the bill authorizing $7.8 billion to restore Florida’s Everglades. This is a huge step in reclaiming water that has been polluted, and lost as a source of drinking water. The new legislation calls for creating reservoirs for drinking water, and removing canals and levees to restore the natural flow of the water. Wells will also be created to capture the huge amounts of groundwater that has been allowed to seep away into the Atlantic Ocean. The plan calls for creating thousands of acres of wetlands to be established around rivers and estuaries for treating urban and agricultural runoff before it is discharged into natural areas. For more information, see Everglades Plan.
Last Minute Insights & Strategies
As we go to press.
Polarization is not limited to the U.S. Take a look at the Middle East. The Palestinian issue is black and white to Arab and Israeli alike. Neither can agree on a middle ground, which is why the best of negotiators have been unable to find a compromise. They, like us, are confronted with a continuing cycle of unresolved issues that are rooted in the past. My take on this, as I stated years ago, is that unless the Palestinian issue is resolved, the prophesied third world war will occur.
We warned about power outages becoming a problem in the U.S., especially in California. Now it’s happening! I see more rolling brownouts and blackouts this year, and a power disaster later in the year.
Another breakthrough I see is in illumination. Our basic light bulb hasn’t changed in over a century. I see devices that use 1/10 of the pwer of a conventional incandescent bulb to obtain the same illumination. I sense we will hear about this technology this year.
More web-based companies will fail this year than last year.
Gas, oil and propane prices will continue to rise.
If you are thinking of purchasing a new vehicle, make 25 mpg fuel economy a bare minimum. Check out the Toyota Camry at 35 mpg, or one of the new hybrids – combination electric and internal combustion engine just coming on the market – Honda’s Insight gets 70 mpg.
I am sensing a build-up of tectonic energies in Missouri – The New Madrid Fault.
January 1 begins the real New Millennium, Cynthia and I wish you a Happy New Year!
Gordon-Michael Scallion
P.S. Remember, you will be receiving Intuitive Flash on a monthly basis beginning with your next issue – March, 2001.