Gordon-Michael Scallion
The New Energy Dynamics of the Planetary Grid
[Reproduced from the Earth Changes Report September 1997]
With the third millennium now at our doorstep, Earth seems
to be moving into a cycle of turbulent change. Is our planet's very life force going through an evolutionary shift? What will this mean for us in the years ahead?
In times past there have been great periods of geophysical stability on Earth, during which minimal changes have occurred. At other times changes on Earth have been frequent, unceasing and cataclysmic. As we near the end of 1997, our planet is now entering the brunt of such a phase, and my feeling is that this will continue with increasing intensity into the next millennium. The direction these greater Earth changes take is influenced by the combined results of two main cycles of evolution or movement: the shifting of the existing planetary energy patterns - the energy grid - and humanity's appropriate (or inappropriate) interaction with that pattern.
As we enter into this new era of energy dynamics, my focus in ECR will be to explore these changes, to look at the implications for us - the human life-force - here on Earth, and to discuss ways in which we can use the prevailing energy patterns to enhance our mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
In this issue, I want to begin by defining what I understand this energy grid to be. Through an on-going series of dialogues between Cynthia Keyes and myself I hope to capture - and in this way convey - my most current visions of our present situation here on Earth, and to begin delving into the dynamics between ourselves and the planetary energy grid. This calls into play an examination of not only the present time-frame, but our past and our future as well. In subsequent issues, I hope to share all that I understand about how this grid of energy-cells works, how its energies interact with the populated areas of Earth, and how the shifts that are beginning to take place in earnest - now that the initial period of Tribulation is drawing to a close - will affect us both as individuals, and as a civilization.
The following is the first in a series of conversations I'd like to share with you. I look forward to your responses and comments, which I hope to include in our continuing Forum section.
- Gordon-Michael Scallion
CK: When you speak of energy changes - energy dynamics - in relation to planetary changes, what exactly do you mean?
GMS: In order to understand planetary dynamics and the changes that occur as a result, we first need to define the
structure for such dynamics - the Earth's energy grid. This can be thought of as the mold that holds all matter together on Earth - plants and animals, rocks and oceans, people, and of course, Earth itself. This energy grid is created through interactions between various forces and particles as they enter and leave the Earth. There are seven such influences: magnetism, electricity, light, color, heat, sound, and matter. And when these forces enter and leave our planet, where do they go? For the most part, they remain within this solar system - traveling between Earth and the sun, the other planets, moons, and heavenly bodies - but they come and go from other suns as well. And as these traveling forces make contact with Earth and exchange their energy with it, the emission of interdimensional energy waves from the Earth's core is triggered. It is this triggering action that produces the planetary grid.
Now, the energy from this grid is the "food" that feeds the Earth, and charges it with power - the power that is the life-force of the sentient Earth! And the makeup of the Earth's core is what establishes the pattern of the grid. Change the core, and the grid pattern changes too.
CK: You often describe the Earth as sentient. What is the relationship between this grid and the sentient Earth?
GMS: One way of looking at it would be to compare the grid to the nervous system of the human body. In the body's nervous system, there is a constant interaction between the sensory system and the brain. Communication goes on - signals that are constantly detecting changes in environment, changes in diet, changes in interaction with other members of the same species, or a different species - and the network of the nervous system provides the linkages necessary for those signals to be acknowledged and acted upon. It is not unlike a computer talking to other computers.
The planetary energy grid operates in a similar fashion. These energies are distributed in a very symmetrical pattern. It is not a perfect pattern. Rather, it would be more like comparing snowflakes - they are all similar, but each snowflake is different from all other snowflakes.
CK: Do you mean that the energy distribution pattern differs from area to area?
GMS: Exactly. Each grid position is ruled by a totally unique pattern of energy. The controlling factors are multiple - planetary and solar alignments, position in the precessional cycle, cultures inhabiting the area, the karma of the land, whether the surface is water or land, whether the terrain is mountainous or low desert - an infinite number of variables come into play.
CK: I'm still not sure if I'm visualizing it correctly.
GMS: Try to imagine that there exists an invisible pattern, a framework - again, similar to a biological nervous
system - and that it is held together, or molded, by dynamic forces. And these forces can be seen as forming a containment field that encompasses the Earth. It holds the energies within each particular area, and gives them a framework in which to exist.
"This is a brand-new pattern that has never existed before. And the cellular structure that is coming is already present etherically. What that means is that people today who are in harmony - well-balanced in most respects - are already tapped-in to the new grid structure. And there are many who are already demonstrating that."
CK: Can it be seen at all, or is all knowledge of it intuitively derived?
GMS: It can be seen clairvoyantly. It can also be detected, as well as mapped, by those gifted in the art of
CK: What does this pattern look like?
GMS: A good example for visualization here would be to imagine a bees' honeycomb. The cells in the honeycomb are not unlike the "cells" of the planetary grid. In this example, a single honeycomb cell can be thought of as one primary cell of the grid. Each primary cell is somewhat stationary on the planet's surface (as well as reaching below the ground and into the atmosphere), which keeps the particular, unique energies of each space somewhat self-contained. Just as the honey that bees create and produce is stored in separated compartments of the honeycomb, so too, is the energy that each place produces held within its own sphere of influence. These "cells" in the Earth's energy grid are quite large, actually. Each cell is made up of smaller components - sub-cells - which have more movement than the primary cells, and relate their energy more to very specific regions. But the primary cells comprise areas that might cover the entire U.S., as an example.
The current network consists of only about a dozen primary cells, and collectively they cover the entire surface of the Earth. The number of sub-cells fluctuates, depending on the time of year, the solstices, and things of this nature. But typically there are five sub-cells within each primary cell, for a total of approximately 60 energy zones interacting with the planet's surface at any given time.
CK: You have said that your most recent visions show this grid shifting, or evolving. Could you explain a little bit more about the kinds of changes you have seen?
GMS: During my dream voyages, I can actually see the various energy forces arriving and departing from Earth, and I can see the pattern of the primary cells, and the structure of the sub-cells. This grid of energy cells encompasses the whole Earth, constantly influencing all that is human, animal, vegetable or mineral. It is a 3-dimensional geometric pattern that varies from location to location around the globe.
As an example, imagine dropping a handful of marbles into a bowl of gelatin. The marbles would not stay on the surface; they would sink into the gelatin to varying degrees. With this energy field, it's almost as if the Earth were made of gelatin, and the sub-cells are like marbles, rising above the surface or sinking below it to different degrees in different places. The cellular containment field is like the bowl - it holds everything together. And like a bowl of gelatin, there is movement within the energy field, although nothing moves very much or very far.
CK: What is happening with the energy now that would bring about the changes you see occurring for us here on Earth in the near future?
GMS: During my dream voyages into the past, I've witnessed the makeup of the grid at various time frames. It has been fairly consistent in position and pattern up to the 20th century. There have been some pattern changes - especially during the time periods of 52,000, 26,000, and 10,000 B.C. - which I would like to come back to and explain in more detail at a later time. But these changes have always been subtle, even at these key points. As far back as I have traveled, Earth's energy pattern has re-mained fairly constant, readjusting at peak times in the precession, but never altering its basic structure.
Currently though, I've been seeing two fields wrapping around Earth, instead of the one which has always been. I began seeing this about two years ago, and it really surprised me. I've spent just about that long trying to get a handle on what exactly is happening.
The base configuration of a single "old grid" cell, versus a single new cell.
CK: That's a pretty startling change. Can you describe more of what this new configuration looks like? How does the new pattern compare to the old one?
GMS: The first field I've seen is composed of 5-sided cells - pentagons - that are made up of smaller, vaguely
triangular sub-cells. The triangles are the smallest components I've identified. Within the 5-sided cell structures, they almost look like stars. And as I've said, the field is always moving slightly, and the intersections are not sharp, but rather rounded, organic almost. You could say that the pattern looks like a field of starfish.
CK: So the stars kind of interconnect?
GMS: Yes, the stars almost intertwine. But in some areas there is space between them, while in other places the stars neatly tuck in together and lock in place, almost as if they were part of a completed jigsaw puzzle. In other places the cells are almost repelled from one another. I've learned that this has a lot to do with the karma of the land where the cell resides, because the sub-cells actually retain the memory of all that has ever existed within their domain. And they are constantly pulsing and interacting, so this energy shifts around a bit. Some of the triangular sub-cells will actually draw energy from others nearby. If one sub-cell has an abundance of positive energy, let's say, it would have enough to give-off to somewhere else; however, if one has a negativity in its energy, it might be repelled by a more positive neighbor-cell. More often than not though, these sub-cells appear to seek out adjoining energies to achieve an overall balancing effect, because anywhere there is a "star," you might find as many as five other stars intersecting, in a cluster.
CK: Are there any special times when there's even more give and take between the surrounding cells?
GMS: During astrological alignments and on the solstices there is a pulling together of cells, when their total combined energy seems to be amplified. And my sense is that the ancients knew that. They used those time periods to tap this energy, and to use it in many ways - to actually store it. I believe that the storage medium they used was water, but that they gathered this energy through the use of large stone objects, such as stone spheres, columns, pyramids, and things of that nature.
CK: That seems like another topic we should probably come back to later, when we can explore it in more detail. Right now, let's get back to this new energy grid. What do you see happening now, as we near the third millennium?
GMS: Well, I'm seeing a secondary pattern that simply wasn't there before. I see the original pattern, only now it's getting weaker, and a new and stronger layer is beginning to move into it. In my dream voyages, the old grid usually looked orange or red to me. But now it looks more like a very soft pink, without the same fidelity of color. On top of that, though, I see a superimposed shape, and I see it as a bright indigo blue, or purple. This new grid appears to have twice as many primary cells as the old grid - almost as if the old cells had divided. Not only are there twice as many primary cells, but the pattern of the primary cells has changed, so that they each have twice as many sides. In addition, the smallest components of each primary cell - the sub-cells - have also doubled in number and composition. These new sub-cells look similar to the Star of David - two triangles together, or a 6-pointed star - and they reside in clusters of 10 instead of 5 within the larger cells. Instead of pentagons, the primary cells are decagons; they have so many sides, they look almost round. And I see this new pattern hovering above the old one, almost like a shadow. Each of the new primary cells actually covers an area equivalent to only one half of what an old cell would have covered. I don't see them matching up exactly, though. There are overlapping sub-cell regions all over the globe. When the new pattern locks in, the energy fields of the Earth will be completely altered.
In the new energy grid, there are twice as many cells covering the Earth as in the old pattern.
CK: So you see this new pattern as beginning to replace the old pattern?
GMS: Yes. My sense is that Earth itself is going through its next evolution of consciousness. I think it would relate to Plato's theory of solids [for more on this, see Cynthia Keyes' column, Insights, this issue]. I believe this change I'm seeing in the planetary grid is the precursor for a new Earth - the first step in our next evolutionary cycle as a civilization, and in our symbiotic relationship with Earth. This grid pattern is what establishes the physical structure of Earth and all life on this planet, and I am certain that the new cells will determine new modes of life here.
CK: So this pattern will not only decide the magnetic functioning of Earth, and how the Earth continues, but it will actually determine the type of people that live on Earth in the future?
GMS: Yes. It is what creates the blueprint, I believe, for DNA. I believe that the cellular building-blocks of all
biophysical life - whether it's on the surface or beneath, in the oceans or in the air - the etheric mold, if you will, is changing; therefore, we will have new species of animals emerging, and a new species of people. This new human being will attain - if we were to judge him or her from the point of view of intelligence, telepathic abilities, healing abilities, and spiritual knowing - a kind of quantum jump in evolution from where we are now.
Comparing what I see now and what I've seen in the past, in Atlantean times and Lemurian times, there has never been anything like what's about to happen. This is the very first time that the Earth has gone through such a phase. Usually the Earth repeats patterns. This is a brand-new pattern that has never existed before. And the cellular structure that is coming is already present etherically. What that means is that people today who are in harmony - well-balanced in most respects - are already tapped-in to the new grid structure. And there are many who are already demonstrating that, I think. Many of the young Blue Ray children that are coming in, for example. [For additional information about these remarkable children, see Chapter 16 of GMS' book Notes from the Cosmos.] Those that are being born now, and throughout the latter part of this century actually, are tapped right into the new energy. That's why their diets are so specific. They simply can't eat the heavy #foods anymore - the unbalanced foods and meats produced under the influence of the old energy. Another sign that they're in sync with the new grid is their natural telepathic abilities. And that they are drawn to different colors, a different spectrum.
CK: I think it's important to give people a clear basis for understanding the magnitude of this energy shift, and how it will affect all of us, especially those who still seem to be more in sync with the old planetary grid. Do you see any relationship between this upcoming transference to the new grid and the geophysical changes you've predicted for the near future?
GMS: Earth changes, and climatic changes, are caused by changes internal to the Earth. Heat, especially. Earth wants to give off heat as a natural process, but its ability to distribute it evenly fully depends upon the strength of the electromagnetic field, and the active cells. If the energy in the electromagnetic field drops off, the cells aren't as strong. The result is Earth changes - vulcanism in particular. Conditions are now such that Earth changes will accelerate as the old cells continue to become weaker. Once the new cells become dominant, a new electromagnetic field will settle into place. Over time, conditions will once again become stabilized.
CK: So you see an increase in vulcanism, as a result of the energy shift?
GMS: Definitely. And earthquakes. Whenever the elements - which means air, earth, wind, fire, and ether - are out of balance, the Earth's magnetic forces react. We're going to see everything from earthquakes to vulcanism, to high winds - high winds where there weren't any before - and we're going to see floods where there weren't floods before. We will see things get wetter where it was drier, and vice versa. We'll actually see deserts bloom here - very, very soon - that haven't for thousands of years. They'll just start blooming! Because the patterns will change that much.
CK: Could this increased vulcanism be a cause of the El Nino that people think is happening right now?
GMS: I've stated before that El Nino is due to vulcanism. More correctly, it is the result of changes in the planetary grid at those points where the mantle is thinner - in the oceans. If one cell becomes stressed, it will stress adjoining cells. It will also stress opposite-polarity cells halfway around the world. You don't see it on the surface, but if you were to go down through the Earth, perhaps 30 miles into the interior, and look around, you would see rivers flowing. These rivers are composed of magma that flows from one cell to another. They flow because of a compatibility of energy patterns that allow this to happen. Again, electromagnetism is the force at work. So an El Nino manifests itself in one area - such as the lower Pacific- and then also affects another seemingly unrelated area such as Alaska, Italy, or the Caribbean. Each cell may react somewhat differently, but the commonality - the obvious connection - will be the timing of activity.
CK: Could vulcanism be the reason why there have been certain fish and sea animals found in Alaska that have never been found that far north, as well as the increased fish yield - salmon catches - in Alaska?
GMS: In part. As the new planetary grid shifts and grows in energy, it will cause the release of internal energy - heat and vulcanism. As the ocean water temperatures rise, ice melts and the warm-water rivers that flow in the ocean will shift their positions. These changes are already affecting weather and crop yields, as well as migration routes for fish and mammals alike.
CK: Do you see any specific volcanoes erupting in the near future?
GMS: I see very specific regions. I think I already mentioned Italy and the Caribbean. Japan, and also the Cascade
Range, especially the southern part in Washington State, are the areas I'm watching closely for activity. Any eruptions that occur in these places would tell me that we're reaching the next level of activation. Those vents are going to be pushed from the inside; they're going to be pushing on each other. Those are the places where the heat's going to try to get out.
CK: Our time for this first interview is almost up. Is there anything you would like to add at this time regarding the new planetary grid?
GMS: I realize that at present not everyone has the clairvoyant ability to see these old or new planetary grid
systems; however, I believe that everyone can detect its existence through the process of bio-induction. Since every element found on Earth can also be found in our bodies, doesn't it make logical sense that some kind of compatible force must flow between us?
The first step is to become aware that such a relationship does indeed exist. From there, watch your dreams and pay attention to the sensations in your body, especially up and down your spine, neck, arms, legs, and shoulders. When a primary cell is especially active in your region, a portion of its energy flows into and through everything within its various sub-cells. Think of this energy as communication from the sentient Earth. It is, indeed, such.
How to Use the Earth Grid Mandala
by Gordon-Michael Scallion
Symbols have great power and the Earth Grid Mandala has proven to be such a case in my intuitive development research and workshops over the years. I have been working with the Mandala for years and have found it enhances my daily mediations and dream prophecies. |
What follows is a simple exercise in its use. The exercise should be done a least once a day, either in the early morning before beginning the day, or just before retiring, or both. Additionally having the Mandala around during the day, if you can, helps anchor the experience. I keep mine above my computer so whenever I look up I see it. After awhile you do it automatically and don't think about it but if you track your experiences you will see something is going on.
Here is the exercise.
1. Place the Mandala on a wall at eye level from the perspective of your sitting in a chair. 3-6 feet is a good distance.
2. Next bring your focus to the center of the Mandala, the very center white portion.
3. Stare at the center until your eyes begin to drift to outer portion of the center and then bring it back to the center. Do this three times.
4. On the forth time allow your vision to fill the inner circle to where it just touches the Mandala spokes.
5. Slowly allow your vision to see the whole mandala, focusing from the center to the blue outer rim and white glow surrounding it.
6. Continue to focus until you find yourself becoming aware of thoughts entering your mind. At that point stop the exercise.
What this has done is to trigger your sub conscious mind into an alpha altered states of consciousness. The next part of this simple exercise is very important.
7. Create a journal. It can be a simple three-ring binder. In it make notes of what you were thinking when you became aware of your thoughts. For example: "I became aware I was thinking of my son." These are often insights and should be further explored.
By keeping a journal you will be able to track your experiences. I use my journal as a dream journal as well and find by doing this exercise each night my dreams are more prophetic.
It is important that you do this exercise each day for at least 21 consecutive days. If you miss one day begin at day one and repeat until you complete the 21 days. 21 days is the cycle of the body that governs patterns. Anything you do for 21 days can become a pattern for the positive, or negative.
In the past I was able to offer Intuitive Development Workshops which unfortunately my work schedule no longer affords me the opportunity to do so. But it is my hope that this exercise will start you on your path to awakening your own intuition as it has mine.