What Earth Changes Has
Scallion Predicted For
The United States?

The West Coast of the United States is predicted, by Scallion, to have a series of twelve (12) prior major earthquakes in the near future, which will set the stage for three (3) major FRACTURE QUAKES described later. Twelve earthquakes will occur in thefollowing areas:

(1) Los Angeles, CA.,
(2) Eureka, CA area,
(3) Bakersfield, CA. area,
(4) Sonoma County, CA.,
(5) San Diego, CA.,
(6) San Francisco, CA.

After the series of 12 prior quakes and after the last San Francisco earthquake, the "Breaking Up of California," as he describes the events, will occur. This will be a series of three different major earth fractures spaced apart in time. The final new WestCoast position, after the three FRACTURE QUAKES, was also seen and prophesied by Edgar Cayce as well as other prophets in past years.

Below we have outlined the three FRACTURE QUAKE earthquake scenario. This event consists of three (3) separate, spaced-apart major earth fractures. There will be early warning signs, prior to the fractures occurring, to help us prepare for the awesome events. The three (3) fractures that will eventually change the position of the West Coast are to be in the following areas according to Gordon-Michael:

Fracture Quake # 1--The Eureka to Baja Fracture--

As the pressure builds up a large cracking sound will occur as an earthquake in the range of 15 on the Richter scale is felt. This event will fracture California from Eureka to Bakersfield pivoting southwest from Bakersfield to Baja, Calif. This landmass will rise up at the eastern portion of the fracture and will tip up and begin to slide into the sea. A giant fissure will crack open running the length of San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento Valley. This will cause the land West of the fracture, on towards the ocean, to move independently of the rest of North America. This fracture will then drop into the Pacific Ocean as the ocean moves inland to form the temporary new coastline on the fissure. This event will cause several things to simultaneously occur such as tidal waves (tsunamis) going out across the Pacific.

In addition, a shock wave (infra-sound wave) will move east across North America. This will vibrate or oscillate the sediment layers beneath the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountain ranges. These mountains will drop in altitude in some places as much as eighty percent (80%) causing much damage. The vibration from the shock waves will effect the base or granular structure of the mountains. The shock waves will continue withmost of their energy being absorbed by the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountain ranges. Some of the shock wave will also turn back to California to become a shock wave for the California residents. Portions of the shock wave will continue all the way to the east coast and on through Europe. The shock waves will encompass the globe multiple times as Gordon-Michael has prophesied.

This earthquake will cause the breaking up of California with portions of California remaining as approximately 150 islands. These 150 islands will later be known of the "Isles of California." The Baja of California will go under the sea and Sacramento as well as Bakersfield, California, will also disappear. During the first fracture quake, there will be pockets of California that will remain stable and shall not be inundated for awhile. These pockets will be in and about the following areas some of which will become a part of the 150 islands of California:

(1) Portions of San Francisco, Mill Valley,
(2) Sausalito up to Eureka will be one large island,
(3) Santa Ana Island,
(4) Pasadena Island,
(5) San Gabriel Islands,
(6) San Bernardino Islands
(7) Tip near Santa Barbara,
(8) Areas of the Sierra Madre will be an island,
(9) Areas of Laguna will remain as an island
(10) Areas of the Santa Monica Mountains
will also be an island,
(11) Small portions of San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico
will be a small island,
(12) Portions of Mundincino National Forest,
(13) Portions of Six Rivers National Forest,
(14) Portions of Sacramento,
(15) Portions of Yosemite National Park,
(16) Grass Valley Area.

The loss of property and life during this time will come from the inundations of water that rush in and not from the actual fragmentation of the earthquake. After the first fracture quake, the area will stabilize for a short time period of less than eighteen (18) months and we will have a new western seacoast area as shown on Gordon-Michael's Future Map of the United States. Many people from California will begin migrating eastward by thethousands and later by the millions. They will go to survival camps established by the U. S. Government in eastern California near the Nevada-Arizona border. California will have further fractured into islands and more migrations occur. The people will move into Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and other areas 500 miles east of the Pacific Ocean.

Fracture Quake # 2--The Newport to Tucson Fracture--

The second fragmentation of the California land mass will occur within 18 months of the first fracture with an earthquake of the magnitude 10-15 on the Richter scale. The greater tectonic plates will still be continuing to build their force. The first fracture quake weakened and shifted the plates so that they will come together at a different portion. The Newport, Oregon to Tucson, Arizona fracture will occur starting around Newport, Oregon and will run through the northwest portion of Nevada to Phoenix into Sonora and then will run southeast to Tucson, Arizona. A second infra sound will occur with the same warning signs. As that land fragments and shifts and drops beneath the sea, a second temporary coastline is created as shown on the Matrix Institute map. This second fracture will break up the remaining portion of California into more islands and will destroy great portions of Oregon and Nevada as well as Arizona. Mount Shasta will remain as an island with Reno, Carson City and Las Vegas, Nevada going beneath the sea.

Fracture Quake # 3--The Washington State-Denver-Phoenix Fracture--

The western area will be somewhat silent for about 1 year, then the third fracture quake will occur and will form the final coastline for the west coast. This will follow a curved line from Washington State around Seattle throughout Idaho and into Cheyenne, Wyoming and parts of western Nebraska. The new West Coast line then curves down through Denver and back southwest through Colorado into Arizona creating the seaports of Sedona, Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona. In the Fracture Quake #3, the remaining portion of Nevada as well as most of Oregon, Washington and Utah as well as half of Colorado and Arizona go beneath the sea.The following cities and areas will disappear beneath the sea during the Fracture Quake #3:

(1) Tacoma, Washington,
(2) Salem, Oregon,
(3) Boise, Idaho,
(4) Salt Lake City, Utah,
(5) Rock Springs, Wyoming,
(6) Laramie, Wyoming,
(7) Cheyenne, Wyoming,
(8) Estes Park, Colorado,
(9) Grand Junction, Colorado,
(10) Grand Canyon National Park,
(11) Flagstaff, Arizona.