Forgotten Freshness 3 Intro
You should be visited by a dark circus, a circus or horror, pain, and anguish.
Ladies and gentlemen, step right up and become part of the show
Deal with your own creation

Friday, March 4th, Saint Andrews Hall will tremble to it's rafters
As Psychopathic Records unleashes the dark power of the Ringmaster and ICP

(You can sit up in front with the Ringmaster, with the ring a ding a ling ping master)
(Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the museum, the wax museum!!)

ICP Returns with the rRingmaster tour that puts the ghetto in your face!

(Who's going chicken huntin'? We's goin' chicken huntin'!)
(Wooooooo...Oh! We-oh... Everybody singing that southwest song!! Wooooooo...Oh! We-oh... Everybody singing that southwest song!!)

Not recomended for all ages you can get your tickets now at Saint Andrews Hall Box Office or Ticketmasters or charge by phone at 810-645-6666

(Everybody singing that southwest song!!)
Friday March 4th at Saint Andrews Hall
431 East Congress Downtown
The Ringmaster Tour, with ICP