Jamie "Madrox" Spaniolo and Paul "The Monoxide Child" Methric first started out as the House of Krazees or HOK for short.  Their first tape, "Home Sweet Home", was released in 1993 but only 500 were made.  Madrox was Mr. Bones and Monoxide was Hektik.  After dropping about 10 albums either solo or as HOK they met up with I.C.P. and were signed on Psychopathic Records.  After their first CD, "Mostasteless", was put out as Twiztid and got a huge response from the fans they knew that this is where they belonged.  Their next CD was put out in 2000, "Freekshow".  Then in April of 2002 they released their next album "Mirror Mirror", which got a huge response from the fans showing Jamie and Paul as well as everyone else that Twiztid is not going anywhere.  Their most recently released album, "The Green Book", came out on July 1st and may I be one to say that it kicks ass and everyone that listens to it should get it.  There is more to come yet from the great rap duo just wait and see.