Galleries .... Main Page .... Goodies
........ Links ........ Summaries
Ohayo everyone! The illustrious, pseudonymous Rice Rurouni resides here, a longtime otaku and recently-converted Tales of Eternia fan. The animation is cute, the plot workable, the characters endearing, and at least one of them is a bishie (News Flash: Keele is HOT!!!) So I was very disappointed to look up this show on the internet and find - virtually nothing! At least, virtually nothing in English. Quite discouraging.
But have no fear, good citizens! I, RR, shall endeavor to bring Tales of Eternia to the world! Having borrowed the DVD, I am making screencaps just as fast as my little fingers can wiggle, and I want to post as many here as my space limitations will allow. So please, take, distribute them everywhere! These did actually require touching up before posting, so it would be nice if you gave me some credit on your page. But my main goal is to spread screencaps of Keele*ahem* all of the Tales of Eternia episodes around so that other people may enjoy them as much as I have.

Well, that's about it. I'll put updates on this page as they happen...I'm not exactly the uber-Webmaster here, but I'll do my best to make this site interesting, informative and fun. Have a nice day, and enjoy! |^_
Cast, meet world. World, meet cast. Counterclockwise from left: Farah, Reid, Melody, the squirrel thing is Quickie, and the hot blue-haired guy in the upper right is Keele.
Galleries...As many screencaps as I can fit!
Rants...Basically me just talking about stuff.
Goodies...Wallpapers and Such...
Links...Other animes and things that I happen to like.
Episode Summaries...*Spoilers*
(1/13/04) Wow, I suck. I think I've fixed all the horribly broken things, so there shouldn't be little red Xs and 404s everywhere. Most importantly, the broken links to the galleries are fixed. Plus, new FANARTS!!! It's like Christmas, Hanukah, and your birthday all at once. Well, okay, you don't have to be that excited. But definitely check out the fanarts. I swear, I'm starting to sound like Piro with all my excuses, but there's really no help for it - college is a helluva lot busier than I thought it would be. Story of my life. Whine, whine, whine. Bitch, bitch, bitch. I'll try to get the episode summaries up before 2005. |^_^|
Oh yeah, and I have a
livejournal now, so you can watch me whine 24/7.

(10/18/03) Okay people, you should realize by now that my promises are completely unfounded and my offerings are always late. Anyway,
SCANSLATIONS are up. It ain't pretty, but it's functional. Eventually I'll pick up enough HTML to wash my hands of Pagebuilder, but until then you're going to put up with these stupid formats and you're going to LIKE it. Yeah, you heard me, biznatch. |^_^|

September 19, 2003 (9/19/03) It lives...yep, I'm back and better than before. That's right, I am now a bona fide college student and as such have a host of fun and interesting tools at hand, including but not limited to: 1) a really nice internet connection, 2) a kickass new laptop, and 3) more spare time than I know what to do with. Stay tuned as I devote the next couple weeks to fixing up the ol' site for the new school year. I have a complete short scanslation of a TOE doujinshi manga thoughtfully contributed by Sakusha-sama, as well as...hmmm...I know I have thos
e episode summaries around here somewhere...|^_^|

March 26, 2003 (3/26/03) Spring Break! w00t! I have actually had some time to re-watch and write
summaries of a couple more episodes. Hey, it's hard to find a good chunk of time for it...the things are so damn long, though that's my fault I guess...and it takes quite a while to watch part of the episode, stop it, write a paragraph, watch part of the episode, etc...

March 11, 2003 (3/11/03) *coughs* I am really really sick with the flu. But I just wanted to put in a plug for the new
FANART in the fanart section (duh, where else?) because it's Keele, it's in color,  and it's so cute I want to steal it. Go!

February 6, 2003 (2/6/03) Holy flaming poop, I'm 18 now! Time to celebrate with the news that there IS actuall
y another TOE site out there, and we've made contact! This is good news. I'm celebrating by cleaning up the site's layout a little, making some linking buttons, and re-watching the whole series this weekend. Episode Summaries coming soon!

January 15, 2003 (1/15/03) Happy New Year! Yikes...where did all that time go? Well, we've got som
e fanarts from new contributor Asashi Kaigami, who rocks my socks as far as Keele pics go. Check out her website too! Hmm...other stuff...I submitted this site to a bunch of search engines today, so I guess you could call it the official launch. Hopefully we'll be getting more visitors soon...!

November 23, 2002 (11/23/02) First fanart up! A great Keele portrait by my very first contributor.
..Go WORSHIP 7H3 L337N355. (Go see now!) |^_^|

November 12, 2002 (11/12/02) Added the fanart page today. Unfortunately, I as yet have nothing to put on it...if you would like to post some of your TALES OF ETERNIA-RELATED work here, feel free t
o email me.

November 8, 2002 (11/8/02) Wow...been a while since I remembered to update this updates section...Well, I'm on my own again this weekend but still going strong. Still ironing out the bugs and broken links, but I now have the beginnings of a fully functional site. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. *sniff* |^_^|

October 5, 2002 (10/5/02) -- My first rant is up...check it out! On a sadder note, my grandfather is really really sick and headed for surgery(again), so on top of my insanely busy schedule, I'm sort of running things around the household for a while until my mom gets back...these updates may trickle to a halt until my staggering workload lets up a little...<:-(

September 22, 2002 (9/22/02) -- HOORAY!!! ALL THE WALLPAPERS ARE UPLOADED! You can go see them in the Goodies section...I hope they don't suck too much...|^_^|
Tales of Eternia is a 13-episode anime taken from the storyline of Playstation's Tales of Destiny II. But this doesn't just parallel the game; the anime is more of a little side-adventure that the characters have while on their quest. It's sort of like an OAV; the characters are the same, but they aren't necessarily doing what they would in the game. Now I'm not a huge video game freak, but I HAVE played Tales of Destiny 2 and I think that the characters are TOTALLY true to the game. Even the animation is really really close to the original artist's conceptions!

Reid Herschel (18)

  Reid is the semi-leader, though he tries to deny it...he sort of leads by example, and everyone else just naturally follows along...A guy of simple tastes, he likes to eat, sleep and practice with his sword. However, he has a strong sense of justice and will beat the snot out of any number of enemies to help a friend in need.

Farah Oersted (17)

The only person who ever bosses Reid around. She is also his main romantic interest. She's like the OTHER leader, except where Reid is laid-back and irresponsible, she's uptight and nagging. Of course, she's also like a fifth-degree black belt in an unnamed martial art, so it's not a great idea to piss her off. She's a hard worker and a great fighter, and in the game was the main impetus behind helping Melody in the first place. Even when the whole town wanted to banish the stranger, Farah stuck by her, promised to aid her quest, and dragged Reid along. |^_^|

Keele Zeibel (17)

            The other two main characters, Keele and Melody, are also romantically involved, though even in the game they are both so shy that they never really get around to admitting their intense attraction to each other. Keele is an ivory-tower intellectual, believing that everything can be solved with a little careful thought. Indeed, he knows a ton of ancient languages and can decipher just about any code you give him, which comes in quite handy. He's a student Craymel Mage, and as such can cast a few spells, but most of the time he just calls on his two temporary passengers, the Greater Craymels Sylph and Efreet, to beat up his enemies. He's sort of a wimp, but I love him anyway |^_^| *sparkly eyes*

Melody (Meredy) (16)

Melody is actually from Celestia, the other planet making up the tidally-locked pair of worlds sometimes called Eternia. During the game we learn that her mom is evil. But in the anime Melody is just a cute gal with the innocence of a kindergartener and a crush on Keele.

Basic Premise:

Melody  comes to Inferia, Reid/Farah/Keele's planet, to warn them that the two worlds are about to crash into each other, a catastrophe that Keele has been predicting for years. Even with their combined warnings, nobody believes them. This is bad.

So they decide to save the world themselves. Enlisting the help of a group of powerful Greater Craymels, the group embarks on an epic journey across two tidally-locked planets to save life as they know it from certain flaming death. The show takes place at a time when only three Greater Craymels have joined them - Undine, Water Craymel; Sylph, Air Craymel; and Efreet, Fire Craymel.

        The gang has to pull together despite the fact that Reid wants to go back to sleep, Farah wants to go back to work, Keele wants to go back to school, and Melody doesn't speak Inferian, so nobody except Keele can understand her for an appreciable chunk of the game. This makes for interesting group dynamics, which is good because basically the entire show takes place on one island, so the scenery doesn't change a whole I said, it's just a little side-adventure, or side-quest, as the game officially calls them. Pearl Island is just one stop on their long and arduous journey - but, as the anime shows, an awful lot can happen on one island in a short span of time. |^_^|
If your unbearable thirst for all things ToE has not been assuaged, you could try this site:
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Page copyright 2002 Rice Rurouni |^_^| All rights reserved. So be nice. Tales of Eternia copyright Namco and whoever else worked on it. So don't sue me. This is free advertising!
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