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Critters in the Garden
Along with summer comes the many and varied critters that make the garden come alive. The horned toad is on the endangered species list, but here in my garden, I sometimes catch a glimps of her and sometimes her babies. I found this one among the purple foilage of the Ajuga.
The Pesky squirrel! I have a love/hate relationship with this fellow. Several years ago I had to quit filling my bird feeders because one ornery squirrel destroyed more feeders than I could hang. But who can resist the playful antics and cheerful chattering of Mr. Squirrel.
This little fellow is quite a "ham" and seems to like having his picture taken. He is beginning to be a nuisance. Last week he tore a hole in one of my favorite bird feeders and this week he has wasted a heap of seed under this feeder. I just keep telling myself, he's feeding the dove.J
Butterflies bring color and movement to the garden. I'm no expert on butterflies, but I am learning much just by observing them in my garden. Last year I discovered the Black Swallowtail was a connoisseur of parsley. This is a picture of his caterpillar comsuming most of my parsley. But that's ok with me, I only grow it for the beautiful texture anyway and I'm glad to share it with him. This year I finally found his crysalis. Actually, my husband found it. We watched the caterpillar hanging on the limb last night and this morning discovered the crysalis in the same spot. Wow! wouldn't that have been wonderful to see him actually spin his cocoon! I hope to see the crysalis hatch, but I know that probably won't happen. I don't know how long it takes and tomorrow is a work day.
I've often heard butterflies called "flying flowers". Besides being beautiful, they play an important part in our gardens. They are one of the pollinators that help the flowers grow their seeds. I don't know the names of many, but here are a few of the ones I've found in my garden.
The two little ones on the bottom seemed to enjoy this pretty weed/wildflower. They weren't as camera shy as most butterflies are.
Isn't this guy a beauty? Look how he blends into the tree trunk. I know even less about moths then butterflies, but occasionally I will find one in my garden.
Besides the flying flowers, many birds add beauty to my garden. The cardinals seem to enjoy my flowers. They feel right at home and have made their nest in my Rio Samba Rose bush (see flowers) as well as in my Asparagus Fern. These were so much fun taking their picture. Everytime I thumped the bottom of the hanging basket, their little mouths flew open. Mamma wasn't real pleased with me and kept dive-bombing me. I'm so glad I found them when I did, for they were ready to fly the next week.
And , of course, we all love those wonderful little hummingbirds. What would a garden be without them flitting here and there, bathing in my pond, and visiting each new flower as it opens. They are another of our pollinators and very welcome guests in the garden.
We live on a lake so waterfowl are quite common. Although one of these is a domestic duck, they never seemed to belong to anyone. My kids named the white one Dorito because he would eat from their hands. The little brown one was never that tame, but always hung out with Dorito.
My pond attracts a few critters of it's own. Someone ask me once "How do you get the wildlife to come to your pond?" Just build it. I guarantee they will come.
There are always a few critters we'd rather didn't visit our gardens. Most of the time if they are left alone, they won't bother us and sometimes they actually help. This little bee is another pollinator. And Mr. Snake is just here to catch the field mice. The fall of 2002 brought a visitor that I did not want no matter how helpful he might be...a six foot rattlesnake! I didn't get a picture of him. As a matter of fact, it was several hours before I could coaxe myself back outside and I'm much more careful in the graden now.
Come back to see me often and find out what new critter might have been to visit.
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