Viva Les Francais!
David Morris
Recently, America has unleashed a wave of anger and ridicule against the French people because of France's opposition to war in Iraq. This anger is extremely misguided. We should applaud the French for trying to stop an immoral war that will endanger U.S. servicemen. Furthermore, many stereotypes directed against the French are quite false.  Many Americans have portrayed the French as cowardly and ungrateful for their liberation in World War II. Let us remember, France was invaded by the whole feudal world after the French Revolution. They single-handedly routed all the foreigners. We had to beg France to save us in our revolution. Afterwards, we stabbed them in the back and became allies with England. Is that gratitude?  Ignorant prejudice is always wrong, and it should be particularly disturbing when directed against a nation that gave us Voltaire and Debussy. I won't feel a tinge of guilt as I sip on champagne tonight. But I will thank the French for standing up to bellicose imperialists like George W. Bush.
Louis Pasteur founder of Germ Theory,and a cool Frenchman.