McCaskey Register and Forms page 2 |
On the previous page I discussed the Daily Record Sheet. The above sheets are from the McCaskey Business Recorder. The pages from the McCaskey Business Recorder would have been divided into two sections- Sales Distribution and Control Section. The Sales Distribution section would have had sheets for Sales Distribution By Clerks and Sales Distribution By Department. Both of these totals should equal each other. The Control Section would have had sheets with columns for Cash Account- 2 columns, Bank Account-2 columns, Accounts Receivable-2 columns, Merchandise Account-1 column, Accounts Payable-2 columns, Net Worth Account-1 column, Sales Account-1 column and any interest or discounts earned if offered. The Control Section would also have had sheets with columns for expenses, such as, Utilities, Wages, Supplies, General Expenses etc. A merchant could as well set up sheets for Statement of earnings with places for Sales and Income to Expenses from Rents to Utilities to show profit or loss for the business by the month, Another sheet to be set up could be a Total Record showing amounts for Land, Buildings, Fixtures, Cash in Bank, Merchandise on Hand etc. by the month to show Net Worth. It may seem by reading this to be a little confusing, but if you look at the diagrams along with this info, you'll see that for us this accounting system is very similar to the systems a lot of restaurants and businesses still use today. |
Pictured to the right are the covers of the McCaskey Daily Record Book and The McCaskey Total Record Book. The Daily Record Book contained the sheets mentioned on the previous page. You will remember that I stated that these sheets were not for the permanent records of the company. The Total Record Book was for the purpose of these permanent records. The pupose of this book was to furnish a condensed record of the business done from day to day. It was ruled in columns with headings at the top so that each line showed a complete record in totals of each days business. |
From the Daily Record Sheet you would post the receipts on account, cash sales, total cash, credit sales and total sales in the proper columns. Also to be posted from the Daily Record Sheet the total amounts paid by cash for merchandise, for freight and express, for miscellaneous etc. You would post from the Check Record the total amounts paid by check for merchandise, freight and express, miscellaneous etc. All of these items were posted on the left side of the book. On the right side of the book were places for cash on hand and in bank and receipts for the day. There were also places for weekly totals and monthly totals. Credit totals could be found in various ways one of which was using the Famous Multiplex Triplicate Pad, which made each charge in triplicate- the original slip was placed in the register, the duplicate to go to the customer and the triplicate to be placed on a file near the register. At the end of the day these would be added together and the amount would be the credit sales for the day. |
Pictured at the left are close ups of The McCaskey Credit Register Receipts and the McCaskey Transient Account Folder. Both of these are mentioned on the previous page. Naturally the one on the left would be a receipt from the Famous Multiplex Triplicate Pad. The date would be written in at the top, as well as the customers' name. In addition there is a line for reg. number and clerk. The reg. number would be the number assigned to the cutomer in the credit register. There is also a place to fill in any amount unpaid from previous purchases. The new total would be added on to the amount carried forward from the previous purchases to create a new total. The new original slip woud be placed in the customers compartment and the duplicate given to the customer. If you look closely at the Transient Account Folder you will be able to see the numbered tabs at the top that I described earlier. |
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