"Killer Kane"
"Jesus Christ man, why don't you love somebody a little?  Why don't you help somebody?  Help them!  Help, for the love of Christ!  You green-stained caterpillar-torturing bastard!  You're gonna wear that uniform?!?  Sleep in it!  Bathe in it!  Try to take it off and you'll die in it!  Is that clear?!?!" (seems obvious now, but this is from The Ninth Configuration) (thanks M.)
"Black Waters"
(that whole "Death be not proud" thing, again)
"Human Form"
"Hey, piggy piggy!  Hey pig!"
(source unknown)

"There is no life for you, (?)" (source unknown)

"Plexiglass Gate"
(gate crashing down, evil laughter) (source unknown)

"Suicide Commando"
"The execution is (?) when he first (?) Kennedy's body, he stiffened and I heard a pop.  He is still at this time sitting there with clenched fists, with no other movement.  The first phase of execution is completed, we are now entering the second phase.  The second phase is completed at this time, we are now into the third and final stage.  The (?) that is (?) and (?) the inmate's head (?) but there's no movement from the condemned." (source unknown)
"Towards The Oblivion Of Dreams"
"Whatever you do, don't fall asleep." (Heather Langenkamp in A Nightmare On Elm Street...slowed down to 33 RPM though)
"I've seen a thousand of 'em.  He's gonna die."
"There came voices in the night, leading you to places you don't want to be.  Make you see things you don't want to see." (laughter)

"3...2...1..." (source unknown)

"Chamber Of Bones"
"Legend has it that it was written by the Dark Ones; Necronomicon Ex Mortis.  Roughly translated, Book of the Dead.  The book served as a passageway to the evil worlds beyond.  It was written long ago, when the seas ran red with blood.  It was this blood that was used to ink the book.  In the year 1380, the book disappeared."
(the intro to either Evil Dead II, or Army Of Darkness) (thanks Manuel)
"Fetal Scabs"
"A census taker once tried to test me.  I ate his liver, with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." (gee, take a guess)
(thanks Manuel)

"Cult Of Personality"
"And during the few moments that we have left, I wanna talk right down to earth in a language that everybody here can easily understand." (Malcolm X) (thanks Chris)
"Ask not what your country can do for you..." (John F. Kennedy)
(unidentifiable at 3:00; sounds Russian) (Josef Stalin) (Thanks Chris)
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!" (Franklin D. Roosevelt, natch)
"Which Way To America?"

"Call for catalogue and gift certificate by return mail right away!" (source unknown)
"Sam Donaldson, (?) News." (that would be whatever news show, I guess)
(unidentifiable; sounds Japanese) (source unknown)
"Well, if you've looked at oil prices lately, the answer isn't right now (?)." (source unknown)
"...and one of the most prominent members of the community." (source unknown)
"History Lesson"
"In Africa, music is not an art form, so much as it is a means of communication."
"A Negro has got no name."
"Quite often, the words of a song are meaningless."
"We are wearing the name of our master."
"The slave had no identity."
"Civilization started way before Europe."
"He was never asked who he was."
"They taught us to be against one another."
"Another instrument used to control the minds of the slaves was religion."
"Is us slaves gonna be free and (happy?)?"
(all above are source unknown)
"New Jack Theme"
"And when they work too good, evil is present!" (source unknown)
"Under Cover Of Darkness"
"You know you can't help yourself!" "You know what I'm talkin' about!" "You know you in a mess!" (source unknown, but probably identical for all three)
"Leave It Alone"
"We must never take these words too seriously.  Words are very important but if we take them too seriously, we destroy everything." (source unknown)
(unidentifiable at 1:35) (source unknown)
"This Little Pig"
"56 times in 81 seconds.  Something like this." (US Senator Bill Bradley) (thanks Evan)
"Think of them as rock n' roll." (source unknown)
"(plain truth?), they know they are!" (source unknown)
"Space, time, mass and energy." (source unknown)
"But I do believe in this, in the profound, unfathomable mystery of life which I think has a divine quality about it.  The attempt to clean away the mystery is ridiculous.  The fundamental everyday mystery of our existence, in spite of pain, in spite of death, in spite of horror, the universe is in some mysterious sense All Right, capital A capital R." (source unknown)
"A ? Of When"
"The mind of man rests on a delicate balance between reality, the world of light, and the other, darker world below the threshold of consciousness."
"(?) destructive forces of man's nature."
"Have we seen the actual reality of a monstrous crime, or merely an illusion?"
(source unknown)

"Portrait: Ei Tulle med Oyne Bla"
"His world suddenly filled with action and simplicity.  There is no light, there is sound.  It fills him with great sluggish waves, not heard, but felt, (?)." (sounds like Rutger Hauer trying a Scottish accent!) (source unknown)
"The sounds cause sympathy, contract, (?).  This is not the basis of (?) blood." (source unknown)

"Flesh Parade"
"It's my turn!" (source unknown)

"He is powerful." "Yes." "Dangerous.  But he can also lead us to what we seek, the soul.  It is time for our experiment to move into the final phase.  We no longer need the other subjects.  The time for study is over; it is time to be one.  The first subject should be imrinted here." "How will his imprint allow us to find him?" "Everywhere he goes, everyone he seeks out will be known to us." "And as he follows the clues, so shall we follow the memories.  Imprint..."
"They want to imprint you with their own collective memories.  They want to make you one of them (?).  But I've got other plans.I know you can beat them, but you must concentrate.  There is no time for romance.  The world can be what you m ake it.  You have the power to make anything happen, but you must act now!"
"The Apostate"
"What is to be done?  This man is dangerous!" "It is said he is able to cue!" "Impossible." "We have seen it with out own eyes." "On occasion, imprinting does not take.  They behave eratically when they awaken.  We find them wandering like lost children." "But this one was different, yes?  Does he know?"
"Become Or Be Gone"
"You'll rise to greater heights than that my boy, one day when you're older you'll understand."
"Start talking." "There's no need for this, there's no escape.  The city's ours, we made it." "We fashioned this city on stolen memories.  Different eras, different pasts, all rolled into one." "Each night we revise it, refine it, in order to learn about you and your fellow inhabitants, what makes you human.  We need to be like you." "What are you?" "You've seen what we are, we use your dead as vessels."
"Destroying By Will"
"And now you know the truth." "Where do I fit in?" "Youw ere different.  You resisted the attempt to imprint you.  Somehow you have their ability to focus their telepathic energies.  They control everything here, even the sun.  That's why it's always dark.  They can't stand the light." "Who are they?  What do they want from me?" "Well fo rnow, let's just say that you are the subject of their experiment.  We all are.  Your entire history is an illusion, a fabrication, as it is with all of us.  They mix and match our memories as they see fit, trying to define what makes us unique." "Why are they doing this?" "It's our capacity for individuality, our souls, that makes us different from them.  They think they can find the human soul if they understand how our memories work.  All they have are collective memories, they share one group mind.They are dying you see, they're entire race is on the brink of extiction."
"New World To See"
"I wanted to know what it was like, how you feel." "You know how I was supposed to feel.  That person isn't me.  Never was.  You wanted to know what it was about us that made us human?  Well you're not going to find it in here.  You're looking in the wrong place."
(all from Dark City, except maybe that "greater heights" quote)


"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"
"It is becoming increasingly clear that peace by fear has no higher or more enduring quality than peace by the sword.  There can be no peace if the reign of law is to be replaced by the recurrent sanctification of sheer force.  There can be no peace..." (US President Roosevelt) (thanks amorpheus)
MAIL ME if you can help me out on these!!!