The Actual Great Rite has been called many things when in fact it is a Sexual Rite done between a male and female while in a Cast circle . For some it is a polarity aligning with their mate Others just say its sex . But for one who has done the Great Rite it is a aligning of one with another in the truest of forms, skyclad and the act of making love. Yes it’s a Magickal thing that 2 people share. Assist me to erect the Altar of olden,
The great altar of all things,
For in olden time Woman was the altar,
And the sacred place was the point within the
center of thy circle,
We have been taught I the olden days that the
center is the origin of all things,
Therefore we should adore it,
Therefore whom we adore we also choose to be at
one with ,
Her Altar of mysteries manifold
The Sacred circles secret points
Thus I do sign thee as of old,
Open for me the secret way,
Beyond the gates of night and day,
Let us both enjoy the mysteries of this day,
Beyond the bounds of time and sense
The Five true points of this fellowship.
They are as we would see, the love
the honor , the trust, the companionship and
the best friend I have in thee.
As we share this drink ,
And the thoughts of love we share,
Lets us rejoice in ourselves ,
And forever more continue to show all,
Our hopes and care,
For as we shall be as one .
Let no one part that of which we have begun.
Welcome to
"The Actual Great Rite
Written for My Lady Oz
The Actual Great Rite:
The Great Doreen Valiente once said “ Ritual intercourse is a very old idea indeed –probably as old as humanity itself. Intercourse for Ritual purposes should be with a carefully selected partner, at the right time , at the right place. It is LOVE and only LOVE that can create the feelings and pleasures of one another and create the Magick”
After you have cast you circle and called upon the Goddess and Gods to grace your circle with their presence and the Four watchtowers the Lady or female lays down before the altar in the sign of a Pentagram.
The man or male then kneels before the lady and gives her a Five Fold Kiss and covers her breasts to knees with a cloth of the color of the Goddess.
The man kneels between the lady’s knees and delivers a invocation to suit that of which his lady is worthy.
Invocation I would use :
The man then removes the veil and proceeds to give the lady a Blessing like that used for Self Blessing and instead of a oil ,kissing the parts of the body that would be touched by hand.
The Man would precede with a Invocation:
At this point the Lady would sit up and share a drink from the chalice and say to each other:
The Chalice is replaced to the altar and the man and woman proceed to do what ever they feel is right for them . This is their time and none shall ask what has happened while this private time has been done.( It is not against any rules to have a small basin of water and a cloth in the circle for whatever use it is needed for.)
After the couple have enjoyed their pleasures they both stand before the altar and proclaim their feelings for one another to each other. At this point the male turn to the female and agin applies a Five Fold Kiss and the woman returns the Five Fold Kiss.
At this point the Cakes and Ale ritual takes place and when done remember to thank the Goddess and gods for blessing you and the quarters for attending.
Please note this Ritual is done between married or common-law couples we do not endorse this rite for people just because they want to do it This is a ritual of “ In perfect Love and Trust”
Also a very important ritual the night of a "Hand Fastening "
Thank You