Would you like to contact the owner and moderator of these groups for assistance or information?
Just write to
Be sure to specify the following information:
Don't just click Reply to a message from a forum.
If the Title line of your message looks as if it was sent from a group, or as if it is a reply to a message on a group, then I'm likely to cheerfully ignore it when I go through my hundreds of new emails every day. I won't realize that it's a message from you.
So, make sure the Subject: line is clearly addressed to me, so that I'll know that I have to open it!
I love to receive feedback from subscribers. Would you like to comment to me about any group? Go right ahead.
How to send the moderator a personal message
Subscribe to Jewish and Hebrew Groups
Descriptions of Jewish and Hebrew groups
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Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.
Keywords: Grossman, Moderation
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