This is where I grew up in Taxachusetts. A nice little suburb about 25 miles northwest of Boston that was and still is perfect for any pakistani boy to grow up in. Not many pakistanis get to grow up among hardcore irish redsox fans and that is a shame.
With my luck, once I left for college, the town improved. Since I flew from Chelmsford, you can never really leave, new hockey and baseball teams have moved in. The Lockmonsters and Spinners are in Lowell but people from Chelmsford still cross the border.
Chelmsford High is a staple of the town. Friday night football brings out many locals. My favorite teachers at CHS were Mr. Battle, Mr. Turner, and Mr. Tate.
One of the highlights of the town is the diagonal four way intersection known as Chelmsford Center. This intersection prepared me for New York City driving. If you can survive this you can get through anything.
What else makes Chelmsford famous are the two Dunkin Donuts. These are the classic high school hangouts. Especially when one sneaks out after fourth period to get a Coolata.
One Chelmsford mystery that I cannot figure out is why Steadman becomes Golden Cove.
The town of Chelmsford was incorporated in 1655 and encompasses an area of about 22sq miles. It's current population is about 35,000. But remember its not the area but the people that make Chelmsford special.
The town motto of  Chelmsford is "Let the children guard what the sires have won." But I bet things will get much better when either the Red Sox, or the Patriots or the Bruins or the Celtics decide to win something.
Don't forget to visit both Shell Gas stations in Chelmsford.