Uber Gaming World
Back again. Updated the Work in Progress section.

I'm going to start working on a rm2k3 section soon, anyways, it's up for download on my site now. Go to the RM2K section to get it, or click

Sorry for not updating last week. The quote of the week, classic game of the week, etc. are changing to month. An RM2K3 section is being made and so is a tutorial section!

The new Half-Life has surfaced. Yay!

Added work in progress section.

Sorry I haven't updated lately!
Updates will start normally again next week. Added 20 MUGEN characters!

Changed the layout a bit. Expect many MUGEN and maybe even some RM2K updates this weekend. The Doom game got axed too, sorry.

My computer is finally fixed! Ok if you've been paying attention the last couple of months, you would notice there were all kinds of updates that I didn't bother saying anything about, so here goes it: the RM2K, MUGEN, Arcade, Links, and Chat section have all been updated. Sorry I haven't updated CGOTW are any of the other weekly features lately, they will now be updated as usual.

Sorry about not updating lately! It's a long story so I will not get into now... Anyways, I added the shareware version of Doom to the arcade! There probably won't be many more updates until I get my computer fixed so hang tight...

It's Spring Break. That could mean updates... or it might not if I'm too lazy. It will unfotunately probably be the latter but I'll make an effort to try and get off my lazy ass at least once.

The Rom\Emulator thing for the GOTW I announced a few days ago is not gonna happen I've decided. It was to hard to get a place I could link to too download the ROM so it got axed... sorry.

The layout is still whack.

I was just grounded for skipping a half of a day of school. Can you believe that crap!? That means no major updates are going to occur anytime soon (limited internet time), but one feature has been added: You can now download the Classic Game of the Week, along with any emulator needed to run it.

There will be two new sections  in the coming weeks, one of them will be a Zelda Classic section (quests, tutorials, etc.), the other will be a Wolfenstein 3d section (maps, editors, etc.). The MUGEN section is still not finished(sorry). There might be some other minor updates around the site.

Sorry, I have been slacking lately and I don't know when I'll finish the MUGEN section. But anyways, oh crap, nothing else has been happening really.

Hello not much will be going on this weekend. Metal Gear Month will be coming to an end after this week...

Added a message board (sorry I'll try to get a better one). Added some character sets for RM2K and fixed a link or two. Still working on the MUGEN section, you can check out the Goku from DBZ character set
here. (Thanks Maximum MUGEN). BTW: For some reason the layout has been all screwy, I don't know when I'll fix this. Sorry.

Not much going on right now. I'll be back on the weekend.

The most the MUGEN stuff is still not up and is not going to be up anytime soon so at the I will soon be redoing the MUGEN section, expect more characters.
One more thing, there is now a boss of the week!

Added links page.

Got some sweet java games. (Thanks ArcadePod.com and Bonus.com)

A members only section will be coming soon and Luke's Stupid Shit Dept. is now Makist World. A chatroom is also now up. Added some more games.

I've been adding RM2K stuff over the pas couple of weeks, but more importantly we got a new site again! Now it is
www.ubergamingworld.tk I have also added some Java games. More coming soon.

We have a ton of RM2K crap up now just be sure to click on the link when the error page is brought up. Kudos to all the sites I have taken the stuff from.

Sorry we haven't updated lately, we've been uber busy. RM2K stuff is finally added and a new feature might come up in about a week: Luke's Stupid Shit Corner! No guarntees though.

Some of the MUGEN characters are down. I'm not sure when they'll be back up. Sorry.

Added some Marvel MUGEN characters.

The new site is up!!! Go to www.oocities.org/ubergamingworld for all your game and game making goodness. We're now at the 50 hit mark which is really bad especially since probably about 70% of them were by me. I have finished the D&D section. And the new LOTR comes out today **** yeah!!!

Sorry about not getting the new stuff up yet. I'm getting help though and the MUGEN and RM2K stuff should be up in about 2 weeks. BTW: I am adding a D&D page to my site where you can actually play D&D it's not done yet, but you can go in there and chat.

Sorry about not updating for the couple of weeks, I was on vacation : ) ,but now that I'm back I'm finishing my MUGEN section for a while (Tons of new stages, screenpacks, and characters!) Then I'll put up some more RM2K stuff. By the way the Starcraft, Diablo 1 & 2, ROMS, and Emulators should be up in about 2 months. Also: Links section is in the works.

Big changes on the site today. There is a new main page: www.oocities.org/gamer_gonzaga
a lot better fitting name then the old one eh? There are some new features that will be updated weekly. Not that it matters because no people ever come to this site.
Old M.U.G.E.N
Roms & Emulators
Classic Game of the Month:
(Drum roll)
Gunstar Heroes
  Yes, I know I've done this game for CGOTW before, but it didn't do it justice, so here it goes again: This game was awesome. It had loads of kick ass action, intuitive bosses and levels, and the classic two player co-op mode found in most old sidescrolling shooters and beat em' ups. The levels were insane, on one level you rolled a die to see if you fought a boss or got an extra life. And the powerups were an important part, you got to choose from rapid fire, 8-way attacking, etc., at the beggining of each level but could get diffrent ones during the level. You got to choose the level you picked instead of going in a set order, a la Megaman. Gunstar Heroes is a good refreshment to all the new mindless shooting games that are out there today.  
Quote of the Month:
"Don't you know what time it is!? Get your butt home, pronto!"
-Police Officer

Earth Bound (SNES)
Could You Imagine???
An easy Contra game!?
Level of the Week:
The Warehouse

-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Old Main Page
Got questions? Got comments?
Just want to send hate mail? Email us at:
Play D&D
Picture of the Month
Play Games
Note: Might not be exact.
Members Area
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Enemy of the Month:
Making UGW Better.
What would make UGW better?
More content.
Better layout.
More pictures.
More covered subjects.
More interactive features.

(One Vote per Day)
Message Boards
The coconuts surrounded the agent, their razor sharp forks ready to kill. But suddenly the coconuts dissapeared, the illusion was over. He had passed the test.
New M.U.G.E.N
Link UGW!
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Penny-Arcade Comic Of The Month
Happy Easter! No updates lately! Sorry! I will begin updating again next week! I will add a WIP section to my site for all projects (RM2K, MUGEN, Etc.) A rom section might appear also, but don't hold your breath. I have been working on a PSO clan site for a friend, check it out at: www.hmpso.tk . MIDI section is still in the works... A few Megaman MUGEN characters and probably more are down. A console section was in the works, but I need help! If you want to become part of the staff and help make UGW e-mail me at: vulcan_falqor @yahoo.com. Anyone got something to say? Send it in to: letters@uber gamingworld.tk UGW's web URL has been changed from: www.ubergam ingworld.tk to: http://uberga mingworld.tk yeah, it blows. More RM2K game updates coming soon, including a game made by yours truly! A UGW exclusive DBZ themed Screenpack for MUGEN will be coming soon! More MUGEN updates coming soon!
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