RM2K3 Review
RM2K3 Review:

Many people have called RM2K3 "RM2K with a new coat of paint.", well that may be true, but damn that's a mighty fine coat of paint. For starters there is a new battle system. It's a sideways one(like FF6 and whatnot) and has the active time bar(again like many RPGs) so what? You can make these things in RM2K! Yes well, but this is just one more thorn out of our asses in my opinion(Well for those of us who want to make a sideways battle system anyways.). And besides that, with the new battle system, there are new sets of animations to be edited, made, and used. The great thing is: If you just want to make a new weapon animation, there is a set of battle animations just for the swinging/shooting/whatever of weapons. So if you want to make sword, all you have to do is draw the swinging of the sword and, viola! Your character will be swinging that sword you just drew(Of course you have to put it in the proper position, just like in RM2Ks battle animations, and almost everything else.) And this works visa versa for the characters. How about the RTP set? Well the charactersets aren't changed, which is a bit of a bummer. But the facesets are redone, and they look much better, and the chipsets are also just redone, but they also look much better. As for the regular battleanimations, they look, for the most part, much better. And the new ones for the new battle system all look splendid. To tell you the truth, so far I've only had about one hour of playing time on RM2K3 as I type this, so there are still things I'm still discovering. But for the things I did discover... I always wanted to make a game where, instead of the characters magically dissapearing while you're moving, and then magically reappearing during cutscenes, like Final Fantasy 7, I wanted to make one where you can see them during cutscenes AND while you're moving on the field, like Final Fantasy 8. In RM2K, with the follow hero movement, this was not possible because of some wierd bug and it was way too easy to lose them. In RM2K3, you can make them following you possible. At least for one character, but for more then one, it seems to screw up, but like I said, I've had about one hour playing time so there may be a way to fix this. Another cool thing I just discovered, but again I haven't perfected, is multi-player modes! Yes that's right there's a way to make a simataneous multi-player mode. It's fairly easy to figure out how(look at the enter pass-word event), but if you can't, I'm writing a tutorial on it soon(hopefully I will perfect it by then), so hang on. They added barely any events(two), but they improved many of them. A couple more complaints, if you're running it on a POS computer, like me(300mhz lol), then it takes, a while longer to load, but it's nothing drastic. And at least on mine, the enter-hero name thing still doesn't work, and I haven't tried downloading the thing to fix it so I can't tell you if that would work or not. But overall, I think RM2K3 is worth the 22mb(with RTP included) or so download, even for the 56k users.

-After further searching the net for good stuff on rm2k3 I came across an entire list of what's new in rm2k3, I can't remember who mad this list, but it wasn't me, so anyways here it is:

* Maximum level for heros is 99. Maximum HP is 9999. Maximum experience is 9999999.

* Variables can now be up to seven digits, making the range -9999999 to 9999999.

* You can define classes.

* Classes are defined the same way as heros, except that you can set a class's default battle commands (explained next). If a hero has a class, it supercedes his natural stats and skill progression.

* You can edit a class's default battle commands. When you open the battle command editor, you give your battle command a name and a characteristic. The characteristics are as follows:

- Attack = Attack command
- Skill = Accesses the character's full skill list
- Skill Subset = Accesses only the skills in this subset.
- Defend = Defend
- Item = Use an Item
- Escape = Run Away
- Link to Event = Does nothing by itself. This allows you to link the command to a battle event.

* You can assign skills to subsets. To set up a subset, first make a battle command with the same name as the subset you want and select the "Skill Subset" characteristic. So, you could set up a subset called "Summon" and make summon spells that show up when you choose the summon command.

* You can now make spells that take a percentage of the character's max MP.

* You can decide who can use equipment by hero or by class.

* You can make equipment that inflicts bad (or good) status when it's equipped.

* You can make equipment that is usable as an item. For example, you could make a sword, that when used as an item, heals the character.

* You can make cursed items that can't be unequipped by normal means.

* Monster max HP is 99999.

* You can set attributes that have a negative damage percentage (absorption). You could make a monster that heals when attacked with fire.

* You can make positive status, such as doubling a stat, regenerating HP or MP each turn or step on the map, making all physical attacks miss, or reflecting skill attacks.

* There are three battle types. They are:

- Traditional ATB : You must act in the order that characters' ATB bars become full.
- Character-Choice ATB : Your characters can act in any order, so long as their ATB bars are full.
- Gauge-type ATB : Same as Character-Choice ATB, except that instead of a window with hero status at the bottom of the screen, the hero facesets are shown with gauges representing their HP, MP, and ATB guages.

* You can now choose which sound effect plays when you walk over damaging terrain.

* You can now choose the frequency of Initiative, Back Attack, Surround Attack, and Pincers Attack.

* You can now choose which items are displayed on the main menu and in what order.

* You can now choose a frame, which is an image that is always displayed on the game screen. Good for action/RPGs.

* You can choose the way the numbers and gauges look in battle

* Battle backgrounds can now have two layers. Each layer can be set to scroll horizontally or vertically independent of the other, so you could have non-scrolling grass with slowly scrolling clouds in the background.

* You can now set a death handler for random encounters. For instance, you could make it so that if the party is defeated, they are returned to the last town and lose half their gold.

* You can now display 40 pictures at once.

* Better key processing (Up, down, left, right, enter, esc, 0-9, +, -, *, /, .)

* When using key input processing and "wait until key pressed", you can now save to a variable the amount of time it took the user to press a key.

* A couple of new weather effects, fog and heatwave.

* New screen shake effects

* Two timers can be running at once

* Battle animations can now have 500 frames.

* Additional Conditional Braching functions

* New battle event commands "100% Flee" and "Enable Combo":

- 100% Flee allows you to make it certain that the party will flee if they choose to do so. You can also force a monster to flee using this command, regardless of its priority in its action profile.
- Enable Combo allows you to set the number of attacks that an "attack" type battle command will perform, from 1 to 8. Think "offering" from FF6. The manual says that it's supposed to work for skills also, but it currently doesn't.

* Some commands that were only available out of battle in RM2K can now be called in-battle, include Show Choice and Change Money.

* You can call common events in battle
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