Yes, I'm still here. A year and a half gone, a year and a half left. So close... so very close... yet so freakin' far away. And this semester isn't helping the torture, either. In fact, it's why I'm in such a moot mood. Yes, that's right....MOOT!

So, the classes... riiight... if you dare...

Honors History & Fiction

The Good: I doodle. Okay, even the trees are mad at me for that.

The Bad: A History teacher requiring a PRECIS for a story idea. Hours of discussion surrounding the various literary movements of the 17th and 18th centuries, complete with falooting commentary by people you're glad you never had to know. Don't forget required reading such as The Scarlett Letter, which I didn't read in high school so, GUESS WHO'S NOT READIN' IT NOW!

The Ugly: "What's a foley artist?" followed by, "I know you're working off of stereotypes here," as professor comments concerning the infamous precis mentioned earlier. Indeed. And for the scholarly question of the day: How can you tell me I'm using stereotypes, WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M WRITING ABOUT?!

Quote for the class: "We'd rather stand in a FIELD than go to class!"

Film History I

The Good: My professor is counting my response paper as a midterm as well. Less the work for all.

The Bad: Silent films, while historically valuable, are God-awful entertainment.

The Ugly: The kid sitting next to me insists on nudging me EVERY FIVE MINUTES so I can fill him in on the plot. When showing me a script he wrote for another class (which was the saddest piece of fiction I've ever been exposed to by another student) I suggested he base his plot(a war story)around a time when we were actually ATTACKED, so it might appear a little more feasable. I suggested Pearl Harbor. The conversation proceeded as follows:

"Yeah, yeah, that'd be good.  Pearl Harbor.  And it'd be really cool
because that movie's coming out later this year. Yeah." "Mmhmm." "So, when was Pearl Harbor again?" Silence for about five minutes, followed by, "December 7, 1941." "When?" "December 7th 1941." "Hmm. Well, I dunno, maybe it'd work sometime during Vietnam." "But we weren't attacked, unless you count the whole Gulf of Tonkin
thing, which, really..." "When was Vietnam?" Silence for another five minutes. "Our involvment was from 1966 to
1974, officially." "Hmm. And when was Pearl Harbor?" Deep sigh. "December. Seventh. Nineteen-forty-one." "And when was Vietnam?" "NINETEEN-SIXTY-SIX." "So, really... when was Pearl Harbor?" "DECEMBER SEVENTH NINETEEN-FORTY-ONE. The day that will live in
Needless to say, grrreat class.

Communication Theory

The Good: Rob and Casey are there, so we go through...hell...together?

The Bad: "We use an uhm, seventh grade text, uhm, so why don't any of you read, uhm, it?" "Well, I have my nose pierced, so, like, when I go for job interviews, I'll take out the hoop and put in the more conservative stud." "Now, for the quiz, uhm, don't study anything I say, uhm, because I'm an old man! I don't even know what I'm saying!"

The Ugly: This takes place for TWO AND A HALF HOURS STRAIGHT each week.

The Internship

The Good: It's all good. In fact, it's the only time I enjoy being in Bozorth. I get to hang out with cool film people who are insanely intelligent regarding the afformentioned subject, and respect my intelligence as well. Oh, and the job rocks. There's no bad, and there's no ugly. If you ever, EVER want an on-campus internship, apply at the film department.

The Independent Study

The Good: It's Judaism, and I get to go to Brooklyn for three days to present my research results. BROOKLYN.

The Bad: Eh, well, I'm not a fan of interviewing people, but it's not THAT bad. Actually, it'll probably prove interesting.

Television History and Appreciation

This class RULES. I watch television for two and a half hours and talk about it. Good TV. The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The Jack Benny Show, I Love Lucy, The Colgate Comedy Hour, Toast of the Town, and it's only just begun. Yes, this class RULES.

So, at least I'm going to school for the TV. Good, that's positive. Stay tuned for more as the semester continues....

Ah yes, it's August, I'm reestablishing my pages, and it's time to wrapup Spring 2001. All in all, a good semester where clubs and grades are concerned. Worthy, worthy. I also got inducted into the Golden Key International Honour Society, so hey, college is finally paying off.

The final summation of classes: Again, college isn't about class. If it was, the History and Fiction stories written by my peers wouldn't have spelling and grammerical errors (ahh, sarcasm). I also would've enjoyed spending as much time in Communication -uh-uh- Theory as I did in TV History and rockin' Appreciation. I'd say the most productive time I spent was in my Independent Study which got me to Brooklyn in a REALLY nice Marriott for three days in which I got to traverse the Brooklyn Bridge, lower Manhattan, and Brooklyn Heights, as well as catch a showing of my new favorite movie of the year, Bridget Jones's Diary and read a little at Barnes & Noble. Extremely rockin' trip. That, and now I intimidate even more people with my massive Jew knowledge. MWHAHAHAHAHAHA.

My internship in the film lab paid off in so many ways. I got exposed to massive technology, and the ever looming sarcasm of working in a college office. I also scored in networking with the department, and I am now the President of Cinema Workshop ("So, what films have you made with the club?" "Uh, look, pretty cables I can wrap up neatly!") Yes, many waking hours next semester will be spent in the Film Lab and adjacent Black Market Baby Room.

The final summation of clubs: Wow, I actually joined some. Thank you, K-Dag. Having been Vice President of Women in Communications this year, I am now the newly elected Madame President of the upcoming year for WiC as well. We've already got our website up! Yes, we're small, but we're proud, and we're growing because we're finally CHARTERED!

Cinema Workshop elections were hilarious- you never know how many friends you have until you run against someone no one wants to vote for. I'll miss all my friends who graduated- thanks to them, I'm the new President. But I think I'll take the first month off to talk with the Bolexes....

Venue, well, let's just say I'll be writing a lot for the WiC newsletter this year. Ahh, yes, the Green Party has taken over, and since I'm not a member, and I don't chain smoke or curse avidly in order to appear "controversial" I think I'll start independent publishing.

Final summation of dorm life: Other than the suitemate's doofy boyfriend, the private room situation ROCKED. All the butch freshmen in my hall hated me for it- mwhahahahaha. My suitemate even moved out five weeks early. Being alone is so sweet. I need to go stock up on my wall putty though- I have even more pilfered posters this year! Ahh, AMC...

My friend had a whopper of a roommate, though. The real hoot is my friend's roomate, who shall be called Minerva here for legal purposes. Let's just list this girl's nuttiness, so we can grasp the fullness that is her nothingness:

Yeah, fun girl.

That about covers that. Hopefully, now that my page is somewhat existent again, I'll be more timely in updating. Hahahahahahahahaha...... Return to the Main Page