February 2003 FEBRUARY 2003

Holy Evil: At the beginning of February Mags, Sitcom Man and Prachord said their goodbyes while Wingnut, Wrath, Haley, Cyberpunk, Switchback, How Sow, Chabbu, JX and Catherine arrived.

Nakedman: Yes, and this Catherine, who was continually called “Mysterious,” was clearly not the most obvious masked personality of all time. Considering that she was a bitchy lesbian hanging out with Ginger and had same name as Catherine Zeta Jones. Hrmm… *rubs chin* (naked skin… not gasmask)

Holy Evil: The month began with a notable drop for the AoD, who’s January stable stats had TOTALLY been all used up. Evil Baby dropped the titles to crappy Fedkillers (Gent and Emp)… and earlier Stormy had lost to Lynx in the USOB. But since Lynx later got stripped of the title, we here at the AoD have officially named Stormfire the champ. Another reason for a drop in the AoD was the fact that Wingy’s mother showed up. *shiver* That was creepy.

Nakedman: Also at the beginning of the month… there were 11 different tag teams saturating the division! The over-saturation was apparent when Austin and Chainsaw came out to complain of their lack of title shots in there 3 months in the fed. A score of other teams came out to demand shots as well, and the Head set up an elaborate system of rankings matches to figure out the mess.

Holy Evil: In February, Fed-Ex dropped the mailman shtick and became UC-Ex… or the Unreal Church of Ex. At times they proclaimed individuals such as Afro Jackson and Alex Asylum as their God. For this, I once again had to don the mask of “Tired of Sin” to end their blasphemy!

Nakedman: At midmonth, Battlestone, Highland Terror, Voices and Nemesis arrived in the fed. Also at midmonth, the Flood swept in like a raging river and grabbed practically all of the major UCE titles, sans Kristine Ripper’s Catfight gold. But girlie titles don’t really count, do they? The 3-day tag champs Gent and Emp had to hand off their titles to Flood members Afro Jackson and Switchback; Violent Jack grabbed Stormfire’s UC Title, and Vulgar was successful in a National Carnage bout versus Baby Bubba! Said occurrences actually led to a declaration of war between the AoD and Flood!

Holy Evil: Meanwhile, the Fed Killers - who had expanded by adding Ginger and Vice - were declaring war on Wrassle as a whole. Let’s take a look at a February 15 Atlantis Interview with Gent and Emp…

Atlantis: Hi guys. It's great to finally meet two true stars. Last week I was stuck in here with Holy Evil and Baby Bubba!

Empozible: Those AoD commie bitches!

Gentleman: Yeah. And stuff.

Atlantis: I'm gonna start off with recent history. You beat the aforementioned AODers last week at Carnage, but three days later at Mindwarp, you lost the belts. What happened, guys?

Gentleman: Well. I presume that Afro Jackson put one of his voodoo curses on us. And we lost. Because of that voodoo curse. He's a hardcore voodooist you know.

Empozible: Simply put. We beat the lesser team. And got beaten by the lesser team.

Gentleman: Exactly.

Atlantis: I'm not sure if the Flood would see that the same way.

Gentleman: Yeah. But The Flood sucks remember? I mean...Battlestone. 'Nuff said.

Empozible: You've got to admit he's got a point, Atlantis.

Atlantis: No comment, *laughs*.

Empozible: And if it wouldn’t have been for those damn timber wolves, we SO would have had that match won

Atlantis: Well, Gent, you beat your own stable members... any friction there at all?

Gentleman: Friction? The only friction I have is with Jailbait. Get it? Because we had sex?

Empozible: Gentleman likes to do this thing. Where...it appears to the normal person, that he's cool. And...has sex with underage women and stuff. But we all know, really, Atlantis, that that isn’t the case.

Atlantis: So, tell me about what's happening right now... the Fed Killers... the Flood... the rest of the AOD... You guys seem to be in limbo right now.

Empozible: I'll tell you what's going on with the Fed Killers, Atlantis. What's going on is that we came in to the UCE with one purpose, and one purpose only. To kill the damned fed. That's what we do best.

Gentleman: Because we're Fed Killers.

Empozible: As of this day forward Gentleman and Empozible are proud to introduce the creation of Fed Killers International, Wrassle.Net's newest, freshest, finest stable ever. And one, conveniently enough, set on killing Wrassle.Net as a whole.

Atlantis: Why would you kill your livelihood?

Gentleman: Why would we kill our livelihood? To remind the people why this game is here. It's here so people can have fun. Some people in this Wrassle world are killing the fun. And that, Atlantis, is why we must kill the feds. To restore the fun of the game. To bring this game back to its basics.

Atlantis: So, by killing Wrassle, you make it fun?

Gentleman: If we kill Wrassle...we've won. And that, Atlantis, is totally fun.

Nakedman: With an Islamic Jihad-based gimmick, Gent and Emp brought forth some of the most offensive activities in the UCE since that time Mikey Ripper committed rape!

Holy Evil: A three way war was on between Flood, AoD and the Fed Killers. And the AoD seemed to be losing the war, big time. And sure enough, by the end of the month they would be totally gone. And maybe it had something to do with a little note that showed up at Atlantis’s desk one day!

Nakedman: Yes, the note was a threat to the whole of wrassle. Yet this wasn’t from the Fed Killers, it was from some mysterious third party known as the “Evil Knows No Bounds” group or the “Evil Mailer” which said that it was a force that had forced upheavals in Wrassle guidelines in the past, and was coming back again.

Holy Evil: OoooOo… Spooky.

Nakedman: I know.

Holy Evil: The threat gained a response from Wrassle CEO Maverick, but more threats were to come in the future. Maverick could never guess what was coming his way.

Nakedman: Yeah, because it wasn’t pre-planned like all of his- *mmpph*

Holy Evil: -Some other events in late February… Chainsaw Max and Austin Hardy came to blows and broke up over their differences about the UC-Ex, and Austin Teamed up with Alex Asylum.

Nakedman: Stan Daniels started to blossom in February, and would soon play a bigger role in the fed’s activities and plots, including being worshipped by UC-Ex as diety and representing the UCE in the USOB.

Holy Evil: Catherine completely unexpectedly unmasked as Mortality. And Michelle Ripperheimanson was equally shockingly revealed as Mikey Ripper!

Nakedman: Jailbait started to have a thing for the asexual Wingnut, who found her to be totally icky.

Holy Evil: Battlestone was swerved OUT of the Flood by Violent Jack, teaching Battlestone that he should have remembered history and how Jack already booted him out in the D7 Days of 2001.

Nakedman: Speaking of getting the boot… How Sow and Chabbu were kicked out the Fed Killers for what was officially called “incompetence.”

Holy Evil: A new “Desperado Invitational Tournament” was held, this time in a bracket format of several rounds that led to a final round at the “Evolution” PPV where Stan Daniels defeated Priestess to win the DiT!

Nakedman: Also at Evolution, Afro Jackson turned on Switchback and Austin Hardy turned on Alex Asylum in a swerve-a-roo where Afro and Austin grabbed $30 million in UC-Ex Telethon Money and ran off with it. As well, I’m sure there was some kind of match where Ginger and Vice and Mortality shifted alliances and were at one moment making out with each other and the next moment fighting each other and angry. But then again, that could describe any one of their plots.

Holy Evil: The big UCE Winners at the February ATLANTIS AWARDS were…

Best Newcomer: Highland Terror
Best Feud/Angle: Fed Killers Invasion
Best Face: Stan Daniels
Best Heel: Gentleman
Best Roleplayer: Mortality
Most Improved: Stan Daniels
Best Match: Desperado Invitational Tournament - Semi Final (Capture the Flag with Stan Daniels, Vice, Priestess, Holy Evil, Sheepinator and Mortality)
Best Tag Team: Switchback and Afro Jackson
Best Wrassler: Afro Jackson
Nakedman: Yessir, and I Nakedman declare the UCE STARS of February 2003 to be The Fed Killers and Stan Daniels. An honorable mention goes to the Flood as well.

Holy Evil: Naa, I was thinking that we should just name AoD guys as the top stars again.

Nakedman: Meh. Stay tuned for a look at UCE’s month of MARCH!!!! Here we get a new influx of System members, the retirement of Sheepinator, disappearance of The Head and rise of the Evil Empire.

Holy Evil: …Sounds like quite a month to me!