43rd Annual AoD Kwanzaa Special:

Holy Evil: Hi! I’m Holy Evil!

Nakedman: And I’m Naked!

Holy Evil: You’re watching the 43rd Annual Army of Darkness Kwanzaa Special… the 2003 UCE Year in Review and Awards show!

Nakedman: Yes indeed! In this first installment, we’re going to recap the first half of the year – from January until June.

Holy Evil: And along the way we’ll name all the big UCE News Stories of 2003… except for the ones that we forgot about!

Nakedman: Yes! The ones that we forgot about will not be talked about!

Holy Evil: Also, we will not talk about any of the events that sucked!

Nakedman: Yes. So forget about anything involving Battlestone or the Veronica Blumpkins back-story!

Holy Evil: I say we get started now.

Nakedman: INDEED! Let’s begin in… JANUARY!!!!