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Thoughts and Notes from the Guardian
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March 2006

Starship Combat II- after 10 months, I guess I can put it  to bed! I've  gotten a good review or two, but it looks like acceptance in the FASA Trek universe may take a little time. For years, it drove me nuts trying to get new players to hanker down and work the STCS, and found that it was ME doing the hankerin' and workin'! It's a simple dice duel with a few modifiers, and I think it works fairly well. Much easier to throw in the middle of an rpg adventure  than the STCS, to be sure, and much less vague than the 'quick roll' system in the back of 2nd ed. 'Boarding Actions' is my next project, finishing off the starship combat project, I think. It's looking like what someone online described as 'Trek Risk', which was unintentional, but fairly accurate. At least  it gives the Security Chief something to do from now on!! Ships with troops become  more instrumental in the scope of starship combats. Hopefully by summer, fleet manuevers and attacking starbases with troops will be possible as an evening scenario!

June 2005

I guess we're gonna make these updates an annual anniversary event! Lotsa stuff's happened since last year. With the help of the guys at the Yahoo! group, we've upgradedand expanded the npc and planetary generator  to incorporate some 2nd edition stats.As always, the group has donated lots of neat material availble for download. Also, there are several new adventures to be had there. The website has been revamped and streamlined to accomodate Yahoo!'s bandwidth restrictions, thanks to Mark from Xon Gaming for all his hard work! 

'Enterprise' has come and gone. I'm not too upset. Altough the last season showed a little more promise than the preivious 3. Oh well, they were stealing my plot ideas anyways...:) 

Projects on the horizon: I've dabbled into creating an alternate version of the Starship Combat system, the first draft is available at the Yahoo! group and A boarding party system based on those rules is in the design stage. A player character generator for MSExcel is under construction. Unlike other versions around the net, this one will hopefully guide you through the skill selection phase (it IS giving me a little trouble...). 

The Essex campaign, sadly, has stalled. Personal commitments has really wreaked havoc on my schedule, and we haven't played much.Also, one of our players has bowed out, Big John (aka Security Chief Sergio Leone) for personal reasons. I haven't seen or talked to him for almost a year, so in the event he is  reading this, I hope everything's okay and if you need anything, feel free to contact me.

I guess that's about it. Until next year, then!

June 2004:
Talk about putting it off! We kicked off another series of adventures in May, and despite a slow start, I think we're hitting a decent stride now. I've invested in a PDA, and I've been using it to write little adventure notes whenever it comes to me- damn helpful. I've got about 3 completely finished, one has a couple things I need to work out and one is still in the planning stages. I've changed a lot of things around on the web and on the group. The first edition rules I've scanned and is available on the site. I've worked out a game map for player reference, also on site. I've created an NPC generator for ms excel, it's not perfect, but it has uses, that's at the Yahoo! group for members. I've had several requests for a PBEM campaign, I'm mulling it over- it's not like I've got loads of time on my hands, considering my last entry was 2002! Please chime in with any thoughts, I'd love to hear them- good or bad. 'Enterprise' is really starting to piss me off! There are a couple of story parallels between my campaign and some episodes, and they keep messing with the timeline! What's with the Klingons and the bumpy heads!?

September 2002:

I updated the Links page by request; some of the owners have changed their addresses. There's also a copy of the Tricorder/Sensor Interactive Display booklet on the Yahoo! group. It comes in 2 parts to accomodate Yahoo!'s 5meg upload limit. I didn't want to scan it on a lesser resolution for fear of making it illegible. We're still in our AD&D campaign, so, I'm putting off my Trek plans for awhile.

May 2002:

Sorry to say that I've been busy lately and haven't updated much. The game is still on standby while our gaming group tries its hand at AD&D 3rd edition. I've tried to take advantage of the time off by doing some ST:RPG projects I've been putting off. The biggest of these is the text scanning of the original ST:RPG rulebook so that everyone in the group can have a copy. Not easy. Having a maleable copy of the rules will make changes and additions so much easier. I hope to start the campaign up sometime over the next couple of months, at least in a part time capacity. I removed the FNN pages from the website. It was very novel but required a little more maintenance than I wanted and it took up quite a good amount of free space on the site. The logbooks will serve pretty much the same purpose without the glitz.

February 2002:

I opened a Yahoo! Group for the gang and for anyone who wants to join to discuss the site and the campaign, complain, share files. A lot of the reasoning behind the Yahoo! Group was a bandwidth issue for this site. The adventure database was consuming the daily allotted bandwidth for their free site, so, I opened the Yahoo! Group to alleviate this problem. So, take the time to click on the button below and join! The game is still on a post-holiday hiatus, wich serves me fine for now. It's giving me an opportunity to update the site, especially in the logbook section (there's still several adventures yet unwritten!). I left them with a bit of a cliffhanger: An explosion at SB 2 has crippled the base and the Essex and now they're both listing out of control... blah blah blah. One of these days, I'm gonna write an essay on my gamemastering philosophy and call it: "Dropping The Anvil". It's a long story.

January 2002:

I decided to finish a few things left undone for a while in terms of getting adventures posted and finally rework the site. It was becoming a little unwieldly, files scattered all over the place and such. Anyways, I adopted a policy of 'more substance than glitz' and discarded a lot of the images. Some of the pages are left unfinished, such as the log page (which is an amalgam of several pages from the former site setup), and the timeline page, a project I've been meaning to do for a long time now. Currently, the Trek game is in hiatus while we finish our superhero adventure, taking advantage of the GM who has a little free time between college semesters. I'm plugging away... the inviation still stands if anyone has an idea, as I'm always looking for something fresh. If you're reading this far, go back to the main page and sign my guestbook!

November 2001:

Looks like once again we're going where no man has gone before. As a role playing group we try to rotate the game mastering duties amongst ourselves, and it rotated back to me already. That's not exactly a fair statement, because in the time I was off, not only did I move out of state, I moved back, so a considerable amount of time passed. Actually, I agreed to be a more of a "fill in" GM on the weeks when the scheduled GM wasn't there, or didn't get a chance to write up an adventure. I pretty much picked up where the game left off, and I've got some material written that'll take the group into the new year. I'm actually getting around to typing up all the previous adventures and getting them ready to post on the site. Meanwhile, plot devices are bubbling in the back of my otherwise inactive mind.


In January 2001, we finished the Episode 6 of the Essex campaign. With that, the game has gone into hiatus as I turned the gamemaster reigns over to another member of our gaming group. As of this entry, we're playing a pretty neat superhero campaign based in a Jack Kirby style setting. If he should create a site for it, I'll add it to the links page. As far as the USS Essex goes, there may be a cameo game here and there. I've left several subplot elements open for future adventures: Capt. Curp has developed a relationship with a cute little redhead; Lt. Flonnaise's mother discovered an artifact that may have been left behind by the Preservers; Dr. Herronomous has had a rash of disappearing appendages; Engineer McGillicutty's father has been lost while on a trade mission near the Triangle; Barlok has a dark past that even he doesn't yet know about; and there's something about that Security Chief Leone that doesn't seem right..... In any case, whether we ever get back to these things is up in the air. The group seemed pretty upbeat about a Next Generation campaign some time in the near future. I'm not against the idea, but, the only gaming references for that era are the two published by FASA, and they're not all that encompassing. It would require a lot of work on my part, hence, a lot more time. I was hoping to start conversion to the LUG version of the game, but, then they lost the rights to Decipher, and nothing has been heard since. I've been debating whether or not to start another game in the same timeline running parallel to the Essex campaign, or possibly one set in the TOS movie genre. The only drawback to that last idea is that the majority of the players are better versed in the Next Generation than the TOS era. For the time being, I'm content with just playing and maintaining this humble little sight. I've been collecting links to other Trek RPG sites in search of inspiration. I offer an open invitation to anyone with ideas and suggestions for future campaigns; they all come very appreciated. 

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Star Trek: The Role Playing Game was produced by the FASA CORP. 
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