<BGSOUND SRC="Margaritaville.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hi, my name is Jatin and I'm into midget fetish goat sex with rollerblades. (Makes them harder to catch.) I'm a Sagitarrius who likes long walks across the Seine River (for those of you who don't know, thats in France!) My other hobbies include: Visiting the tomb of the unknown soldier (in France!) and the Louvre, the Red light district in Amsterdam, and boating in Venice! (Thats in Italy!) I used to be fat but thanks to Subways healthy subs I lost weight and am sexy and attract attention from Audrea Holland who lives in Jackson, Tennessee (Not exactly France, but I bet she'd bone me! ) Thanks Jared! You inspired me to change my lifestyle!
Jatin est une synonyme d'abstinence! C'est dommage!
Les poisson! Les Poisson! Hee Hee Hee! Haa Haa Haa!
Would you like to rock the Europe in me?!
I bet these guys get laid a lot. DAMNIT!
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revenge is a dish best served on the internet
well how else is one supposed to know if it is ripe if you don't squeeze it?
wanker is as wanker does
oh yes please another europe story i can't wait!
this is jatin's come hither look. it is becoming clear why he can't get laid
ah the wonders a romantic atmosphere like ihop can do for a budding relationship