<BGSOUND SRC="pink_panther_tvshows.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
As some of you already know I have been plotting world domination for quite some time until recently though I just had not found my niche. Now I have and as it turns out my niche is penguins. Yes you heard me correctly penguins, the most frightening of all flightless water fowl. You see the plan goes like this I gather togther a group of ordinary mostly harmless penguins using my special psychic affinity with them and turn them into highly aggressive super penguins. How? Simple, a highly concentrated potion of crystal meth and PCP. Then in one fell terrifyingly easy swoop I can take over the the heart of this great nation's military. After that it will be child's play to bend the world to my will and rule them with an iron fist. (you know like that bad guy from inspector gadget) MWA HA HA HA HA HA! Anyone interested in joining simply sign my guest book and I will have all the information needed to convert you to my cause.
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Sweet mother of god people shouldn't have this kind of free time
Oooh watch the chunky penguin jiggle