Hi, my name is Ritu and I'm Indian but I hate my own kind. The boys are nappy and the women have mustaches. Dirty foreigners! I'm a Leo and I like taking long walks in the park to watch the little boys play in the sandbox.... I'm not a pedophile, I'm a youth enthusiast! (MMMBOP) I have breasts like the ripe mangos that are sold in markets in the motherland! (Mother India!)(MMMBOP!) If you are interested, email me at: I_was_in_a_musical_with_jeremy_jones@hotmail.com. Brown people and boys over 13 need not bother.
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Can you tell which one is Ritu? I can't.
insert obscure hansonite joke here
ice cream is the food of love
naughty or nice?
which the lady and which the tramp?
so cuddly...
breasts like mangoes need we say more