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As much as it pains me to admit it I don't really have any plans for this page as of yet. (notice the excessive use of the word as) Like as (hee hee) not I'll forget it exists at all and you the viewer will be the only one to ever come here in this dark, dusty, and forgotten little corner of the internet. Be that as (Gosh I can't seem to help myself) it may since you're already here you might as (wow I'm good) well stay awhile. Feel free to bang your head against the moniter at any point. I wish you luck viewing this page such as (Whooo Hooo!!!!) it is.
I had a camero once
Hello clarice (flicks tongue)
yes ritu i did grab his ass
i wish i was cool like pumpkin and could go to hair school
god all my friends are sexier than me
do you two have to do this kind of thing in MY room?
rock a bye trool boy in your dark smelly cave