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To access all of these features, click on the picture next to the feature description
Hermione Granger Character Description: A description of Hermione's Character, from the Harry Potter Lexicon
Hermione Granger Galleries: Links to Hermione Granger Galleries online. A vast variety of Hermione / Emma pictures!
Hermione Granger Fansite Links: A list of Hermione fansites across the web. Your site isnt here? fill out the form and add it!
A biography of Emma Watson: A biography of the girl who plays Hermione Granger in the WB films, Emma Watson!
Write to Emma:
Emma Watson
c/o Warner Bros.
4000 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91505
United States
Interviews: Read Interviews with Emma Watson about her newest movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, in which he plays Hermione Granger
Hermione Granger Fanfiction: Read Hermione Fanfiction from all over! Add your hermione fan fiction link, or submit a new fanfic today!
A Letter to Harry Potter Fans:
As you can see, you have reached the in-depth Harry Potter Biography page, with many features such as Biographies, Character Descriptions, Fanart links, Fansite links, photo galleries and more. Although the site is my design, idea, and creation, Many of the pictures and content bits are not mine, but I have borrowed them from other HP sites.

Because this was their original content, I wanted to take the space below to thank them for their generosity in lending me their resources. This site was creatable, and is here thanks to the following.

Hogwarts Kids - thank you so much for lending me interviews, pictures, and biography tidbits. Without you, I would have in no way found all of this fabulous information on the cast. Thank you so much again.
The Harry Potter Lexicon - Unlimited thanks to everyone at the Harry Potter lexicon, from everyone at Ultimate Harry Potter. I have found your resources beyond useful many a time, and I appreciate you taking the time to make the website (even though rotten people like me go around stealing it from you for our own benefit). I wanted you to know how many HP websites depend on you. Thank you again.
The Unofficial Emma Watson Page - Thank you greatly for all the information on Emma- the pictures, the interviews, the biography, everything. The UEF is a great site and I have found it very helpful in the creation of this site. You will go far. Keep it up. Thanks again! (version 3.0) thank you so much for lending the fanart button pictures on the pages. I greatly appreciate it and give my credit to Starling who created all of these magnificent images. They're beautiful. Thanks again Thank you so much for hosting all of those great fanfictions - although this probably means nothing to you, I greatly appreciate all of your effort and time you all put into the site. (Also, special thanks to Cassandra Claire for letting us link the fanfiction. Means a lot!)
The Harry Potter Galleries - Thank you so much for letting me use all of those pictures - on every page, there is at least one picture I have taken from you, so it seems. I greatly appreciate what you have done (in terms of building the site for the uses of people like me) and thank you again for letting me use these images.
If I have forgotten anyone, please let me know!
Hermione  Fanart: See amazing fanart drawn of Hermione (*all ages*) By Fans just like yourself (note: these are links. Add your  fanart picture or gallery link today!)
Unfortunately, we recently got a message from the Harry Potter Lexicon... They asked us to remove the content we got from their site, because they didn't want us to benefit from their work, even if we gave them all the credit. So until we have found time to create our own Hermione/Emma Biography most parts of this section of UHP Bios will be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience.