6 Elements
Properties of the 6th element:- 
Name - AIR 
Colour - PINK 
Direction - TIME
Season - JAN to FEB
Climate - SNOW 
Emotion - LOVE 
Frequency - 4Hz 
Yin Meridian - PERICARDIUM
Yang Meridian - TRIPLE WARMER  

Six element chart for colour, sound, taste etc.  Use the chart to see which colours etc work for you and your body type.
Body Type- Earth 
Rooting - Green (Wood) 
Uprooting - Golden Yellow (Earth) 
Arm Speed- Violet (Metal) 
Leg Speed- Red (Fire) 
Arm Power- Dark Blue (Water) 
Leg Power- Dark Blue (Water) 
Iron Shirt- Golden Yellow (Earth) 
Relaxation - Pink (Air-Six Element)  
Healing - Red (Fire) 
Stamina - Golden Yellow (Earth)  

Body Type - Green (Wood) 
Rooting - Violet (Metal) 
Uprooting - Golden Yellow (Earth) 
Arm Speed - Green (Wood) 
Leg Speed - Green (Wood) 
Arm Power - Golden Yellow (Earth) 
Leg Power - Red (Fire) 
Iron Shirt - Green (Wood) 
Relaxatin - Violet (Metal)
Healing - Red (Fire)  Stamina - Green (Wood)