"The brain gives us 10% of its capacity to play with.
100% would be nice. I offer 95%.
Learn to Dowse
I.T. - Intuition Technology
  We have tried many instruments, some very expensive, but none have proved as consistently reliable, accurate or as quick as a human dowser. All scientists measuring Geopathic Stress with instruments will take a dowser along to locate the radiation initially. The ancient art of dowsing has been misunderstood and condemned throughout history, mainly because it could not be explained how by dowsing one could find out in great detail about people and places. Now dowsing is accepted and practiced by more and more people, including medical practitioners, and the church has accepted dowsing as long as it is for the good of mankind. And so it can be in many ways:

  Dowsing for water has been the most accepted way of dowsing for thousands of years.

  Dowsing for health enables medical practitioners to determine and locate illnesses and select the most suitable form of treatment and remedy quickly.

  Dowsing for safety in checking food to see if it is free from toxins, etc., and to select if one is allergic to certain foods.

  Dowsing areas for Geopathic Stress can be learned in a matter of minutes using rods, the muscle test or pendulum, even though some dowsers tell you it will take years to learn. Many who did not even believe in dowsing or Geopathic Stress found to their astonishment that they could dowse immediately.

Dowsing: A Gateway to Quantifying Consciousness?
James W. Lyons

The current resurgence of interest in Consciousness as a respectable topic of scientific interest has, not surprisingly, given rise to a host of new speculative ideas on both 'what it is' and 'wherefrom does it originate?' Most of these hypotheses are of a philosophical nature, based mainly on recent developments in both the Neurosciences as well as Quantum Physics. However, for these hypotheses to be turned into working models, then numerical relationships need to be established, identifiable not only within one person on a repeatable basis but also between individuals. Some progress has been made, Refs. 1 & 2, though many would argue that perhaps the strangest capabilities of many humans, namely the abilities to perceive non-local phenomena both in space and time are in no way accounted for in the current literature. Other investigators, Refs. 3 & 4, have argued the case for the need of new concepts in Physics to bridge the gap. The idea that the mind is but a super computer appears to have more than a few limitations.
  The approach taken in this hypothesis is that, consciousness to a first approximation, is a problem of 'awareness' and is therefore essentially sensory in nature but that perception beyond our normal five senses is called for to explain non-locality. Quite understandably, the majority of practical studies involving consciousness so far have emerged from psychology where the visual channel offers the most rewarding results in view of its dominance as regards level in information processing. Here, we adopt another approach involving a sensory channel that everyone possesses, yet only a fraction of a percent of the population realises its existence. This is the very ancient art of divination, these days usually referred to as dowsing or radiothesia. The majority of minerals discovered by man have been found using this technique and underground water continues to be sought by these highly successful methods. Needless to say, conventional physics does not recognise its existence despite some remarkable studies that have been undertaken to establish its validity. e.g Ref. 5. That the success of the phenomenon is linked to the conscious thought of the dowser and the object being sought is indisputable. What has been unrecognised until recently is that the method can be used to obtain quantitative data relating to dowser/object interaction. This is the hypothesis offered here for consideration.

  In much the same way that in, the early days of establishing laws relating gravitational, magnetic and electrostatic forces between objects, the approach taken here is to look at a dowser and a single object, identifying the parameters involved in their conscious interaction. Any field effects involved are considered as a consequence of this basic interaction. Although there are a few people who quite naturally possess the skill of 'feeling' the presence of another object, usually with their hands, others need amplifying detecting devices to make the effect apparent. It is believed that in neolithic times and indeed with existing primal peoples still living outside our current modern society, the skill is ever present and is certainly used to track animals as but one example of its use. Most dowsers use angle (L-shaped) rods to detect objects, their motion usually indicating the direction of the sought object. Triangulation techniques are used to refine the exact position of the sought object. However, all objects create disturbances in their immediate environment and those affecting the so-called subtle energy field can be sensed by a dowser. The form taken by this disturbance is analogous to a standing wave pattern as observed in a snapshot of ripples on water. A series of rings are detectable whose radii around the object come closer together the further away one goes from the object. In fact, these rings form a geometric series, the ratio of contiguous annular widths generating a constant of 0.891. This figure was eventually discovered to be that associated with a major tone on a musical scale. This basic pattern is found everywhere in nature, including optical diffraction patterns around crystals, energy spirals around carbon atoms in polymers and the shape of the multi- faceted eyes of fireflies, to name but a few.
  More detailed analysis has shown that the rings are in fact contiguous toroids, located in the free vortex field surrounding the object. The overall shape of the total dowsable pattern is reminiscent of a galaxy disc when seen side on. The whole shape embodies both binary and golden spirals and relates to Platonic solids, in particular 5- & 6- fold geometries.
  The major result from this investigation so far, is that dowsing, at least for certain aspects related to the non-locality of consciousness, are linked to diatonic scales in music. Further biological evidence for this is that it is believed that the pineal gland in the brain is responsible for the detection of magnetic fields by the human. This gland is surrounded by neurons closely linked with the hearing system, itself of course utilising the binary spiral in its detection of audible sounds.

Future Work
  In addition to the above work, it has been found that the dowsing of objects which in some sense can be called 'active', results in diffraction patterns similar to the above in shape which expand radially due the energy involved with the object. Certain objects influence the vorticity of the subtle energy field in significant ways, for example -
a.. Magnetic fields
b.. Mechanically stressed quartz
c.. Rotating objects such as gyroscopes

   In the case of magnets, it has also been found that the radius of the first ring around the magnet, i.e its vortex edge increases with increased field strength. Magnetic vector potential is also believed to be detectable by the dowser in addition to the more usual magnetic field. This provides a possible link with non-locality effects observed in Quantum Physics, e.g Bohm - Aharonov effect. Free charge generated by stressed quartz also enhances the size of the detectable vortex field. This could explain the use of standing stones by our neolithic forefathers which, under geophysical forces, generate changes in field patterns detectable by humans as altered states of consciousness. Thirdly and perhaps the least expected is that rotating objects, somehow mechanically alter the subtle energy field which is also detectable by dowsing. Again, vorticity could be the unifying factor.
  These effects are now being considered by the appropriate groups within the British Society of Dowsers and are to form part of its future research programme. This may have a significant effect on Consciousness research, particularly as we are now beginning to realise that , like all other sensory responses, vibrational patterns are involved. These vibrations are harmonically related, just as Pythagoras always said. To use a more up to date expression of this idea, as Eddington claimed, perhaps the Universe is nothing but one great thought.

1. Edelman, Gerald. Bright Air,Brilliant Fire -On the matter of the mind, Penguin 1992
  2. Crick, Francis. The Astonishing Hypothesis - The Scientific Search for the Soul Simon & Schuster,  
  3. Penrose, Roger. Shadows of the Mind - A Search for the missing Science of Consciousness, Oxford
      University Press, 1994
  4. Chalmers, David. The Puzzle of Consciousness - Scientific American, December 1995, Vol.273, No. 6
  5.Betz,Heinz-Dieter, Geheimnis W=FCnschelr=FCte - Umschau Verlag, Frankfurt 1990 December 1995
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