Geopathic Stress
"The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state depend"
..............Benjamin Disraeli
Can You Live Geopathically Stress-Free As the Gypsies Do?  

  Gypsies on the move seldom get chronic illness. Mr. Christopher McNaney of the People's Research Center, Alston, has just carried out an illness and lifestyle survey amount 175 families who were on the move continuously, rarely staying in one place for more than three weeks. McNaney found that less than 1% of them suffered from cancer or knew of any cases among parents, grandparents or other relatives. Set beside national figures, which show that about one in four people die of cancer, this was almost unbelievably low. The traveling people continue in their old habits; they smoke, drink alcohol and milk, use sugar and salt freely, don't bother with special diets, or with any herbal or folklore remedies either, yet they not only avoid cancer, but also other serious illnesses of the 20th Century like heart disease. They have a flawless health record. McNaney reckons the survey provides support for the theory that "cancer is primarily a disease of location." Not only do gypsies have a feeling for places which are free from Geopathic Stress, but should they pick a bad spot they don't stay there long enough for it to harm them.

   Geopathic Stress-The Common Factor

  Geopathic Stress has been found to be the common factor in most serious and minor illnesses and psychological conditions, including cancer, MS, AIDS, tuberculosis, meningitis, MD, kidney and gallstones, rheumatism, heart and circulation problems as well as depression, insomnia, suicide, the promotion of stress, and high blood pressure, together with resistence to treatment. Geopathic Stress is also the common factor in cases of infertility and miscarriages, and in most children with learning difficulties and behavioral problems.

   Typical Indications of Geopathic Stress

  Resistance to appropriate treatment, a feeling of being run down and exhausted, depressed, pallor, allergies to food, affected by electricity and not wanting to go to bed -- and when in bed, insomnia, restless sleep, night cramps, feeling cold, tingling or numbness in hands and feet, and fatigue in the mornings. Many therapists now confirm that when treating patients who continue to be affected by earth radiation during periods of sleep, rest or work, the patients response to treatment is sluggish, or they respond well but reach a "plateau" beyond which they do not progress, or the symptoms eventually reappear. Geopathic Stress can be detected in people by Vega Testing, Radionics, Electro-Acupuncture, Dowsing or other methods. Remember, the original cause of the stress must then be removed. 

   The health dangers of Sleeping on a Hartmann line!

   The entire earth is threaded with an invisible grid of Hartmann lines. They appear every 6-8 feet. They are named after the German medical doctor Ernst Hartmann. If your bedroom or work area lies over these lines, there is a good chance you have serious health problems. Heart attack victims often sleep on a Hartmann line. So do insomniacs.

    If you sleep or work on an invisible "Hartmann line," all the vitamins in the world may not help you! 

  Very few people in America have heard of Hartmann lines. They were discovered almost 40 years ago by a famous German medical doctor named Ernst Hartmann. Last month we sent one of our staff reporters, Nick Aberdeen, to West Germany to interview Dr. Hartmann. Dr. Hartmann is a pioneer in the field of Geobiology. This is the study of how the earth affects your health. In Germany, there are many geobiologists who visit a patient's house, much like doctors used to do in this country. But they are not there to check the patient. They are there to check the ground upon which the patient lives.

  "Once I went to a man's home and warned him not to sleep in a certain spot. He thought I was a fool. Twelve years later he died of cancer."

  Ernst Hartmann, M.D.
  Eberbach, West Germany

   Then the geobiologist -- one of Dr. Hartmann's students -- gives the patient a number of recommendations. The most important advice is to learn exactly where in the bedroom to place the bed. I know this doesn't sound scientific, but Dr. Hartmann said he has 40 years of extensive medical documentation to back up his claims. Dr. Hartmann has published three highly technical books on his work. (All in German) He also publishes a magazine for scientists entitled "Wetter, Boden und Mensch" - Weather, Earth and Man.

  Cats love to sleep on Hartmann lines. It's good for the cat. This means if your cat likes your bed, you should move the bed.

  A woman in Germany had three cats. They all slept on one tiny spot on the bed when she wasn't there. The woman also slept on this same spot. It went right through her chest area. She died of breast cancer!

  Another expert we interviewed on Hartmann lines was Blanche Merz, a famous geobiologist from Vevey, Switzerland. She has been studying this topic for 20 years. Mrs. Merz was originally in Swiss politics, but she found this topic so fascinating she left public office and devoted full time to the study of Hartmann lines. She is the author of two books on the subject, one in French called, "The Soul of the Place," and the other called "Points of Cosmic Energy."

  Hartmann lines are the Earth's aura.

  They flow in: South to North, and West to East

  Dr. Hartmann first discovered the Hartmann lines in 1950 while he was dowsing for water. He detected independent of the underground water lines. He says the Hartmann rays are the Earth's aura, similar to the aura that can be seen or photographed around flower or human body.

  The Hartmann lines appear as a grid. They cover the entire earth. The lines run in two directions: North and South and East and West. The North-South Hartmann lines appear about every 6 feet, 6 inches. The East-West Hartmann lines appear about every 8 feet, 2 inches.

  These are the measurements for Germany. They are slightly different for America. They vary, depending on where you live. When you go towards the equator, these distances increase. The Hartmann lines intensify every 30 feet. 

The Hartmann line itself is just over 8 inches in width. It penetrates everything in its path. If you live on the top floor of a skyscraper, the rays will cut through the entire building and still affect you. 

  Three people died of stomach cancer. Same spot in house!

In different generations, 3 people slept in the same bed. The bed was where two Hartmann lines crossed. They all died of stomach cancer. 

It is best to sleep in a "neutral zone." For optimal health, sleep in a neutral Hartmann zone (shaded area). Best in centre area. 

  A Swiss surgeon noticed that the patients he put in one recovery room always got worse or died. The patients he put in another room, a neutral zone, always recovered quickly. 

"If a baby is placed in a crib In a Hartmann line, it will cry like mad! When you move the crib, the baby will stop crying." --Dr. Hartmann 

Blanche Merz showed me how to detect these lines with a special Hartmann dowsing rod. After a few tries, I was able to do it. The lines are more intense at night, but they are undetectable on nights around the full moon. Dr. Hartmann stressed that these lines are impossible to detect reliably with even the most advanced scientific equipment. "There is nothing as sensitive as the human body." 

  Once a horse was tied up right on a Hartmann line. Within one year it was blind. If you sleep on a North-South Hartmann line, you are prone to suffer from cramps and rheumatism. If you sleep on the East-West line, you are more prone to inflammations. 

   The worst place you can possibly sleep or work is over a "Hartmann knot." This is where two Hartmann lines cross. This is called a "Geopathic."