"Most men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and continue on as if nothing had happened."    ..........................Winston Churchill
Acid Foods
Avoid These
All Antibiotics All fried foods Atificial sweeteners Beef Beer Butter Carob Casein Cheese (incl Processed) Chicken Cocoa, chocolate Coffee Corn Jam, Jelly Ice cream Lard Lobster Mussels Nuts Oat bran Oils - hydrogenerated Peas - green, snow Pork Rye Soybeans, soy milk Sugar Veal
Neutral Foods
Eat These
Apples Apricots Bananas Beans - fresh and dried Blueberries Buckwheat Cauliflower Carrots Cherries Dates Eggplant Eggs - chicken, duck Figs Goat cheese Grapes Honey Lemons Lettuce Maple Syrup Milk - cows, goat Oatmeal Organic olive oil Organic flaxseed oil Oranges Peaches Pears Pineapple Plums Pumpkin Raisins Rice - wild, brown Strawberries Turkey
Alkaline Foods
Always Eat These
Baking soda Blackberries Broccoli Cantaloupe Cinnamon Diakon radish Endive Garlic Grapefruit Honeydew Kale Kohlrabi Lentils Limes Mangos Mineral water Molasses Mustard greens Nectarines Onions Papayas Peppers Poppy seeds Raspberries Sea salt Sea vegetables Soy sauce Sweet potatoes Tangerines Watermelon Yams
Enymes are a delicate lifelike substance found in all living cells whether animal or vegetable. Enzymes are energized protein molecules necessary for life. They catalyze and regulate nearly all biochemical reactions taht occur within the human body. In other words, enzymes turn the food we eat into energy and unlock this energy for use in the body. They can not be seen with even the most poerful microscope, but their presence and strength can be determined by improved blood and immune system funcitoning. Our bodies naturally produce both digestive and metabolic enzymes as they are needed. Surplus enzymes can be stored by some organs for later use.

  Metabolic Enzymes speed up the chemical reaction within the cells for detoxification and energy production. They enable us to see, hear, feel, move and think. Every organ, every tissue, and all 100 trillion cells in our body depends upon the reaction of metabolic enzymes and their energy factor. Metabolic enzymes are produced by the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and other organs.

  Digestive Enzymes are secreted along the digestive tract to break food down into nutrients and waste. This allows nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream and the waste to be discarded. Human digestive enzymes include ptyalin, pepsin, trypsin, liapse, protease, and amylase. The body does not make cellulase, and enzyme necessary for proper digestion of fibre, so it must be introduced through the raw foods we eat..

   Food Enzymes are introduced to the body through the raw foods we eat and through comsumption of supplement enzyme fortifiers. Raw foods naturally contain enzymes providing an exogenous source of digestive enzymes when ingested. However, raw food manifests only enough enzymes to digest that particular food, not enough to be stored in the body for later use. The cooking and processing of food destroys all of it's enzymes. Since most of the foods we eat are cooked or processed in some way since the raw foods we do eat contain only enough enzymes to process that particular food, our bodies must produce the majority of the digestive enzymes we require - unless we use suplement enzymes to aid in the digestive process.

   A variety of supplemental enzymes are available through different sources. All bodily functions can be enhanced and improved by supplemental enzymes ingested orally in capsule or powder form. It is important to understand the differences between the enzyme types and make sure you are using an enzyme which will meet your particular needs. Opposite is a list of several types of enzymes offered in today's marketplace.   Plant Enzymes are grown from plant protein foods in a laboratory setting with specific action rendered in units. They are nonpathogenic Aspergillus species and are free of mycelium contamination. Removal of all the aspergilli and fungi leave only the enzymatic action. Aspergillus enzymes have a strong record of sage use in the food industry. They are considered food by the FDA. The plant enzymes in Transformation's product are manufactured by Dr. Edward Howell's original company which still owns a patent on the process of proteases. These enzymes can be taken with meals to aid in the digestion of all foods. They may also be taken following or between meals to feed and fortify the body as a whole.

   Plant enzymes are not sloughed off as if the body has no need for them. They exit only after there is no more activity left in them to do their work.  Since they are food which is natural to the body, and since they are proven to be a catalyst, plant enzymes are in a completely different arena from other enzyme supplements.

   Plant enzymes are useul to develop and maintain a roper digestive system and to alow the body to produce more metabolic enzymes by reducing the need to produce digestive enzymes. They can also be used in varying formulas to treat certain ailments. The other types of enzymes mentioned above are better suited for specific treatment purposes rather than in enzyme maintenance programs.

   Pancreatin is a substance from the pancres of the hog or ox containing enzymes. Pancreatin does contain protease, amylase, and lipase. However, it is only borken down in an alkaline setting of 8.0 pH. This occurs withing the small intestine after carbohydrate and protein digestion has already taken place. Dr. Roy Dittman suggests that pancreatic enzymes should not be taken during pregnancy or when using blood thinners. Pancreatin has been used successfully in Germany for fortifying the pancreas since it is a glandular compound.

   Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme usually prepared from the stomach of pigs and is the principle digestive component of gastric juice. It is usually given to those whose digestion of protein is impaired.

   Bromelain is a group of proteolytic and milk-clotting enzymes derived from the pineapple plant, Ananas sativus, and protein hydrolysates. Together a concentrate of these enzymes can be used as an anti-inflammitory agent, a meat tenderizer, and in the chill-proofing of beer. rotein hydrolysate (which is made by adding water to a mixture of amino acids prepared by splitting a protein with acid, alkali or enzyme) can also be used to help people unable to digest food proteins.

   Trypsin is a proteolytic enzyme formed in the intestine and can be taken from the intestine or pancreas of an animal. Trypsin breaks down arginine or lysine and works only in an acid setting. Today, it is often coated so that it can make it to the 8.0 pH occurring in the small intestine. It is commonly used to fortify the pancreas and the small intestine.

   Your Enzyme Potential
   We are all born with the ability to produce a finite number of enzymes during our lifetime. This enzyme-making potential gives out body's organs the ability to produce wither metabolic enzymes or digestive enzymes. When we eat a meal, the requirements for digestive enzymes become a high priority. Our body's enzyme-making machinery must workovertime and often still can not meet the demand for all of the enzyme requirements the body may have. Since digestion always takes precedence over nearly everything else, many body functions requiring metabolic enzymes are often shortchanged during these times. The result is a lower disease-fighting capability and a general weakening of hte body's ability to mend itself.

   Because, over the years, we use up so much of our enzyme potential making the digestive enzymes necessary to digest our food, as we age we begin to run short; or ability to keep up wtih the digestive enzyme requirements begins to suffer. This deficiency leads to malabsorption and poor nutrition, plus the many digestive problems suffered by the elderly. Undigested foods collect in the colon. Poorly digested protein prtrefies, fats turn rancid and carbohydrates ferment.

   These undigested food particles leak back into the bloodstream from the colon and create further toxicity. As we use up and abuse our enzyme potential, we begin to lose energy, lose our ability to fight disease, and lose the ability for our body to remedy its own naturally occurring malfunctions. This loss may lead to disease and eventually death .

   This enzyme potential concept clearly supports the case for supplemental plant enzymes. If the body can get the necessary extra digestive enzymes it needs to complete the digestive process without overstressing the body's enzyme-making potential, then a metabolic enzyme shortage will not occur and our body will be in a much more favourable position to fight biological and genetic malfuncitons and diseases as they occur. 

     Enzyme Supplementation
    Humans that eat a diet void of enzymes will use up tremendous amount of their own enzyme potential. Enzymes act as an energy or a catalyst and every action of our organs and glands needs this energy to work. We receive energy from the nutrients in our blood. These nutrients are put there through the digestion of food and carried to and throughout our system by the energy of enzymes. A lack of enzymes could result in lowered resistance to illness, all types of stresses, and physiological enviroments which may lead to shortened life span. By supplementing cooked foods with plant enzyme capsules, we can stope or at least slow down the normal and pathological aging process. Following are answers to some typical questions about enzyme supplements.

   Does the addition of raw food or juicing to the diet guarantee enough enzymes to meet our needs?
  Raw food provides only enough enzymes to digest that particular food. There are no extra enzymes in raw food to digest cooked or processed food. Although a totally raw diet may appear to be the best solution, it is generally not practical, and in most cases, not medically advisable. Due to the risk of bacterial contamination, many foods should not be eated raw, including meats, poultry, eggs and beans. Many people find the fibre content in large quantitiess of raw food difficult to digest.

   Why is Enzyme Supplementation important?
    Most people will choose cooked foods over raw foods
  Some scientists believe we have lost our rich tops soil necessary for producing nutritious food
  Our Body makes our metabokic enzymes from the complete amino acid food we ingest. Complete amino acids are only found in animal products. It takes a combination of plant products to make a complete amino source, such as soybean mixed with wheat.
  We usually cook our animal products robbing them of their enzymes.
  Nuts taht are raw contain an enzyme inhibitor (as do most beans)
  Grains and flour are processed, robbing them of enzymes
  Enzyme supplements assure an adequate enzyme supply

      What about supplements or foods that represent that they are an enzyme; such as CoQ10, Blue Green Algae, Green Barley, HCL, vitamins and minerals?
    Co10 is a co-enzyme and was first isolated from a cow's heart. A Co-enzyme is an organic molecule, usually containing phosphorus and some vitamins. A co-enzyme and an apo-enzyme must unite in order to function.  Vitamins and minerals are considered co-enzymes. A co-enzyme is dependant on another energy and an enzyme.
  Blue Green Algae and chlorophyll products are wonderful foods taht contain minerals, vitamins, and enzymes because they are plant food. However, they do not have the digestive action of supplemental plant enzymes and at best, their enzymes will only deliver the nutrients they contain.  Hydrochloric acid, or HCL is a normal constituent of gastric juice in human beings. Although administered to aid digestion, it is not an enzyme nor does it act as enzyme.

   What constitutes a healthy body?
  It is probably safe to say that our complete health is the sum total of the health of our individual organs and glands. When we are ill, it is because our organs and glands, individually or collectively, cannot function at ideal levels. Diet is an influence on the health of our glands and organs, and it interacts directly with our genetics. Good nutrition can help you attain the genetic potental of your organs and glands in terms of the highest level of functioining. When your nutrition is not adequate, your glands and organs cannot receive the specific nutrients that they require. Among the many consequences of such dificiencies is an increased susceptibility to infection , an inability to deal with stress and an overall degeneration of the body.

  What about the aging factor?
  Another factor affecting health is the process of aging. as we grow older, many of our nutritional requirements increase, anod our glands and organs do not function as well as when we were younger. Often organs and glands begin to atrophy. This is why we generally become more susceptible to degenerativeand infectious deseases as we age. Enzymes are connected to every working organ in our body and run our life's processes.

   Can supplemental enzymes slow the aging process?
  Research shows that rats provided with supplemental enzymes had increased enzyme levels and these enzymes were stronger than in the control group of rats. In addition, the enzyme-fed rats lived three years while the control group of rats lived only two years. this reasearch indicated evidence of a fixed enzyme potential which diminishes over time in al living creatures. Eating uncooked and unprocessed foods and supplementing cooked foods with enzymes reduces stress on body organs and probably slows or stops the aging process.

  Can enzymes help control obesity and heart disease?
  Lipase is the enzyme which aides in breaking down and stroing fat as well as converting fat into energy. Without lipase, fat will stagnate - remaining in the stpmach for 2 to 3 hours after being consumed. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach chemically alters the fat, preventing it from being properly digested in the intestine. This improperly digested fat may result in an accumulation of plaque in the arteries, resulting in heart disease. Obese people typically have a deficiency of lipase. By supplementing a cooked food diet with enzymes, fats will properly digested allowing for maximum use of the energy and efficient removal of the waste. It is interesting to note that people and animals who eat "raw fat", which retains its natural lipase component generally do not have a problem with obesity or cardiovascular disease

  Can children take enzyme supplements?
  Enzymes are sage for people of all ages to use. After almost 70 years of research with plant enzymes no side effects have been reported. Since children have the same enzyme deficient diets as adults, enzyme supplementation begun at an early age will help preserve the enzyme potential of the child for later in life Even babies may benefit fromenzyme supplementation. Mother's milk is an important source of enzymes for babies. Pasturized milk contains no enzymes so bottle fed babies begin using up their enzyme potential at birth.

  So enzymes may help protect against disease. What about controlling the effects of an acquired disease?
  Research is on-going however, enzymes have been shown to benefit some people with everything from migraine headaches, insomnia and allergies to diabetes, heart disease and leukemia. Enzymes aide the digestion of food and distribution of nutrients through the body. This process allows the endocrine system to function properly resulting in hormonal balance. When the body is functioning properly and efficiently the immune system is better prepared to fight any disease and maintain the balance.

  A Few Secrets
    1. Cooked foods and processed foods have no enzymes
  2. Enzymes are needed to digest food
  3. The body uses it's Metabolic enzymes to assist with the digestion of food
  4. The body has only so many metabolic enzymes
  5. When the body runs out of enzymes it dies
  6. Raw foods contain enzymes for digestion
  7. Save your enzymes and live longer
  8. Cooked meats do not have all the essential amino acids
  9. The body needs all the essential amino acids to repair and make muscle (The heart is a muscle!)
  10. One of the amino acids lost in cooking meats is Lysine
  11. Lysine is needed to keep the blood vessels clear of plaque
  12. Blood vessels clogged with plaque lead to bypass operations (Heart Attacks)
   13. All essential amino acids areneeded to produce the bodies hormones
  14. Hormone imbalance makes you ill
  15. Protein is available from veg and not just meats
  16. You can get all essential amino acids from sprouted seeds
  17. Sprouted seeds give the best nutrition you can get
  18. You can grow your own sprouts
  19. There is no cancer in the wild
  20. A cancer cell is a cell that has been deprived of 60% or more of the oxygen it requires to survive
  21. Toxic waste from the air, water and food we take in clogs up our system and prevents the oxygen from getting to where it is needed
  22. Cancer calles use glucose instead of oxygen (31 steps)
  23. Oxygen removes toxins from the body
  24. Flood the body with oxygen and heal the body
  25. Oxygen therapies cure cancer and aids
  26. Doctors fix symptoms and do not always fix the problem
  27. Normal treatment of disease is to poison the body (MDR)
  28. We have very few anti-biotics left (Colloidal Silver)
  29. Fluoride and Chlorine are poisons (Toothpaste and tap water)
   30. Microwaved food is bad for you
  31. Watchout for irradiated foods
  32. Give the body what it needs, it will heal itself and it will continue to be healthy