Oxygen Therapy
What is Oxygen Therapy?

Oxygen therapy is a way of detoxifying the body and stimulating natural healing. H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) is found in every cell of the body's defence mechanism. It is found in Mother's milk, our intestines, rain-water and in healing springs. When the water at Lourdes was tested for its beneficial qualities it was found to be loaded with Hydrogen Peroxide. Chemicals and pollutioin have depleted the natural Hydrogen Peroxide content of the water we drink and the food we eat. 

Oxygen therapy helps redress this lack of hydrgoen peroxide int he body  

How does it work?
The white cells in the blood attack and destroy bacteria and other foreign bodies by engulfing them and pouring Hydrogen Peroxide on them. When the body is under continual threat it cannot manufacture enough Hydrogen Peroxide to kill off all the enemies. This is where Hydrogen Peroxide taken orally or intavenously can help

  Some people feel worse when they start taking Hydrogen Peroxide as their boidies strive to get rid of all these dead micro-organisms and toxins, but this feeling passes as they begin to reap the benefit.

Medicinal Use
Hydrogen Peroxide bought at most chemists usually carries the instruction "For external use only", on the label. This type of material should NOT BE INGESTED! 

Oral Dosage
For treating serious conditions, the dosage advised by Walter Grotz of Echo INC, int he USA, is two teaspoons (10 mls) of 6% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, three times daily BEFORE each main meal ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. Each dose should be DILUTED in 100-200 mls (half a glass) of water or orange juice, or better still Aloe Vera Juice as this masks the unpleasant flavour. There have never been reported adverse side effects from ingesting this or smaller dose. 

Reports from therapists and some of our members have suggested that lower doses i.e. half to one teaspoon (2-5 mls) once or up to three times a day can be very beneficial. Indeed for sufferers from candidiasis (thrush) half a teaspoon three times daily has proved to be very effective 

  Mixing With Aloe Vera

Hydrogen Peroxide has a foul taste. Experience shows that when mixed with Aloe Vera Juice this unpleasant taste is masked and nausea is prevented. Furthermore, the user gets all the benefits of Aloe Vera which complement the use of H2O2. Organic whole leaf Aloe Vera is available by mail order from ECHO healthcare. 

Vitamins and Minerals
Diet and H2O2 - it is recommended that a good supportive diet be followed. Oxygen is the life force in natural, uncooked fooed ang gives health to the body. Thus we encourage the use of fresh fruit and vegetables, a low intake of red meat, with chicken and fish to supply the main protein requirement 

For your convenience 6% Hydrogen Peroxide, Alova (organic whole-leaf Aloe Vera Juice 10:1 concentrate) Food State Vitamins and Minerals are available from ECHO healthcare by mail order. The body is designed to obtain its nutritional requirements rom food and food State Vitamins are complexed in a food matrix and can therefore be absorbed into the body more readily than any others. 

All these products are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, are guaranteed free from added sugars, colours, flavours, preservatives and dairy products. Manufactured using filtered water. These food state products have been found to cause no known allergic reactions. 

Other Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide
  Bathing - 10 oz of 6% H2O2 to half a bath of water. Soak for at least half an hour. You may double that quantity
Showering - Spray yur body with 3% H2O2 after a shower (i.e. 6% diluted 1:1)
Douce/Enema - Add three tablespoons maximum 6% H2O2 to 2 pints distilled water
  Colonic - Add one quarter pint of 6% H2O2 to five gallons of warm water (1 the maximum to use)
Foot Bath - 3 oz 6% H2O2 to one gallon of water and soak
Mouthwash - Use one hlaf teaspoon of 6% H2O2 in a tumbler of water
Toothpaste - Use bicarbonate of soda and enough 6% H2O2 to make a paste, or just dip your toothbrush in H2O2 and brush.
H2O2 has many other valuable uses in the kitchen i.e. washing fruit, vegetables, salads, cleaning work surfaces, washing up and laundry.

  We wish to make it clear that this information is for educational purposes and is derived from current practise in the USA. We beleive taht it is important taht if you consider using this therapy you shuld first advise your docotr as a matte of courtesy and as a matter of prudence if you are taking any other course of treatment.

  For long standing problems it is advisable to stay at the maximum recommended dose for one to three weeks. After this time it is suggested dosing twice a day until the problem is resolved. This may take from one to six months. Don't give up!

  Quite often people who are taking Hydrogen Peroxide experience a feeling of nausea and malaise. This is due to the body cleansing itself of all the debris which has accumulated and is being cleared out by the oxygen treatment. It is impotand to recognise that this is a common occurence and users should persevere through the healing crisis. They will then begin to feel better as days fo by.

Ingestion of Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide
R.A. Holman, M.D., M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.Path

  The alimentary tract from muth to anus is lined by a range of cells with differing metabolic requirements and differing content of catalase Hydrogen Peroxide is normal metabolite produced by many living cells and used by them 

In the normal mouth are several million micro-organisms some strongly catalase +ve but many catalase -ve. Many of the mouth Streptococci an dPneumococci are catalase -ve and normally produce hydrogen peroxide. The salivary glands produce a fluid rich in peroxidase and there is no doubt that dilute solutions of hydrgoen peroxide produced by organisms combine with the peroxidase to create comlexes which are very active oxidising systems. We all swallow these every time material enters the oesophagus. Peroxidase + Hydrogen Peroxide + C1 ions in the stomach is an excellent killing system for micro-organisms which will account for the death of bacteria in the stomach except in those patients who are achlorhydric. 

As you know in nature rain, snow and droplets on plants have all been shown to contain small concentrations of hyrdrogen peroxide. Plants which are mostly rich in peroxidase use this hydrogen peroxide for a variety of chemical reactions. The richest source of peroxidase in plants are horseradish, potatoes and chestnuts. So man can take in considerable peroxidase-hydrogen peroxide compoexes in food and drink. It is a general misconception that hydrogen peroxide in contact with living cells is always dissociated into water and oxygen. Yes in the concentratioin of hydrogen peroxide is high dissociation will always take place and this is the most rapid enzymic action known. It is possible that the catalase in cells dissociates the hydrogen peroxide which bathes them in very dilute concentrations, but their catalase forms complexes and even free radicals wigh the dilute hydrogen peroxide which are very active systems for carrying ut other chemical processes. Catalase-peroxide complexes for peroxidase-peroxide complexes in appropriate conditions will kill certain or alter larger cells. I have no doubt that as hydrogen peroxide is a normal metabolite produced by many cells that the judicious ingestion of very dilute hydrogen peroxide merely enhances the normal physiological situation. White cells normally kill bacteria or inactivate viruses by virtue of their peroxidase-peroxide +C1 systems and hence the search to use this model to kill cancer cells.  

  Many years ago it was shown that the catalase content of alimentary tract cells decreases the lower down the alimentary system one goes. It is therefore important to realise that more active catalase-peroxide compoexes are formed and used in the proximal parts of the gut than the distal.