Zhan Zhuang Postures
Position 1 
Let your arms hang loosely, drop your shoulders and elbows. Relax your hips and tummy, tuck your bottom with knees slightly bent.
Position 3
Imagine that you are standing in a stream up to your waist and your hands are floating on the surface of the water. 
Or that you are holding down two inflated balloons with your hands. The stance is the same as the last two positions.    
Position 4 
Slowly bring your arms around in front of your abdomen, raise and open your hands slightly and bring them to rest as if you are holding an enormous belly.    
Position 5 
Bring your hands up to within eye level and imagine that you are holding a large balloon in front of your face.  Palms facing outward and sink your weight down slightly, remember to relax your arms and shoulders.   
Position 2
Stand as in the first position but raise your arms as though you are holding a large beach ball, the arms should be realxed at shoulder height.  