Wheat Grass
The Wheat Grass Manual..... Barbara Moore.

   With enough of the right kind of positive energy,
   We can take our dreams and make them reality.

   A few years ago Barbara Moore decided to travel from San Francisco to New York; Nothing special about that you may think, But not only did she decide to walk the journey in 45 days but eat nothing but grass and weeds on the way. (This could have given "fast food" a good name.)
  For years, Barbara Moore had made a habit of travelling to Switzerland to walk in the Alps. During many of her long treks she sustained her self on grasses, weeds and water from melted snow. She also completed a one thousand-mile walk across England, maintaining a five to six mile per hour pace for sixteen to eighteen hours a day. At fifty-six years of age she proved that the Standard Adult Diet is just what it stands for SAD and that many dietary standards need to be reviewed.
  The day she departed from San Francisco on her transcontinental walk reporters saw her carrying a banana and a jar of celery juice, the only supplements she would add to her diet of grasses and edible weeds. Mrs Moore arrived in New York, greeted by an entourage of friends and surprised reporters forty-six days later.

What is Wheat Grass?
  Wheat grass is the term used to describe the young wheat plant. Wheat grass is a rapidly growing food supplement; it can be used as food, medicine and a tonic for more serious ailments. Organically grown wheat grass contains many (if not all) of the nutrients missing (or destroyed in processing and cooking) in our diet today. Wheat grass can be taken in powder, capsule, or tablet form. Wheat grass can be juiced and made in to a refreshing pick-me-up drink.

What can wheat grass do for me?
  Wheat grass will initially de-tox the body and start to rebuild it as it should be. The human body is very resourceful and will the best job with the materials supplied, but when given the optimum nutrition the human body becomes a powerful vehicle in which to spend a long and happy life. Here is a simplified list of the benefits of a diet supplemented with organically grown wheat grass.

  De-tox the body.
  Clean and build the blood.
  Regenerate the liver.
  Protect against radiation.
  Protect against free radicals.
  Function with less sleep.
  Decreased recovery time from training.
  Reduced muscle soreness.
  Increased flexibility.
  Weight loss.
  Clarity of thought.
  Rapid growth of hair and nails.
  Help restore hair colour.
  Increased energy.

   Some of the benefits you will notice very quickly, unlike vitamin and mineral supplements. First is the "healing crisis" when the body is cleaning out all the rubbish accumulated over your lifetime, with this you may feel tired and have cold like symptoms. To reduce these symptoms simply reduce the amount of wheat grass and drink large amounts of water. A feeling of more energy will follow the healing crisis and your recovery time from training will be reduced together with less muscle soreness. Not all benefits will be noticed as you may never get to see an analysis of your blood before and after supplementation, but you may notice that you need less sleep and have an increased ability to think clearly.  

Intake of energy.
  Most schools of thought will tell you about complex carbohydrates, that is pasta, rice, and potatoes for energy. What happens after a heavy meal (Sunday Dinner)? Most people will feel tired and have a nap in front of the TV.
  Meals should consist of a balance of three things, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The protein should supply the body with at least the essential amino acids (if not all). The fats should supply the body with the essential fatty acids. The carbohydrates should also supply the body with essential enzymes for many functions including digestion. Add to that Vitamins, Minerals, Fibre, clean water, and clean air and we have started to get the right materials together. Cooked meat will not supply all the essential amino acids, margarines will not supply essential fatty acids, and cooked carbohydrates will not supply essential enzymes.

  For energy take your carbohydrates from raw fresh fruit and vegetables.
  For energy take your fat from flaxseed oil or virgin olive oil.
  For energy and a full spectrum of amino acids take wheat grass as well as your protein sources.
  Conservation of energy.

  The digestion system will, if not kept in a fine balance, take a great deal of energy to do its job. Enzymes not supplied by the diet will be replaced by the body's metabolic enzymes; this can result in inappropriate foods taking more energy from the system than they supply. Nothing can function in the body without enzymes (you even need enzymes to dream); it is the Pancreas that is involved with enzymes and insulin metabolism. The Pancreas can become enlarged and can be a major factor in the on set of diabetes.

  With a lack of fibre and enzymes in the diet, the whole digestive process will slow down. Wheat grass can supply both fibre and enzymes to recoup this lost energy.

  Ann Wigmore in her book on wheat grass gives a personal account of what a change in diet did for her. At the age of fifty, with grey hair and very bad digestive problems, Ann changed her diet to include raw foods and wheat grass. Today Ann is seventy-six years old, she has natural brown hair, and She needs only an average of four hours of sleep a night. At seventy-six Ann is not the tired fifty year old she once was, she now says, "I have more energy than I ever remember having as a child". "My weight has been stable (the same as it was in my youth), and my energy level is limitless."
  Ann Wigmore's book is simply called 'The Wheat Grass Book' and is published by the Avery publishing group.

  Where to get wheat grass.

  As wheat grass is becoming more and more popular as a food supplement its availability is becoming wider all the time. This can be both good and bad. The good side will mean reduced prices because of the new competition. The bad side means every one will jump on the bandwagon and try selling what is now called normal wheatgrass.

  I must take some time here to describe how our normal crops are grown. In the1960's it was officially recognised that the soil in our fields was mineral deficient, thirty years on and the soil can only be of a poorer quality. Good-looking crops can be grown using fertilisers but humans need more. The chemical industry now has the farmers over a barrel (full of hideous poisons); they can't grow their crops without them and it takes years to revert back to an organic farming regime. Put the pesticides on top of all this and you will get nothing of any goodness out of the wheatgrass.

Most reputable suppliers will use an organic source of wheat grass and most use 'Pines' of America, Pines product the best quality wheat grass I have found to date. Specialist Herbal Supplies import wheatgrass from Pines and sell it on at both wholesale and retail. Qualified nutritional practitioners can register for their wholesale prices, I can now buy the wheat grass from Specialist Herbal Supplies at their wholesale prices and pass the savings on to you.

  (There is legislation underway in the USA to try and change the definition of the word 'organic'. If this legislation goes through then almost any product can be classed as 'organic', pesticides and all.)