Set is the fictional South London suburb of Ditcham, Limerick Road. This radio 4 (and 5) serial followed the lives of a group of people living in a house in the street, their ups and downs and the lives they lead.
Broadcast Dates:
Production Company:
BBC 1987-1991
Internet Pages:
Citizens - the BBC
Your Views:
Ugh! I thought this show was AWFUL!
The 1980s were a time of contrasts: the politically correct liberal thinking of the 1960s had gone underground during the cynical 70s but, by 'Yuppie Heaven 1987', had re-emerged as an ugly beast! I listened to Citizens because I was a huge fan of Waggoners' Walk and hoped that this might be a continuation under another name. It wasn't, although the street the characters lived in was called Limerick Road, which reminded me of Waggoners' Walk, that was the only similarity.
Here we had these characters, old university pals, sharing a house. There was Alex, a single mother, two dreadful twins, an Indian female doctor and a Scottish guy called Hugh.Hugh was a yuppie type, and got involved with villains; Alex got held up by a gunman; the Indian doctor encountered racism AND sexism at work, and all the characters regularly visited their parents, so whole episodes would be set in Liverpool, Glasgow or wherever, with characters we never got to know well.
The regular characters were irritatingly 'right on', upper class English characters were usually portrayed as Heroin addicts or racists, and with so many issues crammed in to the series, character development, even for the regulars, didn't exist. The oddest thing was that the housemates' thoughts were sometimes clearly audible!
I listened until I realised that my sudden, strange desire to smash my radio's face in was motivated by Citizens, then stopped. It must NEVER happen again.
Andrew Brett - 13/02/04
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Soap Cross-overs
Hetty Baines
Avril Clark
Kate Duchene
Scott Farrell
Christopher Godwin
Eve Gurney
Beverley Hills
John Hollis
Seeta Indrani
Anthony Jackson
James MacPherson
Maggie McCarthy
Brian Murphy
David Richard-Fox
Jane Whittenshaw
Last Update: 13/03/04
I need your help. If you have any images or details about this programme that your happy to share with us, we'd love to hear from you. Please e-mail at: peacock_productions@hotmail.com |