BBC America

The Robinsons

Programme Guide

This was Britian's earliest soap, devised in 1942 for radio and to be broadcast to the United States and Canada on the BBC's North American Service.
First called 'Front Line Family', it showed the Robinson family bravely coping with rationing, Hitler's bombs, their RAF aircrew son going missing and thier duaghter Kay falling in and out of love.
The Americans and Canadians loved it and other overseas services took it up and eventually some Britons managed to catch it. The soap was retitled 'The Robinsons' and was eventually put on the Light Programme for British consumption.

Internet Pages:

Broadcast Dates:


Production Company:
BBC Radio 1942-1948

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Soap Cross-Over

Michael Denison
Dulcie Gray

Last Update: 01/03/03

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