U K Regional Office .....[FTP Tools]...
freepublish@yahoo.co.uk.....[Web Ring Search]
Our specialist service is providing free web pages for books and multimedia published by L&R Hartley, and other Publishers. We also manage the Free Handout Service for Salubrity™ Seminars and others, and host a number of web-rings and other sites internationally.
All of the websites developed by this office are posted without charge on the www and continually updated free of charge in accordance with our web policy.
For authors, we may also provide an Author's Own Marketplace and/or a free moderated email server to handle your book-related correspondence, if you have requested to have the publisher's contact details on the website rather than your own. Any mail addressed to you at this server will be forwarded to your personal email address without the sender needing to know your personal details. (Note: This is for book-related correspondence not for personal emails). You can then choose to correspond with the enquirer direct, or via our Internet Services Branch if you want your address kept confidential.
Our web policy includes the seeking of written permission from the author before anything is included on the www. Permission also allows for a mandatory link to L&R Hartley's web site. You have the option of choosing such things as a description of your book or multimedia item, a photo of the cover, your portrait photo, a profile of you as author, an excerpt from your book, book reviews and critiques of your book, links to bookstores selling your book, a link to other publications of the same genre, links to a 'same-genre' web-ring, and a link to your personal web site, and/or a link to a writer's assn./club/etc.
To download a copy of the permission form (in .pdf format - 11 Kb), click <HERE>
Print out and fill in the form (using black ink) and mail it to our head office in Australia.
(P O Box 1471, Murwillumbah NSW Australia 2484.)
If you later wish to change details on the form after it has been submitted (for example to add a web address), simply fill in and submit another form with a covering letter highlighting the requested change. Be sure to fill in every applicable section on the form. We will always use the most recently dated form as our authority. If you request the withdrawal of an item from the www, consider that it takes time to modify websites and the item may not be able to be removed immediately.
We recommend printing two copies of the form and retaining one for your reference.
If you use a nom de plume or pseudonym, then, on the permission form this becomes part of the title or description of the book. So if your pen name is Nightingale and your real name is Fred Smith, then you are giving permission for the book "'Windy Nights' by Nightingale" and you sign it Fred Smith.
Domain name selection is solely at the discretion of L&R Hartley, however we do welcome your suggestions.
Please email and tell us when you post your filled-out form to us so that we can commence the development of your site ready to upload it immediately to the www when we receive the signed permission form.
Use our Free online FTP service (Courtesy of www.web2ftp.com)
Use our free online Websafe Colour Chart
Use our free Web Ring SearchAdditional online computer tools available at Mike's Megabytes Computers
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