Thnx for taking the time to sign my guestbook! If you haven yet, then sign it!!

Nikki - 12/28/00 04:09:26
Where are you from?: Liberty....yay me.
Do you love me?: Of course. Although I know who you really want to hear that from!! Heehee.
How could I improve my page?: Put your picture on it!! A recent one!!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?:: You are!! Cuz you are awesome!! Tiff rocks the house!!
Is you a guy or a girl?: I'm a girl!! A really crazy, smart-mouthed one, at that!!
How old are you?: I am 17, but I will be 18 pretty soon.....if anyone cares to know....
I got here because...:: Umm.....cuz I clicked on the link and by the wonders of I am....

Hey, Tiffy! Wassup, girl? Well, this makes two entries in a row for me!! Alright! The whole guestbook signing thing has been really slow lately. I need to find more people to sign mine. Then they can come over here and sign yours. But that requires making new friends, which isn't a problem for me...but finding the new people to make friends with...that is the challenge. Hmmm. ANYWAYZ! Chaney never did answer my question, of which chump was the unlucky one that has to guard me, when we hit the courts...I'd say it will be Hurst though. Chaney couldn't handle this...he'll have a hard enough time, with Tiff!! Besides, Hurst has played against me before, and he did a good job...I'll even admit that he beat me. But that was last year...this is now!!! Okay. Sugar buzz is gone, so I'm out!!! Lataz!

Nikki - 12/23/00 06:15:06
Where are you from?: Scientists are still pondering I don't know....
Do you love me?: You best believe it!!!!
How could I improve my page?: Put more stuff on it.....don't ask me what though.....
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?:: Tiffy!! Li'l Ms. 3-Pointer!!
Is you a guy or a girl?: All girl, all the time.....
How old are you?: 17......but I'll be 18 in March!! Booyah!!
I got here because...:: I felt like it!!!

Yo, Tiffy, wassup? Just bummin' around the Internet and decided to drop by your site!! After all, it kind of beats mine!! That and I signed my own guestbook last time, so...thought I'd try to make myself look less pathetic and sign yours!! Hey, Chaney...i you read this, I'm with Tiff on the whole anti-enemy thing! Only I'm not gonna have a Hallmark moment like she did...not my style. :) Anywayz. I still want to hit the courts when it is actually warm enough to even consider going outside, but I don't wan no me enough of those! And you and Hurst might never have been beaten...but there is a first time for everything. I got a Celebrity Jeopardy question for ya, Chaney!! Which one of you chumps has to guard me? Better think long and hard about that one...cuz this redhead shows no mercy.

Rick "I Alone have Beaten Hurst/Chaney" Beckman - 12/23/00 05:45:01
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: Depends... I'll flip on it.. heads I do, tails I don't.. *flips a quarter*... Umm.. it landed on edge.. what's that mean? lol
How could I improve my page?: Everclear Music!
How old are you?: Too old.. I wanna be a Toys R Us kid again!
I got here because...:: I clicked on "Favorites" then went down to "Personal Pages" then clicked on "Tiffa's Page".. it took me to her home page, then I clicked on "Sign" and here I am!

Hey, Chaney.. Here's some news for ya. I HAVE BEATEN YOUR LITTLE HURST/CHANEY! Remember that little wrestling match at Chad's house we had? You got layed out, brother, and Chad straight up quit when you were put out. Even Barr's knocked out half of your l ttle team! Remember you trying to put him in the Scorpion Deathlock? You got knocked out, Chaney... HA! Guess the only one invincible in your little team is the "/", and when I meet him, I'll take him out too! AHAHAHA! Oh, and hey Nikki and Tiffy.. I may et what I want for Christmas afterall! But I gotta wait till Monday.. you know cuz that's XMas and all. lol. Love ya both, and good luck Chaney.... YOU GONNA NEED IT! And for all those wondering bout the thing about Chaney and the girl's bathroom thingy.. HE USES THE GIRLS BATHROOM AT SCHOOL! It's true. It's true.

Tiffy - 12/23/00 04:11:57
My Email:I have one...
Where are you from?: Heaven
Do you love me?: Yeh, I s'pose
How could I improve my page?: Uhhh...more stuff...
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?:: Nikki!!
Is you a guy or a girl?: 100% grrl
How old are you?: I is 17
I got here because...:: It's my page and I have no life..

Dude, I'm signing my own guestbook..even answered my own questions..I need to get out more.. Chaney, I can't sign ur guestbook coz it *cough*sucks*cough* so if ya read this then alrighty then! Anywho, just wanted to tell ya that I don't wanna be ur emany. I mean enemy! But, we do gotta play a game sometime just to prove the Hurst/Chaney tag team doesn't win at everything. Never change the way you are for anyone though. Dunno where that came from, just had a Halmark moment! Anywho, hey to all and Merry Chri tmas!! Hope ya get what ya want!!

Mike "I love playing in the girls bathroom" Chaney - 12/22/00 22:19:50
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: NO NOT AT ALL I HATE ALL ENEMYS!!!
How could I improve my page?: MORE PICS OF ME!!!!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?:: THE ONE THAT WARMS THE BENCH!
Is you a guy or a girl?: A guy :)
How old are you?: 17
I got here because...:: I wanted to leave a message


Nikki "Cradle Robber" (couldn't resist putting that!!) - 12/21/00 07:39:10
Where are you from?: Liberty :P
Do you love me?: Sure 'nuff.....after all you are my best friend!!
How could I improve my page?: Ummm....recent picture? Does that sound familiar?
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?:: You. Can't be me. I'm on the stinkin' injured list....but I'm comin' back and all the haters best to watch their backs!!! Ha Ha!!!
Is you a guy or a girl?: Girl....absolutely!! One that kicks butt in basketball too!! Well, when I don't have a broken finger....
How old are you?: 17.....I'll be 18 in March!! Woo-hoo!!!!
I got here because...:: I am taking medication for my hurting finger and I have no clue all the places I have for how the heck I got here? Probably from the link on my page....maybe....anyway.

Yo, girl wassup?! I'm crazy I know, but I can't help it. I was born that way. So how did you like how I entered my name?! I just couldn't resist!!! Well, I can't wait to get back to basketball! Dumb broken finger ain't gonna hold me back no more!!! And al the hatas? I'm comin' thru, so either get out the way or get run over!!! Booyah!! Ok, I'm over it....sorta. Oh, and I'm mad cuz Justin Timberlake is off the market!!! Dang that Britney Spears!!! :) Oh well. I have had way to much I'm gonna hut up now for I say something even more stupid!! Later Tiffy!! Luv yas girl!!

Slick Rick - 12/21/00 04:21:31
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: Umm, that's a toughie.. Lemme sleep on it.. *ZzZzZzZzZz*.. After much consideration, yah I do!
How could I improve my page?: Recent pictures, before your friends help ya out with 'em!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: My favs are my sisters, even though one is on the injured list. :(
Is you a guy or a girl?: Guy
How old are you?: 17, but 18 in April!
I got here because...:: It's linked from my page and in my favorites list!

Hey, Tiffy! Wow, Michael finally got around to your page. Cool. :P Hey, Chaney, SIGN NIKKI'S GUESTBOOK TOO! She signed yours.. you could at least return the favor. lol. And you got that Celebrity Jeopardy on your head a bit too much, there.. You're not Se n Connery.. sorry to say. Glad to hear you are outta the player business. Now, along with me, you're one of the very few non-players in the GAP! lol. The day is ours! Gee, wonder who you're totally in love with? Could she start with a "T"? Nah, couldn't b .. Could it? And no, not Tiff... another T... lol, or something. Dude, though.. what are ya waitin' for? If ya love her, you should be with her, cuz you know she feels the same for you. Kay, I just realized I'm givin' you advice on the wrong board.. But y urs don't let long messages be posted, so whatever.. lol. Ya get what ya get. :) Merry Christmas everyone! Luv ya, Tiff. See you tomorrow!


Mike "2 cool 2 be cool" Chaney - 12/21/00 00:00:14
Where are you from?: Connersville baby!!!
Do you love me?: Ummmm YEAH!
How could I improve my page?: Have some Sean Conery wav. files!!!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: I would say you but.....IT'S REALLY ME!
Is you a guy or a girl?: Guy....last time I checked
How old are you?: 17 but in januray I'm 18
I got here because...:: You were on jessi "I think I'm cooler than chaney" D's webpage

Ahh yes.........I'll play your wicked game you rouge. THE DAY IS MINE!! HAHA...I want to say thanx to rick for making me not a player anymore. Yes it's true call dan rather if you want to. I'm NOT A PLAYER don't ask me how or why it happend but it did so ake that all you girls haha LOOK'S LIKE THIS IS MY LUCKY DAY! and oh yeah I"m in LOVE with a special girl that I can't if anyone else want's to try go ahead I'll give you a chance......I only loose things on account of villanry...Guess what you rink water out of.....give up it's a WET LEATHER GLOVE...YOU"LL RULE THE DAY YOU CROSSED THE GAP TREBECK.....WOO HOO TIME FOR THE JEOPARDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elliot - 12/19/00 03:58:43
Where are you from?: Canada
Do you love me?: umm...sure
How could I improve my page?: how can you improve perfection? (ha) (sorry)
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: I've never seen them play
Is you a guy or a girl?: guy
How old are you?: 17
I got here because...:: I saw your webpage through a friends guestbook and I'm killing time before I start my homework (procrastination)

You seem pretty cool, I agree with your beliefs (well I mean people are cool even I don't agree with their beliefs but oh well) Anyways I'll try not to drag on but your page is pretty cool and one day I hope to make a webpage (ha) Goodnight

Tiffy - 12/19/00 00:36:18
Where are you from?: Connertucky
Do you love me?: Duh!
How could I improve my page?: Umm...
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: Nikki...and Tash...and Mal...and...
Is you a guy or a girl?: 100% girl!
How old are you?: I is 17, go me!
I got here because...:: it's my page..


Dad - 12/18/00 21:54:26
My Email:the house
Where are you from?: c,ville
Do you love me?: I haft too
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: #2
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: waight till u r 40
Is you a guy or a girl?: a dad
How old are you?: old enough to be ur dad
Should I stop asking questions now?: might be best

Hey great page & I guess your a great kid too(he he) keep up the good work love ya .

Rick - 12/17/00 06:01:36
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: Of course, me does!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: YES!



Love ya, Sis.. Hope you had a good bday. You're 17 now.. what are you going to do? Cuz I don't know 'bout you but I'm in such a flippin' spec-freakin'-tacular mood right now after Snoball I think I's going to go to Disney W rld or something!!! Good Gravy, I'm in a great mood! WOOOOOOOO!!!!

Nikki.....the one with the broken finger.. - 12/14/00 04:50:51
Where are you from?: Around here somewhere...
Do you love me?: Why of course I do, Tiffy!!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: Ummm......that little short girl, what's her number? I think it's #2...yeh, her.
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: How long have you been asking that question? When are you gonna stick one on here?
Is you a guy or a girl?: I'm a girl, for sure. Grrl Power!!
How old are you?: I'm seventeen...for now....I'll be eighteen in March.
Should I stop asking questions now?:

Hey Tiffy! Your birthday is getting closer and closer! I hope we can go see the Grinch...that'll be fun! And I can give you your present...which I hope you'll like. Christmas is getting closer and closer too! And I'm still not done Christmas ss I better hurry. Well, it's looking more and more like your game Friday might be canceled due to the bad weather...which I dread. And you know why I dread it too, don't you? Ugh. I don't think I can deal with it right now...I don't feel good and when I on't feel good I can't tolerate as many things. Oh well. You'll help me get through whatever happens!! Luv yas!! See ya later!

Nikki - 12/12/00 04:54:45
Where are you from?: Liberty, IN
Do you love me?: are my bestest friend!!!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: #2....definitely!!! She is awesome!!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: Sure!!
Is you a guy or a girl?: Girl....100%....a girl that can play basketball even!!
How old are you?: 17.....soon to be 18!! If more people like me were of voting age we wouldn't be going through this recount crap right now!!!
Should I stop asking questions now?: Nope, not unless you want to....want me to ask questions? Oh...I guess I just did.

I like your old guestbook isn't psycho like your other one!! I will miss you guys when you play your games without me this week. Darn it!!! Why did I have to go and break my finger?! But I know you guys can win without me, especially with you n the team!! I just want to get back as soon as possible! It's my senior year dang it, and I want to play!! Well, good luck! I'll be prayin' for you since I can't come cheer you won't let me. Guess he is afraid that I'll pull another stunt like l st time and run in the game and play with a broken finger! :) Duh me. Anyway, go Tiffy!!! Make a bunch of threes for me!! Luv ya!!!

Rick - 12/12/00 01:05:30
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: Of course, me does!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: #'s dos and cuatro!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: You know it!
Is you a guy or a girl?: Guy last time I checked.. doubt it's changed since then
How old are you?: 17 years, 7 months, 20-some days.
Should I stop asking questions now?: if you feel the urge

This is a test! :) What's up, Tiffy? Sowwy to hear bout your two losses. But hey, that's against 7 wins so it's all good! :) Hope I can make it to some of you home games again, that was fun. I dunno about this Saturday.. Now I'm torn just like the outlaw n Metallica's "Outlaw Torn". I'll find out Tuesday what's up with Saturday though.. Stupid groundings and stuff mess up everything. Oh well, either way, it'll be fun. And there's always some other Saturdays! lol. Later, Sis. Luv ya!

Ronnie - 11/26/00 20:27:18
Where are you from?: venus
Do you love me?: kinda
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: Rebecca
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: no
Is you a guy or a girl?: a man
How old are you?: 18
Should I stop asking questions now?: yeah, that would be great!

Great site.

Nikki - 11/25/00 02:52:28
Where are you from?: Somewhere.
Do you love me?: Yeppers.
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: #2!!! She is awesome! Go Tiff!!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: Yes, please.
Is you a guy or a girl?: I'm a girl. Thank you.
How old are you?: I is 17. I will be 18 in March. Yay.
Should I stop asking questions now?: Yeah. If you want.


Rick - 11/24/00 06:19:31

Just thought I'd share an awesome and oh-so-true Metallica lyric from the song "Motorbreath" off of their debut album from '83 ("Kill 'Em All"):

Those people who tell you not to take chances
They are all missing on what life's about
You only live once so take hold of the chance
Don't end up like others: the same song and dance!

See, you can learn a lot from a metal band! :)

Ronda w/o an"h" - 11/23/00 18:36:37
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: Duh?
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: Yes
Is you a guy or a girl?: Women
How old are you?: Old
Should I stop asking questions now?: Yes

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!! Just a thought for the day...Thanksgiving is an attitude of the heart....not a time of the year!

Rick - 11/23/00 15:09:16
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: 'course!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: 4 and 2!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: I got a recent pic of you on my site. :)
Is you a guy or a girl?: Lemme check.. Umm, I'm a guy!
How old are you?: 17
Should I stop asking questions now?: I dunno.

Hahahaha! I did it! I posted a new pic of Tiffany over on my site! :) :) :) Oh, you'll love it, Tiff! Yay me! Besides, Nikki's always had a recent pic of you getting an award on her page, so it was only fair. Right? Right!?!

Your stupid long-lost sis, Nikki!! - 11/20/00 22:38:42
Where are you from?: I must be from Stupidsville, because I keep hitting the darn enter key before I'm done!!!
Do you love me?: Yes, of course!! What a silly question!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: Go Tiff!! #2, all the way!!! WNBA!!!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: Yes. Please. Soon.
Is you a guy or a girl?: I'm a girl!! And after typing that about three times now, I'm a litte sick of myself. But anyway. Girl power and all that stuff.....
How old are you?: 17. But I will be 18 on March 21st. And I want.....what's that? This isn't the place where you write your wish list? My bad. Sorry.
Should I stop asking questions now?: Ummm....yes...or no, wait!!! Ummm...I like questions.....but, yeah stop asking.....or.....maybe not.....ummm......I gotta go take my medicine yeah. Stop asking.

Well, third time must be the charm, because this is the third time I have typed this entry. I screwed it up the other two times. Stupid enter key, has a crush on my pinky. Can't keep them off of each other. Anyway. Tiff is an awesome basketball player!! Y y, go Tiff! I am her loyal sidekick, #4. I think they should make a comic book series about us. THE INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES OF #2 AND #4!!! Okay, I am starting to scare myself. I think I will stop writing now. Er...typing that is. Anyway! Ok, medication and padded cell, here I come.

The one and only Tiffa!! - 11/20/00 19:11:13
My Email:Ask me!!
Where are you from?: Connertucky
Do you love me?: Yeh, you are just like the coolest!!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: Everbody's my favorite, but Nikki's my favoritest!! Go Nikki!!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: Nuh uh...but everyone else seems to, so just hold your horses!!
Is you a guy or a girl?: I is 100% GRRL!!
How old are you?: 16, 17 in 26 days, go me!!
Should I stop asking questions now?: Nope coz I have no life so I need more questions!!

Well, I'm signing my own guestbook coz..well, coz I have no life!! That, and no one else is signing..'cept Rick and Nikki and my Moms..*ahem*.. Anywho, how is everyone doing on this fine Thanksgiving...oh, not Thanksgiving yet, sowwy! Oh well, be thankfu for what you have coz you never know when it will be taken away and some poeple might not even have those things! So, be thankful, darn it!! Kay, I'm over it now... Just wanted to say I'm thankful for Jesus, my friends, my family, someone certain who I' not gonna say yet, my house, my doggy *even though he gave me fleas last Wednesday week*, my li'l birdy who has gone to Birdy Heaven, and all the good and even bad memories I've gone through to get where I am right now. THANK YOU!! Well, I'm going back t having a life now, toodles!! Love yas all!!

Ronda w/o an "h" aka Mom - 11/19/00 02:25:55
Do you love me?: Course
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: Can't pick just one...I'd be in trouble...but you can guess.
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: Yes...why are you waiting...
Is you a guy or a girl?: a mom
How old are you?: It's my birthday...don't ask.
Should I stop asking questions now?: almost crossed the line.

Advice: Keep shooting Comments: You're awesome this year. Stuff: Thanks for my Happy Birthday wish.

Rick - 11/18/00 18:41:46
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: 2 and 4!
Is you a guy or a girl?: I's a spoon.. used to be a cheese slicer...and before that a pizza!
How old are you?: 17, one year over Tiff, one year under Nikki! :) I'm the middle, big-bro! :P

Hey, hows come no one's signed my li'l sis's guestbook in like forever? Not nice! I'm the last one that signed it.. Hope I didn't scare everyone off. :P I just want to say that if any of you want the lo-down on The Lady Crusaders, I know two great places o check out! One's at my older sis's site (Nikki) over at and the other's my site. Her site's more personal though, cuz she's got the inside story of everything.. She's #4 ya know! I'm posting everything from the newspaper lol. Oh, and Nikki, you said you'd watch my Metallica concert with me if I watched some Nsync, remember! lol. Luv's yas, sisses! Go TLC! Crusaders Rule!

®ï©k - 11/17/00 14:37:55
My Email:metallic@fan.forever
Do you love me?: :-)
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: It's not nice to play favorites....
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: I have one, and if you don't post one on your site, I'm posting the one I have on mine! HEHEHE!
Is you a guy or a girl?: I'm a pizza.
How old are you?: I lost count past 6.. ChS emucation renemzer....
Should I stop asking questions now?: if you feel the urge too...

BOOMSHAKA! The Crusaders are 2-0! :) Woooooo! Not often I'm the fan of a freakin' WINNING TEAM! :P Well, 'cept for the Bulls, but without Jordan, who cares bout pro bball anymore? Lots less coverage of it I've noticed.. But I don't pay attention to anythi g so oh well. :) Christmas is right around the corner... I can't believe it. There's only one thing I want, and only one person knows it.. Sorry, can't say! :P Which reminds me.. Christmas is so close, which means someone's b-day's even closer.. I better et finishing that present some time in the next week or so.. :P Happy Holidays everyone! Shop Cox! :P Twisting, turning through the Never, Rick

Nikki - 11/17/00 06:20:47
My Email:I'
Where are you from?: Liberty.....yay.
Do you love me?: Yes, because you are awesome!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: You, cuz you played awesome tonight!! 16 points, 3 rebounds, 1assist and one steal!!!!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: Don't make me say it (type it, whatever) again!! YES!!!!
Is you a guy or a girl?: Girl, through and through.
How old are you?: 17. I will be 18 March 21st.....*ahem*
Should I stop asking questions now?: If you want....

WE BEAT LIBERTY CHRISTIAN!!!!!! Go Crusaders!!! They were brutal, man. Throwing us to the ground left and right. But we still won. 51-32. Yay us!! And Tiff was awesome! Go Tiff, go Tiff!!!! Well, that's about all I wanted to say. Tiff is awesome!!!

Mom - 11/17/00 03:28:37
Where are you from?: Connertucky
Do you love me?: ummm....Maybe
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: The one who scored 16 pts. tonight!!!!!!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: No, It might scare people away!! Just Kidding!!
Is you a guy or a girl?: who knows?
How old are you?: never ask that question!!
Should I stop asking questions now?: Yes

Great game tonight for you and Nikki. Loved your page especially your beliefs. Never change them! Mom

Nikki - 11/16/00 07:04:31
My Email:Yep, have one of those.
Where are you from?: Liberty
Do you love me?: Yep, yep, yep!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: You are, silly!!!!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: No, I just wrote that in here half a million times to see what it looked like.....of course I want a recent picture of you on here!!!!!!
Is you a guy or a girl?: Umm...I'm a girl!!! Duh!!!
How old are you?: 17, soon to be 18!!!!
Should I stop asking questions now?: No, I like questions. Makes me feel special!!!

Hey, the Crusaders had better win this thing!!! We got our whole team now, and I am ready to kick some butt! Let's hope that the other team isn't. Well, just having fun signing Tiff's guestbook. Thanks for siging mine Rob!! I feel better now that someone other than Tiff or Rick has actually signed my guestbook. Not that I want you guys to stop signing's just nice that someone else has too!! ! Well, better go!!

Rob Harmon - 11/16/00 04:57:47
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: You know it sweetie .:)
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: You are sweetie
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: Yes Very badly. :)
Is you a guy or a girl?: Guy last time I checked. :)
How old are you?: 19
Should I stop asking questions now?: Na not if you don't want to

Hey sweetie how are you. You know I luvs Ya. :) :) Never Frown becuase you never know who's falling in love with your smile. :) Always smile. :)

Rick - 11/16/00 03:02:22
Where are you from?: I was born in Richmond, Indiana
Do you love me?: ¡Si, Señorita!
Who's your favorite Lady Crusader(s)?: Tiff and Nikki! The coach is pretty cool, too... if he counts as a Lady Crusader that is!
Do you really wanna see a recent pic of me on here?: Well, if you don't show it, I will!
Is you a guy or a girl?: I's a guy!
How old are you?: 17
Should I stop asking questions now?: Ummmm, if you want to!

Hey, Tiff! I just wanna tell ya good luck tomorrow at the game with the Liberty Home Schoolers! TLC has my full support! You think ya put enough questions on this thing? I mean, geez.. you even have questions about your questions.. "Should I stop asking q estions now??".. Never seen anything like it! lol, but it's cute. :P So how ya like this nice cold weather we gots now? I already got a cold.. This sucks.. I hate the winter! Why can't the holidays be in the summer? Must be nice to live in the South!

Nikki - 11/15/00 23:21:34
My Email:You know it!!!
Where are you from?: Liberty.
Do you love me?: Of course, why would you even ask?
What's ur fave part of my site?: It would have to be the info on you...
What can I do to improve it?: Recent pictures.....

I need to go to church so this won't be long....just wanted to sign your guestbook cuz I'm weird like that! I like signing guestbooks. Might as well, since nobody but my bestest friends, Tiff and Rick, will sign mine!!! How rude. Crusaders are going to ki k butt tomorrow!!! I don't like this team that we are playing because they are cheaters. Anyone interested in what happens in the game, can come on over to my site either Thursday night or Friday and read up on it!!! But only if you sign Tiff's guestbook! ! Luv ya Tiff!!! See ya tomorrow!!!

Nikki - 11/14/00 04:08:31
My Email:I need to get a life and quit going around signing guestbooks!!
Where are you from?: Libertucky
Do you love me?: But of course, long lost sister of mine!!
What's ur fave part of my site?: It is about my bestest friend!! :)
What can I do to improve it?: Put a picture of your purty self on it. And one word for ya...Nsync.

WHASSUP?! I am going around signing guestbooks, because I have no life! Yay for me! But I especially love signing yours, cuz...well cuz you are my friend! The one that says things at the same time as me, and even types the same things that I do!! Which is kinda scary cuz that means we are on the same brain wave. That's bad for you! Well, I'm gonna go try to get a life! Luv ya!!! See ya tomorrow! And we have to win Thursday so that we can send Liberty Christian home crying!!! Raise the Roof!!!

A Mom - 11/14/00 01:08:43
My URL:Don't have one
My Email:You wouldn't use it anyway.
Where are you from?: USA
Do you love me?: WHY?
What's ur fave part of my site?: It is all interesting.
What can I do to improve it?: I don't know anymore.

Comments: did real good out there on the court. Ain't nobody gonna mess with you. You just shoot right in their face. You will have to see the tape sometime. WE HAVE TO BEAT LIBERTY they can whine all the way home about having home refs Go figure...especially when one of their refs was one of the girls off the teams grandpa...does that sound right??? This will be a harder game, but....WHO CARES??? BRING IT ON!!!!

Cousin Nikki - 11/13/00 17:28:50
My Email:You know it!!!
Where are you from?: You know that too!!!
Do you love me?: Well....Yes!!!
What's ur fave part of my site?: The bubbles in the background!
What can I do to improve it?: Put more bubbles in the background!!

Hey!! Just got your guestbook entry/note. Or whatever you wanna call it! Yes you had 3 steals!! Go Tiffy!!! Thank you for saying I had a good game. You did too, and we are gonna kick butt Thursday!!! So did you like my review of the game? And no, I wasn't mad about the secret! And I think I figured out what it was! Yay me! Thanks for telling me, although you didn't have to! I don't want you to think I am one of those shallow friends that won't like you if you don't tell me everything!! And, no, you-know-wh isn't coming to my game. :( His family is having their Thanksgiving at his Grandma's a little early, so...poor me. But maybe our next game! I ain't givin' up! See ya at practice!!! Luv ya Cousin Tiff!!

Rick - 11/12/00 07:20:31
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: You better believe it!
What's ur fave part of my site?: The Guestbook... I'm always here!
What can I do to improve it?: RECENT PICTURES.. OF YOU NOT ANY KIND OF AMINAL!!

Congrats on winning your first game, Tiff! :P Hope you have the same luck all season long! I just wanted to thank for the advice ya gave me. Nobody knows girls better than a girl, I guess... Right? Anywayz, I'm gonna hop over to Nikki's page and sign her uestbook. Catch ya laterz! :)

Rick - 11/11/00 07:38:30
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: Duh
What's ur fave part of my site?: The fact that there's no pics of giant half-chicken, half-squirrel, half-lobster monsters on it....
What can I do to improve it?: Recent pics, cuz if you don't Cousin Nikki and I will! :p :p

Wow, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has said and will say that the "Guys Commandments" is their favorite page of the site. That means a lot to me, cuz I worked hard coming up with them. Does this mean I have fans? Well, then, to keep them ha py here's some good news! :) Coming soon, my Commandments for Life in General... I hope. :P :P Much luv!

Rebecca Moore - 11/11/00 05:27:41
Where are you from?: my mommy and daddy
Do you love me?: do you think that I'm stupid? (just kidding!)
What's ur fave part of my site?: its gotta be the guy's commandments
What can I do to improve it?: don't mention Jonathan! ha, I'm just being mean

Well where to start? O.k., I could'nt ask for a better friend.I've known you my whole life (kinda scary huh) and you've always been there for me.If you ever need anything you know where to find me.Talk to you later. Oh and make sure that the CRUSADERS kic butt this year. After all you would'nt want to ruin your reputation none.

Rick - 11/10/00 09:51:16
Where are you from?: Mars
Do you love me?: :?em evol uoy oD
What's ur fave part of my site?: It's all good!
What can I do to improve it?: Recent pics, cuz if you don't Cousin Nikki and I will! :p :p

Hey Tiffa! What's up?? :) Good luck today at your season opener game! Win one for CVille! Go TLC! Show 'em what you're all made of! I'm prayin' for ya, even though I'm sure your two time state champ team doesn't need it. lol. Either way, just have fun, an if you lose, I'm makin' ya listen to a whole Metallica CD!! No pressure or nothin'! :P

Cousin Nikki - 11/09/00 19:03:16
My Email:Yeah, I have one.
Where are you from?: know
Do you love me?: YES!! You are my cousin Tiffy, and my best friend!
What's ur fave part of my site?: outs!
What can I do to improve it?: Uh...recent pictures?

Hi Cousin Tiff!!! I love your site! I just keep coming on it and reading everything over again! I think it is very cool. But it is kind of weird, cuz a lot of parts in it are like mine. Like in our shout outs, we say almost the same thing to some people! ow very weird! Especially since neither of us had any idea what the other was writing. I guess we are just a lot alike! Which is cool. Thank you for signing my guestbook, like half a million times! I am like you, I love it when people sign my guestbook. I is like an obsession or something! Well, I will shut up now. Bye Cousin Tiff!! See ya at practice! Oh...about our game Friday? WE ARE GONNA KICK SOME BOOTY!!!!

Sarah Brown - 11/09/00 17:24:58
Where are you from?: Libertucky :)
Do you love me?: umm... I dunno, let me think. ha,ha j/k
What's ur fave part of my site?: The diary of an unborn child
What can I do to improve it?: nothing

cool site Tiff! :) Keep up the good work. Who knows maybe you could do this for a living. :) :p gtg. bye, bye

Sarah Brown - 11/09/00 17:22:14
My Email:smiley_407


Tiff - 11/09/00 03:23:07
Where are you from?: right here
Do you love me?: Of course!
What's ur fave part of my site?: The commandments! oh, and my little pic!
What can I do to improve it?: not a thing!

GREAT PAGE!!!!!! I visit all the time...well, most of the time. Oh! When we win our first game(Friday) you're gonna have to post it in big letters, k??? yeah....kay....anyhew! See yaz!

Rick - 11/08/00 19:10:49
Where are you from?: C-V
Do you love me?: Duh
What's ur fave part of my site?: My part: The Guys' Commandments!
What can I do to improve it?: Well, the music's annoying, but that's cuz I'm always listening to MP3's.. MIDI files don't make good background for Metallica, let me tell ya! lol. Just kidding.. the music's fine... Really. :)

I just want to tell all you guys out there to check out the Commandments page for guys. You wanna have a happy relationship (key word: relationship!), follow them, dang it! It's not that hard, and your girlfriend, wife, significant other, soul mate, or ev n best friend of the female variety will appreciate you a lot more. That's my opinion.. but apparently one very nice girl agrees with me, as well as her very nice best friend, and that's all that really matters. :P

Sarah Brown - 11/08/00 15:43:27
Where are you from?: Libertucky
Do you love me?: YES :)
What's ur fave part of my site?: ummm...Shoutouts and Guys Commandmants
What can I do to improve it?: NOTHING! :)


Cousin Nikki - 11/08/00 02:55:49
Where are you from?: I'm a Godsend....heehee :)
Do you love me?: Of course. We are long-lost sisters!
What's ur fave part of my site?: Everything....It is awesome!
What can I do to improve it?: I keep tellin' ya....RECENT PICTURES!!!

Hey Cousin Tiff!!!! I love your page! It looks awesome. I really love the new look. Very chic. And I don't think that my page is better than yours. I think that both of our pages are awesome...just like us. Thank you for helping me with my page. It was so much fun working on it with you, because it wasn't like work. More like one big party with lots of Mt. Dew and pizza. Oh and your dad and brother being very weird. But we won't go there. See ya Thursday...and yes we are gonna kick some booty on Friday!!!< r>

Tasha - 11/08/00 00:01:21
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
Do you love me?: Of course.........why not? :0)
What's ur fave part of my site?: Diary of unborn
What can I do to improve it?: Add More links and a photo of yourself

Hey! Did you draw those pics in Shoutouts? way cool. i love um! i love to draw!!! You sound like a cool person. One thing i know we do have in common is that i am out-going and my mouth sometimes gets me in trouble, but people who don't know me think i am reserved and shy........weird huh? anywho, i would love if you would email me. at least for the soul purpose of letting me know your name. hehe :) hey, be sure and check out my site. It's a site about my Fave music. It's farely new and has no info on me, ut it's very cool and was created using html. not common for most 17 year olds. ;) well, thanks for putting up with my novel of a guestbook signature! bye! ~~~~~~~~Tasha

Tiff - 11/06/00 19:12:20
My URL:http://ur here, duh!!
My Email:on the page..
Where are you from?: Well, my Daddy met my Mommy..and you can figure out the rest..
Do you love me?: yes, ur smart and gorgeous and talented an...ok, I'll stop :)
What's ur fave part of my site?: everything
What can I do to improve it?: dunno

Just checking to see if everything's working. I MAY have some pics to put on here sometime. No promises though. Until then, all ya'll stay outta trouble!! :)

Rick - 11/05/00 07:50:29
Where are you from?: My Mom and the Authorities are still trying to figure that one out....
Do you love me?: Oh for sure!
What's ur fave part of my site?: The fact that there's no pics of giant half-chicken, half-squirrel, half-lobster monsters on it....
What can I do to improve it?: Don't put any pictures of giant half-chicken, half-squirrel, half-lobster monsters on it....

Hey, I just wanna tell everyone to go to Nikki's site over at and remember, the "red" is in support of Bobby Knight! He's the man!!!!

Nikki's Mom - 11/03/00 20:59:55
My URL:http:// :( don't have one
My Email:hummer1@peoplepc
Where are you from?: here
Do you love me?: Course!!
What's ur fave part of my site?: Everything
What can I do to improve it?: Recent Pics - Keep Adding New Things.

Your site is good...enjoyable, interesting... I like the music too. I have been in here several times, but this is the first time I signed your book - sorry.

Nikki - 10/31/00 07:34:59
Where are you from?: Liberty
Do you love me?: I already told you. :)
What's ur fave part of my site?: Everything, now
What can I do to improve it?: Maybe some Nsync music?

You have to help me make my own page!! I'll give you credit for it! And then you can go in it and sign the guestbook fifty-some times. I really like your site. It is really cool. So you're gonna help me right?

Nikki Grayson - 10/31/00 00:06:06
Where are you from?: Liberty, Indiana
Do you love me?: Of course. :)
What's ur fave part of my site?: The shout outs. So cute!
What can I do to improve it?: Put a recent picture of you!

Awesome page, girl! Now I'm gonna have to get me one!! See ya!!!

Rick - 09/20/00 05:00:21
Where are you from?: C-Ville, IN
Do you love me?: Sure I love you. :P
What's ur fave part of my site?: The whole thing is great!
What can I do to improve it?: Put the pic you emailed me on it!

Hmm.. Just want to wish Tiffany the best of luck with basketball camp this week. Amazingly we live in the same town yet have never met. We know each other on ICQ though.. Doesn't that count for something? Anywayz, everyone check out my site and sign the m ssage board there.. Tell them the Watcher sent you and make sure and say how much better Tiff's site is than mine!! Nuthin' but love, Tiffany, Laterz!

Chris Elliott - 09/14/00 00:49:46

send me your addy!

Me! - 09/12/00 14:16:14
Where are you from?: Earth
Do you love me?: of course!
What's ur fave part of my site?: I FINALLY got unwanted information off..*ahem*
What can I do to improve it?: if I knew, would I ask??

Great site, Me! Lovin' it very much :) Keep it up and stay the cool self that you are...hehe.. Ok ok so it's early and I'm a little off(but I'm always off so..) Anywayz, I better stop talking to my own guestbook before the nut house people come and take m away or something... *Attention* Everyone - sign the guestbook...yes, even if you already signed it 40 times!! Thanks you very much!!

Rick "Watcher" Beckman - 09/12/00 03:49:14
Where are you from?: C-Ville, IN
Do you love me?: Sure I love you. :P
Are you a momo?: Probably not
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: 92

Geez, and I thought I had a good webpage. I've even gotten people A's on school projects involving websites, but this site puts mine to shame in so many ways, I don't even know where to begin! You have a lot of respect from me now, Tiffany. It's rare I co e across a personal webpage that's impressive, but yours ranks up there with the best, and I'm not even joking there, either. Heck, I'm a certified HTML developer through and I couldn't even have thrown together a page like yours if I tried I'd never think of embedding the Windows Media Player into the website, although I could if I really wanted I guess. Okay.. gotta stop.. Calm down, Rick.. It's just a website. Aaahh well. Nice site, Tiffany! Catch ya on the flip side or something. I'd li e to give a shout out to my Knights! What's up, Shawn! Love ya, Angela!

Craig - 08/31/00 22:26:33
Where are you from?: Toronto
Do you love me?: sure :)
Are you a momo?: huh???
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: 92

Hi Tiffany, this page is cute :) Thanx for visiting my page! I thought I'd return the favour since you asked so nicely :) Well God Bless and Keep it up!!

Kimberly Mullins - 08/07/00 02:45:12
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: Let me think...Sure why not?!:)
Are you a momo?: NOPE...i dont think so at least
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: a number

Hey Sweety!! whats up?? i really like your page its totally awesome!! i havent known you that long but your really sweet and a great friend!! :) never change...okay!! always stay the same....well im gonna kick it!! stay cool LYLAS (love ya like a sister) Kimberly Ü

Jess (friend of a friend) - 08/01/00 15:00:33
Where are you from?: NSK for life!
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: 92

Kewl web page!

Jen - 06/19/00 01:21:27
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Do you love me?: Sure!
Are you a momo?: A what?
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: Sorry, I'm not gonna take the time to do that , sorry

Cute site! Thank you so much for signing my guestbook, by the way!

Me - 06/06/00 15:05:49
Where are you from?: Well, my Mommy and Daddy met and...
Do you love me?: Yep yep!!
Are you a momo?: Hmmm I've been told I am..
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: It's summer, who cares?!

I got bored so I'm signing my own g-book! Yay!!

Ashley Boone - 05/06/00 23:10:53
Where are you from?: Mars
Do you love me?: SURE!
Are you a momo?: OF COURSE!
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: I'm just signin'the guest book

Pretty neat for someone who likes UK.

Mallory Boone - 05/06/00 14:48:10
Where are you from?: Earth
Do you love me?: no(i'm kiddin')YES!
Are you a momo?: like YA
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: 27

Tiff, I really enjoyed looking at your web page.Prety cool. See ya!mallory

Brian - 05/01/00 23:14:47
My URL:No longer exists! :(
Where are you from?: WI
Do you love me?: Yes..very much so! :)
Are you a momo?: Am I a what?! *L*
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: 86

Hey! You wanted me to sign your guestbook so here I am. :) Your home page looks nice. I like how you re did it. I did see something that you might wanna change IF you can. I'm not sure if you can though. You know on your side menu where you have all your inks to different parts of your home page? Well, just an idea but you might want to make it so that when they click on a link on the side, that it just reloads part of the page that will be changing instead of having it reload the whole entire page. Do yo kind of get what I mean? So, when they click on a link in that side menu the side menu doesn't have to reload. Just the part that will be changing reloads. Like I said, its just an idea. You can have it how you want it. :) Anyway, your page looks good ot erwise. Keep up the good work. :) Talk to you later my friend. :) *hugs* See ya!

Rebecca Moore - 04/28/00 15:56:09
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: no comment.just kidding!!!
Are you a momo?: I don't think so!
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: let me get a calculator and I'll tell ya.

Great page buttie! And thanks for sticking with me also,I know I can be a major pain at times as well.

Lee Anne - 04/28/00 12:08:18
Where are you from?: You know
Do you love me?: Very MUCH!!!!!
Are you a momo?: Is that a Word?
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: Forget it

I like your homepage, I really like your testimony. I think its wonderful you share it with others. I know you will be blessed for doing it. See ya tonight Love ya Lee Anne (The original Momo)

Mom - 04/28/00 05:59:22
Where are you from?: don't know
Do you love me?: Maybe
Are you a momo?: No, Danny wins that award!
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: to tired to figure that one out.

Great Page! Loved your testimony page! Love Mom.

Ronzo Sizemore - 04/22/00 02:30:57
Where are you from?: Heaven
Do you love me?: no,but Jonathan Hankins does.
Are you a momo?: are you a homo?
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: I'm dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you love momo's?

Jennifer Moore - 04/22/00 02:24:24
Where are you from?: connersville
Do you love me?: You kidding I know you!!!!!
Are you a momo?: Danny's the biggest one of all
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: Don't want to think about it!

ronnie thinks a momo means a homo.

Rob - 04/20/00 23:53:54
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: Yes
Are you a momo?: no
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: 52

Hey You what's up? Not a lot here. Great web page you got here. :) :) Later Rob Harmon

Tabitha Clarkston - 04/20/00 19:59:35
Where are you from?: Union County
Do you love me?: Yes
Are you a momo?: yes

I totally love Rick Privett

Chris Elliott - 04/17/00 14:43:32
Where are you from?: Connersville
Do you love me?: Absolutely
Are you a momo?: Momo???
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: To tired to try!!!

Ahh my page is coming up real soon I'll let you know!

#1 momo - 04/17/00 14:25:54
Where are you from?: Momoville
Do you love me?: u don't know do ya?
Are you a momo?: yep!
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: who cares?

Tiff I really liked your home page. I really liked the turn signal and deposit slips(I might have a couple lying around if you want them...hee hee!) You are a great friend and a wonderful person. Elmo is one lucky fur ball. Remember you will always have a friend in a momo. Did ya ever look up 8433?

brad - 04/17/00 13:06:09
Where are you from?: connersville
Do you love me?: sure :)
Are you a momo?: momo? i don't know
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: 64

how is your tongue :P

Tiffany - 04/17/00 03:55:03
My URL:http://ur here
My Email:ask me
Where are you from?: well God thought me up then my mommy and my daddy met...
Do you love me?: 'Course, who wouldn't! :)
Are you a momo?: Nope nope
What is 8[(9+7)-6+2]-7+3?: It's the weekend, I'm not thinking..

Just seeing if this works!! Sign my guestbook everybody!!

Tabitha - 04/16/00 21:13:30
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Not UK **sorry to tell the truth*
What did you like best about my site?: The kewl music!
How could I improve it?: talk to the geosites people, the box in the corner is very annoying
Would you visit my page again?: YEP!

Kewl page Tiff! I really liked the story's, and it was good to read your testimony! Stay the way you are, and don't let anybody change you! ~God Bless Ya Real Good :)~

Rebecca Moore - 04/16/00 19:31:02
Your Fave College Basketball Team: U.K
What did you like best about my site?: all of it
How could I improve it?: get Ronnie and Jonathan off,just kidding
Would you visit my page again?: yah

Great page buttie!

Billie - 03/18/00 04:40:37
Your Fave College Basketball Team: North Carolina
What did you like best about my site?: I love Precious Moments
Would you visit my page again?: Yes!


Jeanna Bollmer - 02/16/00 20:52:14
Your Fave College Basketball Team: UC
What did you like best about my site?: pictures
How could I improve it?: get UK off of it
Would you visit my page again?: Yes

So Tabitha could beat me? We'll just have to see about that. br>
jonny blaze - 02/16/00 00:15:27
Your Fave College Basketball Team: uc bearcats
What did you like best about my site?: everything
How could I improve it?: nothing
Would you visit my page again?: yes

i loved it. it grables :)

Kyle - 02/08/00 05:25:21
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Indiana University
What did you like best about my site?: you
How could I improve it?: stop the small caps, large cap thing. It screws with my head.
Would you visit my page again?: of coarse

You seem like a really interesting girl. One I would enjoy getting to know.

z - 02/08/00 05:22:56


brad linville - 01/22/00 00:14:47
Your Fave College Basketball Team: IU
What did you like best about my site?: great looking site
How could I improve it?: leave just how it is
Would you visit my page again?: sure

:P no tongue jokes this time :P :P :P :P :P

Jonathan tidwell - 01/10/00 04:50:34
What did you like best about my site?: your pics
How could I improve it?: more pics
Would you visit my page again?: heck ya

your so sweet

megan - 11/02/99 02:16:28
Would you visit my page again?: yes

hey cool page

Joshua Manning - 10/07/99 01:08:41
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Ozark Christian College Ambassadors
What did you like best about my site?: It is about you.*S*
How could I improve it?: Recent pictures of you.
Would you visit my page again?: Yeah.

Nice page...It looks cool. I will be back later to see it again.

chad meadows - 10/06/99 19:29:30
My URL:http://dont know it
My Email:dont know it
Your Fave College Basketball Team: dont have one
What did you like best about my site?: the pics and the music
How could I improve it?: have more recent pics
Would you visit my page again?: most definitely

it was an honor going through your webpage. it is one of the best that i've seen

chad meadows - 10/06/99 19:27:22


ginger - 10/05/99 19:52:23
Your Fave College Basketball Team: UC
What did you like best about my site?: the paragraph about me!!
How could I improve it?: u don't need to
Would you visit my page again?: yes

tiff your a great girl. always stay the same. no matter what people say about you.

Brian - 10/04/99 03:27:11
Your Fave College Basketball Team: N/A
What did you like best about my site?: Everything =)
How could I improve it?: Looks great to me
Would you visit my page again?: Yes

Nice work on your home page Tiffany. Your page is still better then mine. I know I told you before but I will say it again. I'm taking my home page down when I get time. I'm gonna start fresh and make a better looking home page. I will want some of your o inions though on what I should put on it. Anyways, keep up the good work. =) See ya around. Your good friend, Brian

Human Statue (Brad G.) - 10/04/99 02:47:34
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Purdue
What did you like best about my site?: Your Info
How could I improve it?: Put a recent pic of yourself on it.....durrr
Would you visit my page again?: yes I would.....but should i?

Comments?.....hmmm......Well.....Cool Person.......Cool Page.......thats all I need to

Steve Fritts"chevyman" - 09/09/99 00:17:11
Your Fave College Basketball Team: none
What did you like best about my site?: its all good
How could I improve it?: more recent pics
Would you visit my page again?: yep!!

Cool page...See if you cant get some more recent pics on it though

Brian - 09/02/99 22:17:18
My URL:http://www.i'
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Don't have any right now
What did you like best about my site?: Everything....I love it :)
How could I improve it?: Its good how it is
Would you visit my page again?: yes

Hey Tiff!! I am like....IN LOVE with your home page. I like a LOT!!! You have done a VERY good job on it. Very creative too. My page is nothing compared to yours. I am seriously thinking of destroying my home page and starting totally over. On a scale of -10 your home page is a 10. Compared to your page my page is like a 3 or 4 out of 10. I could use some ideas for a whole new home page if you don't mind helping. Anyways, keep up the good work with your home page. You have done very well. =)

Amy Cobb - 08/28/99 03:51:11
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Duke
What did you like best about my site?: Your song
Would you visit my page again?: Yes

Good page. Keep up the good work. Bye, Amy Cobb

Brina - 08/28/99 00:48:07
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Ah...what's basketball?? No, just kidding! I don't really watch sports. : )
What did you like best about my site?: It was all cool! Cute pics!
How could I improve it?: Well, sometimes the writing is hard to read because you use both Capitol and lower case together. . . maybe less of that?
Would you visit my page again?: I guess

This is a very cool site. It was nicely designed and creative. You sound like a really nice person! Send me a note sometime, or maybe visit my webpage? I love it when people sign my guestbook (hint, hint!). : ) God bless you, and remember: JESUS LOVES YO no matter what!

Jay - 08/08/99 06:59:43
What did you like best about my site?: ur pics
Would you visit my page again?: yes

hey i got ur page off christian penpals i'm from indiana too send me an email and we'll talk ok??

Chad - 08/08/99 06:56:47
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Indiana
What did you like best about my site?: your baby pictures
How could I improve it?: more baby pictures ha ha
Would you visit my page again?: sure

Hello, i don't know you or how u found me on icq but i just thought i would visit your home page and say hello so "hello" well i'll talk to you later Chad

paul - 08/07/99 17:30:21
Your Fave College Basketball Team: n/a
What did you like best about my site?: it was cool:)
How could I improve it?: nothing:)
Would you visit my page again?: maybe, I dunno.

Comments: page:) Ummm, I don't have anything else to say:) Just the usual, yadda yadda yadda....bye :) have a good weekend:)

David - 08/05/99 20:58:14
Your Fave College Basketball Team: I don't watch them much, but I guess I would say: Duke (But I like the teams that are losing)
What did you like best about my site?: The Testimony was neat
How could I improve it?: Is there a page where it has the sinner's prayer where someone can become saved on it??? If not , get one, I suggest.
Would you visit my page again?: Probably

I liked your testimony. It was more "teen-like" where you used words such as: "ya" and stuff. So, I liked that, and think it is a great testimony. God be with you!

D.C. Money - 08/05/99 03:07:09
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Duke
What did you like best about my site?: You
How could I improve it?: A pic of yourself right now
Would you visit my page again?: sure :-)

Wzup girl give me yo number :-)

Dex - 07/16/99 22:15:44
My Email:ur_a_asswhip@hotmailcom
Your Fave College Basketball Team: UK
What did you like best about my site?: Everything it was all good
How could I improve it?: Add a recent pic of you
Would you visit my page again?: yes

great page bab

ginger - 07/12/99 03:10:26
Your Fave College Basketball Team: UC
What did you like best about my site?: the music
How could I improve it?: change the color of your words on your front page.
Would you visit my page again?: duh of course .

tiff i really do like ya even tho i don't always act like it. ginger

Patrick Campbell - 07/12/99 02:09:28
Your Fave College Basketball Team: UK wildcats
What did you like best about my site?: your a uk fan that was good enough for me
How could I improve it?: fine the way it is
Would you visit my page again?: yes


Aaron Roberts - 07/11/99 23:16:15
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Miami Redhawks
What did you like best about my site?: stories
How could I improve it?: better design
Would you visit my page again?: sure, why not?


Justin D. Dimett - 07/11/99 22:29:44
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Don't have one.
What did you like best about my site?: It looked nice.
How could I improve it?: I think it was good the way is.
Would you visit my page again?: Sure.


Patrick Scott Alvis - 07/11/99 21:28:19
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Indiana
What did you like best about my site?: The Likes/dislikes
How could I improve it?: get new pictures!!
Would you visit my page again?: yep

i like it.

Melody - 06/21/99 14:00:36
Your Fave College Basketball Team: I am not a big fan of basketball.
What did you like best about my site?: Umm, the colors...
How could I improve it?: Add more colors
Would you visit my page again?: Sure

Thanks for visiting my site.

tyler danke - 06/21/99 02:39:48
What did you like best about my site?: back ground
How could I improve it?: put in a pole at
Would you visit my page again?: yes

your site was pretty cool

David - 06/17/99 23:24:43
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Duke
What did you like best about my site?: The music I guess
How could I improve it?: If you are Christian then give a testimony
Would you visit my page again?: Honest: Maybe

Please visit my webpage. Thanks, and God bless!

06/04/99 07:16:16
Name: ICQ Gal My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Matt Schochenmaier - 06/03/99 04:09:59
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Florida Gators: a kid from my twon plays there and lead them to the sweet 16
What did you like best about my site?: everything
How could I improve it?: nothing
Would you visit my page again?: maybe

Nice page.

David A. - 06/03/99 03:54:59
My URL:Dont have one :(
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Dont have one :(
What did you like best about my site?: Good MIDI choise :o)
How could I improve it?: Nah.. dosent need it:o)
Would you visit my page again?: Of course!

Wow.. look.. the "over-the-hill" guy signed the guestbook :o) :P

SARA MCGOWAN - 05/26/99 10:22:58
Your Fave College Basketball Team: unc state....north carolina
What did you like best about my site?: i like the pictures
How could I improve it?: add a little more border and coler
Would you visit my page again?: sure why not


Doug - 05/18/99 22:41:12
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Cincinnati Bearcats
What did you like best about my site?: dont know
How could I improve it?: don't know
Would you visit my page again?: dont know

Hows it goin' Your sight was great I checked it out because you told me to and I am signing the guest book for you Bye UC Rulz

X_console - 05/17/99 16:42:58
My Email:You already know.
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Don't have one.
What did you like best about my site?: Its simplicity.
How could I improve it?: Don't have to.
Would you visit my page again?: Yep.

Hey Tiff! It's your old buddy Lunar's Blood. I see your homepage has been recreated. What happened to the old one? Anyway, take care and good luck!

Ali - 05/15/99 14:33:57
Your Fave College Basketball Team: ??
What did you like best about my site?: I like it all!!
How could I improve it?: i'm not sure..
Would you visit my page again?: yeah

Kewl page!! Please visit mine sometime!! =)

Brian McCloskey - 05/13/99 06:04:04
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Don't have one
What did you like best about my site?: It was all good
How could I improve it?: Not sure
Would you visit my page again?: Probaly

Nice page, keep up the good spirit and be strong.

Rhonda - 05/12/99 03:24:48
Your Fave College Basketball Team: I.U. ...just kiddin' WILDCATS!!
What did you like best about my site?: Everything
How could I improve it?: Doesn't need anything.
Would you visit my page again?: Yes

Good job, Sis!! Love Ya! Mom

Justin Gesell - 04/28/99 01:51:24
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Indiana Hoosiers!!!1
What did you like best about my site?: The writing!!!
How could I improve it?: more pictures.
Would you visit my page again?: maybe later

pretty cool page. i like it

Michael Carlson - 04/27/99 08:04:38
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Don't have one.
What did you like best about my site?: I like it, hun.
How could I improve it?: Putting more recent pics of you, of course!
Would you visit my page again?: I sure would.


Chris Elliott - 04/27/99 02:56:02
Your Fave College Basketball Team: UConn
What did you like best about my site?: Da chilly chillin music!
How could I improve it?: Put stuff on there about me!!! he he
Would you visit my page again?: yea yea

Not to shabby, now I am going to have to create one of my own, I hope it wasn't very hard!

Brian - 04/23/99 05:47:09
Your Fave College Basketball Team: N/A
What did you like best about my site?: The whole thing =o)
How could I improve it?: N/A
Would you visit my page again?: Yes

Hey! Good job getting your page up and running again. I know it was time consuming to do it all but you finally did it. =) I really don't think this is your fault at all but when it tries to load the music on your main page it says the sound file is inval d. I think I need to get some plug-ins for my browser so. Don't worry about your music. I am sure it works fine. =o) Have a good day and let me know if you have any ideas for my home page. Thanks.

LAW - 04/22/99 18:38:57
Your Fave College Basketball Team: WILDCATS of course
What did you like best about my site?: Crazy writing
How could I improve it?: Crazy writing
Would you visit my page again?: yes

I like your site, hard to read at first, then these old eyes of mine adjusted. I love your positive attitude and wanting to make people happy. You are a very special princess!!!!!! Love ya lee anne

Brian - 04/20/99 03:17:34
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Don't know any
What did you like best about my site?: Everything =)
How could I improve it?: I don't did a good job already =)
Would you visit my page again?: Yes

I know it sucks that your other page died but you did a really good job of rebuilding it. Nicely done considering how much you lost. Keep up the good work Tiffany. =)

Tiff - 04/20/99 02:54:52
Your Fave College Basketball Team: Uk Wildcats
What did you like best about my site?: Everything
How could I improve it?: I need pics and music up!!
Would you visit my page again?: Of course :)

I haven't finished this yet but I'm workin on it! Come again!

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