The List of International Orgatizations and Institutions Dealing with the Problems of Terminological Planning
I. International:
The International Information Centre for Terminology (Infoterm) (Vienna, Austria )
The International Terminological Net (TermNet)
The International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA)
UNESCO ALSED/LSP Network (Kopenhagen, Denmark)
International Association for Terminology (TERMIA)
International Standard Organization (ISO)
Organisation Internationale de Metrologie Légale (OIML)
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Bureau International pour la Standartisation de la Rayonne et des Fibres Synthétiques (BISFA)
International Union for Pure and Applied Chemisrty (IUPAC)
Conseil des Organisations Internationales des Sciences Medicales (CIOMS)
II. Regional:
NORDTERM (Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden).
III. National:
The majority of national terminological commissions are concentrated within national Academies od Sciences (e.g.,. KNTT of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Australia: Standards Association of Australia (SAA)
Austria : Österreichische Normungausschuß für Industrie und Gewerbe, ÖNIG (1920-1935); Ausschuß für ISA-Code (1935-1938); Fachnormenausschuß "Terminologie (Grundsätze und Koordination)" (1946 — present); Österreichisches Normingsinstitut (ÖN) (Secretariat of TC 37).
Belgium: Institut belge de normalisation (IBN)
Brazil: Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT)
Bulgaria: Comité de la qualité auprés du Conseil des Ministres (BDS)
Canada: Standards Council of Canada (SCC), Office de la langue française (Régie de la langue française), OLF (Kvebek), GIRSTERM (Kvebek)
Chile: Institute Nacional de Normalización (INN)
China: China State Bureau of Technical Supervision (CSBTS)
Columbia: Institute Colombiano de Normas Técnicas (ICONTEC)
Cuba: Comité Estatal de Normalización (NC)
Czech Republic: Urad pro normalizaci a mereni (C N), Institute of the Czech language.
Denmark: Dansk Standardiseringsraad (DS)
Egypt: Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (EOS)
Estonia: Terminological group at Institut of Language and Literature, Academy of Sciences of Estona; Estonian Terminological Databank, ESTER.
Finland: Suomen Standardisoimisliitto (SFS); Centralen for teknisk terminologi.
France: Association française de normalisation (AFNOR); Haut Comité de la langue française.
Germany: Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dokumentation (DGD); Verein deutscher Ingeneure (VDI); Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN).
Ghana : Ghana Standards Board (GSB)
Greece: Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT)
Hongkong: Industry Department Hong Kong Government
Hungary: Magyar Szabvanyügyi Hivatal (MSZH)
Iceland: Technological Institute of Iceland; Islensk málnefnd; Orðabókarnefnd Háskólans; Nýyrdanefnd; Islensk málstöð.
India: Centraljnyj Institute indijsjkyx mov.
Indonesia: Dewan Standardisasi Nasional (DSN); Panitia Perkembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa Indonesia (PPPBI).
Iran: Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI); Farhangestan
Ireland: National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI); Bord na Gaellge; Ódarás na Gaeltachia; An Buanchoiste Teármaíochta / the Permanent Terminology Committee; Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann.
Israel: Standards Institution of Israel (SII); Aqademiah la-lashon ha-’ivrit.
Italy: Ente Nazionale Itailano di Unificazione (UNI)
Japan: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JiSC)
Kenya: Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
Korea (PDRK): Committee for Standardization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (CSK)
Korea (RK): Bureau of Standards (KBS)
Latvia: Terminological Commission at the Latvian Academy of Sciences; Terminological Group, Institute of the Latvian Language.
Lithuania: State Commission of the Lithuanian Language; Institute of the Lithuanian language and literature, Academy of Sciences of Lithuania, Department of Terminology.
Luxembourgh: Information Management-Commission of European Communities (CEC)
Malaisia: Jawatankuasa Tetap Bahasa Malaysia (JKTBM)
Mexico: Dirección General de Normas (DGN)
Norway: Norges Standardiseringsforbund (NSF), Radet for teknisk terminologi
Pakistan: Pakistan Standards Institution (PSI)
Poland: Polski Komitet Normalizacji, Mior i Jakosei (PKNMiJ)
Romania: Institutul român de standartizat ie (IRS)
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO)
Serbia and Montenegro: Savezni zavod za standardizaciju (SZS)
Singapore: Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR)
Slovakia: Urad pro normalizaci a mereni (SN), Institute lingvistyky Slovacjkoji NAN.
South Africa: South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
Spain: Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación (AENOR); HISPANOTERM; Direcció General de Política Lingüística (Barcelona); Comissió Coordinadora Lexicogràfica de Ciènces (Barcelona), Institute of Catalan Researches (Barcelona); TERMCAT (Barcelona); EUSKALTERM / UZEI (Bilbao) Institute of Civil Administration HAEE / IVAP (Bilbao).
Sweden: Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige (SIS), TNC, Tekniska Nomenklaturcentralen.
Switzerland: Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (SNV)
Syria: Syrian Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology (SASMO)
Tanzania: Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS); EACROTANAL (Zanzibar).
The Netherlands: Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (NNI)
Tunis: Institut national de la normallsation et de la propriété Industrielle (INNORPI)
Turkey: Türk Standardları Enstitüsü (TSE)
: British Standards Institution (BSI); Department of Modern Languages, University of Manchester; Cooncell ny Gaelgey; the Manx Language Council.USA: American National Standards Institute (ANSI), ASTM.
USSR and Russia: Komitet po standartizacii pri Sovete Truda i Oborony (OST); Vsesoûznyj èlektrotehničeskij s´´ezd; Central´nyj Èlektrotehničeskij Sovet; Gosudarstvennyj komitet po standartizacii (GOST); VNIIKI; OMTERM, Komitet po naučno-tehničeskoj terminologii (KNTT) Academy of Sciences Rosiji.
: Comisión Venezolana de Normas Industrales (COVENIN)Viet Nam: General Department for Standardization, Metrology and Quality
The Structure of the Committee in Technical Terminology ISO/TC 37 "Terminology and other language resources (principles and co-ordination)"
[Galinski, Nedobity 1984; French 1985, s. 248-249].
Secretariate: Österreichisches Normingsinstitut (ÖN)
Tasks: Standardization of methods for creating, compiling and co-ordinating terminologies.
WG 5 Terminological dictionaries.
SC I Principles of terminology. Secretariat: GOST
SC 2 Structure of dictionaries. Secretariat: Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
SC 3 Computer maintenance. Secretariat: Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN)
I. National institutions, members of ISO TC 37
1.1. Permanent members of ISO TC 37 (P-members)
Austria — Österreichisches Normungsinstitut (ON) (Secretariat of TC 37)
Belgium — Institut belge de normalisation (IBN)
Denmark — Dansk Standardiseringsraad (DS)
Iran — Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI)
Canada — Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
China — China State Bureau of Technical Supervision (CSBTS)
Netherlands — Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (NNI)
Germany — Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN)
Norway — Norges Standardiseringsforbund (NSF)
South Africa — South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
Poland — Polski Komitet Normalizacji, Mior i Jakosei (PKNMiJ)
Russia — Gosudarstvennyj komitet po standartizacii (GOST)
Slovak Republic — Urad pro normalizaci a mereni (SN)
USA — American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Finland — Suomen Standardisoimisliitto (SFS)
Czech Republic — Urad pro normalizaci a mereni (C N)
Sweden — Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige (SIS)
1.2. Observers (O-members)
Australia — Standards Association of Australia (SAA)
Brasil — Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT)
Bulgaria — Comité de la qualité auprés du Conseil des Ministres (BDS)
Chile — Institute Nacional de Normalización (INN)
Colombia — Institute Colombiano de Normas Técnicas (ICONTEC)
Cuba — Comité Estatal de Normalización (NC)
Egypt — Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (EOS)
France — Association française de normalisation (AFNOR)
Ghana — Ghana Standards Board (GSB)
Greece — Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT)
Hongkong — Industry Department Hong Kong Government
Hungary — Magyar Szabvanyügyi Hivatal (MSZH)
Iceland — Technological Institute of Iceland
Indonesia — Dewan Standardisasi Nasional (DSN)
Ireland — National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
Israel — Standards Institution of Israel (SII)
Italy — Ente Nazionale Itailano di Unificazione (UNI)
Japan — Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JiSC)
Kenya — Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
Korea (PDRK) — Committee for Standardization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (CSK)
Korea (RK) — Bureau of Standards (KBS)
Mexico — Dirección General de Normas (DGN)
Pakistan — Pakistan Standards Institution (PSI)
Romania — Institutul român de standartizat ie (IRS)
Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO)
Serbia and Montenegro — Savezni zavod za standardizaciju (SZS)
Singapore — Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR)
Spain — Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación (AENOR)
Switzerland — Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (SNV)
Syria — Syrian Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology (SASMO)
Tanzania — Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)
Tunis — Institut national de la normallsation et de la propriété Industrielle (INNORPI)
Turkey — Türk Standardları Enstitüsü (TSE)
UK — British Standards Institution (BSI)
Venezuela — Comisión Venezolana de Normas Industrales (COVENIN)
Viet Nam — General Department for Standardization, Metrology and Quality
2. Standards: internal and common with IEC:
3. International institutions, associated members:
International Associaton for Applied Linguistics (AILA)
International Bureau for the Standardization of Man-made Fibres (BISFA)
Commission of the European Communities (CEC)
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Permanent International Committee of Linguistic (CIPL)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO
European Federation of National Associations of Engineers (FEANI)
European Mechanical Handling Confederation (FEM)
International Federation for Documentation (FID)
International Federation of Translators (FIT)
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO
International Council of Graphic Design Associations (ICOGRADA)
International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)
International Gas Union (IGU)
International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR)
International Institute of Welding (IIW)
International Information Centre for Terminology (Infoterm)
International Statistical Institute (ISI)
International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
International Social Sciences Council/Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis (ISSC/COCTA)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
League of Arab States (LAS)
Central Office for International Railway Transport (OCTI)
International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML)
International Network for Terminology (TermNet)
Union of International Technical Associations (UITA)
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE)
United Nations Office at Geneva (UN-Geneva)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Universal Postal Union (UPU)
Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA)
World Health Organization (WHO) World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Appendix 2
The Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet |
The TKPN System |
The system proposed |
а |
a |
a |
б |
b |
b |
в |
v |
v |
г |
gh |
h |
ґ |
g |
g |
д |
d |
d |
е |
e |
e |
є |
je |
je |
ж |
zh |
ž |
з |
z |
z |
и |
y |
y |
і |
i |
i |
ї |
ji |
ji |
й |
j |
j |
к |
k |
k |
л |
l |
l |
м |
m |
m |
н |
n |
n |
о |
o |
o |
п |
p |
p |
р |
r |
r |
с |
s |
s |
т |
t |
t |
у |
u |
u |
ф |
f |
f |
х |
kh |
x |
ц |
c |
c |
ч |
ch |
č |
ш |
sh |
š |
щ |
shh |
šč |
ь |
j |
j |
ю |
ju |
ju |
я |
ja |
ja |
A Specimen of Text
1. In Cyrillic:
Випав удушливий день саме серед гарячої пори жнив. Сонце стояло над головою, як сковорода, розкалене та пече огнем пекло. Пшениця осипалася: люди не вспівали вхопити. Під такий час кожна хвилина дорога селянинові.
А тут — кидай свою роботу, їдь у гласні!
Пани поз’їздилися. У Гетьманському, коло нового будинку пана Польського, стояли у три ряди карети, брички, натачанки. Поприїздили не тільки гласні. Багато наїхало з пoвiтy й так собі цікавих пaнiв подивитися на нове диво та послухати, що то за земство.
Прибули й прості гласні, хоч і не всі. То все буди козачі писарі та голови, один Чіпка з Лозою ніколи ще не знали ніякої служби. Між гласними-селянами можна було помітити двох кріпацьких старшин: один — з Пісок, другий — з Рудки.
Панас Мирний. «Хіба ревуть воли, як ясла повні?»
2. According to the TKPN System:
Vypav udushlyvyj denj same sered gharjachoji pory zhnyv. Sonce stojalo nad gholovoju, jak skovoroda, rozkalene ta peche oghnem peklo. Pshenycja osypalasja: ljudy ne vspivaly vkhopyty. Pid takyj chas kozhna khvylyna dorogha seljanynovi.
A tut — kydaj svoju robotu, jidj u ghlasni!
Pany poz’jizdylysja. U GHetjmansjkomu, kolo novogho budynku pana Poljsjkogho, stojaly u try rjady karety, brychky, natachanky. Popryjizdyly ne tiljky ghlasni. Baghato najikhalo z povity j tak sobi cikavykh paniv podyvytysja na nove dyvo ta poslukhaty, shho to za zemstvo.
Prybuly j prosti ghlasni, khoch i ne vsi. To vse budy kozachi pysari ta gholovy, odyn CHipka z Lozoju nikoly shhe ne znaly nijakoji sluzhby. Mizh ghlasnymy-seljanamy mozhna bulo pomityty dvokh kripacjkykh starshyn: odyn — z Pisok, drughyj — z Rudky.
Panas Myrnyj. «KHiba revutj voly, jak jasla povni?»
3. According to the system proposed:
Vypav udušlyvyj denj same sered harjačoji pory žnyv. Sonce stojalo nad holovoju, jak skovoroda, rozkalene ta peče ohnem peklo. Pšenycja osypalasja: ljudy ne vspivaly vxopyty. Pid takyj čas kožna xvylyna doroha seljanynovi. A tut — kydaj svoju robotu, jidj u hlasni!
Pany poz’jizdylysja. U Hetjmansjkomu, kolo novoho budynku pana Poljsjkoho, stojaly u try rjady karety, bryčky, natačanky. Popryjizdyly ne tiljky hlasni. Bahato najixalo z povity j tak sobi cikavyx paniv podyvytysja na nove dyvo ta posluxaty, ščo to za zemstvo.
Prybuly j prosti hlasni, xoč i ne vsi. To vse budy kozači pysari ta holovy, odyn Čipka z Lozoju nikoly šče ne znaly nijakoji služby. Miž hlasnymy-seljanamy možna bulo pomityty dvox kripacjkyx staršyn: odyn — z Pisok, druhyj — z Rudky.
Panas Myrnyj. «Xiba revutj voly, jak jasla povni?»
The Spelling of Regional Centers of Ukraine
1. In Cyrillic:
Київ, Львів, Івано-Франківськ, Тернопіль, Ужгород, Чернівці, Луцьк, Рівне, Хмельницький, Житомир, Вінниця, Одеса, Херсон, Миколаїв, Симферополь, Черкаси, Кіровоград, Полтава, Запоріжжя, Харків, Суми, Чернігів, Дніпропетровськ, Донецьк, Луганськ.
2. According to the TKPN System:
Kyjiv, Ljviv, Ivano-Frankivsjk, Ternopilj, Uzhghorod, CHernivci, Lucjk, Rivne, KHmeljnycjkyj, ZHytomyr, Vinnycja, Odesa, KHerson, Mykolajiv, Symferopolj, CHerkasy, Kirovoghrad, Poltava, Zaporizhzhja, KHarkiv, Sumy, CHernighiv, Dnipropetrovsjk, Donecjk, Lughansjk.
3. According to the system proposed:
Kyjiv, Ljviv, Ivano-Frankivsjk, Ternopilj, Užhorod, Černivci, Lucjk, Rivne, Xmeljnycjkyj, Žytomyr, Vinnycja, Odesa, Xerson, Mykolajiv, Symferopolj, Čerkasy, Kirovohrad, Poltava, Zaporižžja, Xarkiv, Sumy, Černihiv,
Dnipropetrovsjk, Donecjk, Luhansjk.