
The modern epoch is characterized by the rapid development of all branches of science and technologies, their integration as well as the international cooperation. In this connection there is an urgent need of the improvement of systems of processing and dissemination of information.

A special role belongs to linguists here. An important indication of progress consists in the fact that science finds more and more reliable signs to display the the reality. Unreliable and cumbersome words gradually disappear from the language of science.

The scientific and technical revolution as one of the major social phenomena of the present time, makes the important changes in the linguistic model of the world. These changes consist first of all in the fact that nowadays the prevailing part of the wordstock belongs to the professional vocabulary (terms and nomenclature names), and this size tends to the strong increase. The scientific and technical terminology represents a wide layer of the vocabulary. This layer intensively develops and actively cooperates with other layers of vocabulary, first of all, the general vocabulary, i.e. the colloquial wordstock.

Therefore studying the principles of the formation of terminological vocabulary, its structure and semantics, became one of the major problems of modern linguistics.

Significant quantitative and qualitative changes, which took place in science and technologies, facilitate the increase of the number of sublanguages, terminological systems, as well as the mutual enrichment of their lexical structure both within one particular language and on the interlingual level.

At the same time, such terminological "boom" caused some problems, which demand the immediate solution. It concerns, first of all, problems of standardization and codification of terminological vocabulary, the intensification of translation activity, annotations to the scientific texts, the optimization of the translation training in the spheres of the scientific and technical literature etc.

The sublanguages of science and technologies have been developed so far that sometimes there is no mutual understanding among the experts of the corresponding branch. There is also a hazard of great discrepancies between a native language on the one hand, and professional sublanguages on the other hand, because of the process of their internationalization.

Everything mentioned above facilitated the appearance of a new applied science called terminological science, which gradually specifies its own specific functions at the intersection of several sciences: linguistics, logic and corresponding scientific and technical branches.

Thus one should not come to a hasty conclusion as though the terminological science claims to a special place in the system of the scientific perception. Exercising an influence to other sciences, it completely depends upon their tasks, problems and their status. The most common purpose of the terminological science is a concern that the process of formation and application of terminological units were more guided as well as the professional communication were more rationalized.

Now many scientists and branch eexperts realize the necessity for the formation of national terminologies, for compilation of terminological dictionaries, which would meet the world standards. It depends first of all on the correct reproduction in the of borrowed terms, their correct use etc.

The main task for the terminological science consists in the investigation of both linguistic and extralinguistic factors, which influence the coining new terms (mainly by translators translators) in national terminological systems if the corresponding equivalent in a target language does not still exist. Another task is revealing the mechanism of terminological planning from the point of view of language interferences, that is conscious or subconscious intervention in the language system with the purpose of lexical modernization and standardization.

The coining and standardization of new terms are actually varieties of language interference. First of all, it is an artificial intervention in the natural development of language, mainly in its vocabulary, causing respective alterations and innovations.

It is also the artificial selection of forms and variants with the purpose of a choice of the most successful ones, and after that, its approval as standards.

"The number of terms almost in each branch of science grows… Nevertheless almost nothing has been done so far, that new terms were strictly motivated and clear to all the representatives of the given branch of science" [Budagov 1974, p. 124].

Though these lines were written over thirty years ago, they have not lost their urgency. On the contrary, now they are even more urgent than usual. The underestimation of social factors during the nomination can cause harm to the social communication, creating false associations, negativne connotations etc. [Kyjak 1988, p. 89].

However language interferences can be bound not only with terminological systems or with coining new words through the translations from other languages, when the necessary equivalent of this or that term is not codified yet.

The creation and regulation of the writing system, as well as political, technical and scientific terminology, the development of rules spelling and the literary norm in general can be also considered as language interferences, that is the processes of the artificial intervention in the natural structure of a language. That is reflected mainly in the writing systems and spelling rules, as well as in the vocabulary.

Terminology is one of the aspects of language, which during last decades develops with a special intensity.

The terminological boom, which is observed almost in all the languages, causes the introduction of numerous new terminological units. In particular, it is especially noticeable in the languages, which have recently raised the status, have expanded the sphere of their application. The introduction of a language into this or that branch demands the respective modernization of its vocabulary. Nevertheless, the introduction of new terminological units demands their standardization and codification. Therefore the standardization of both the external and the internal forms of new terms with the purpose of elimination of the unnecessary synymy and polysemy is also very important. To solve these problems, numerous terminologists in the different countries of the world are engaged in this process. This work is conducted also at the international level. It became apparent in issuing numerous multilingual terminological dictionaries and bulletins, as well as in some theoretical works devoted to the problems of motivation of new terms, their external forms and their standardization.

To have more success, it is necessary that measures in terminological planning took into account both the positive and the negative experience of other countries and languages both in developed and developing countries.

Important is also the problem of internationalization of national terminological systems, which conaiats in a choice between international and national elements in this or that particular situation, as well as the expediency of the intermediary role of any third languages.

The purpose of this monograph is to research both linguistic and extralinguistic factors, which influence the coining and the standardization of new terminological units in national terminological systems, their external and internal forms. Another task is to reveal the mechanism of terminological planning from the sociolinguistic point of view, particularly the role of conscious and subconscious intervention in the language system with the purpose of lexical modernization and standardization.

The authors intend to research language interferences as a sociolinguistic factor in the formation of terminological systems, their external lexical, phonetic and graphic configuration, a choice of sources of enriching the terminological vocabulary.

The chief purpose is to characterize and classify these factors, which were formed under the influence of particular extralinguistic circumstances, as well as to research language corpus planning as a language interference by the example of English, German and Russian economic terminology.

According to those objectives, such tasks are specified:

  1. to investigate language interferences as a sociolinguistic phenomenon; to give them generalizing classifications and to reveal their connection with language planning;
  2. to elucidate language corpus planning as a conscious language interference; to demonstrate the connection of language corpus planning with the basic extralinguistic factors, which influence the external form of terminological units (language contacts, religious or political orientation, etc.);
  3. to find out and analyse the mechanism of terminological planning as one of aspects of language planning from the point of view of the theory of language interferences;
  4. to systematize the ways of formation of external forms of terminological units; to investigate and analyse the external form in the foreshortening of its etymological and graphic aspects;
  5. to elucidate the experience of terminological planning in the developed countries, as well as in the postcolonial countries and in the former Soviet Union, particularly in Ukraine;
  6. to investigate features of terminological planning in English, German and Russian by the example of economic terminology;

to elaborate the recommendations concerning the formation of the external forms of new terminological units in Ukrainian and some other languages.