Codroipo (Udine – Italy). March, 30, 2005.



Dear Prof. Onfray,

March, 27 I read an article about you and your thought on the italian newspaper named <<Liberazione>>. It was placed in the cultural page of the newspaper (page 3), the day before, saturday 26. I have been immediately caught by your point of view, that I consider extremely similar to the researches that I did on the thought of Giordano Bruno, the italian Renaissance thinker, burnt in Rome on february, 17, 1600.

The similarity mentioned above push me to send you two of the texts that I published up until now: Il concetto creativo e dialettico dello Spirito nei Dialoghi Italiani di Giordano Bruno (Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2003); Una modernitΰ mancata: Giordano Bruno e la tradizione aristotelica (Roma, Armando, 2004).

I hope you’ll enjoy their reading.    

Please forgive the fact that the two texts are in italian. In this mail you may find other short works, on the thought of Giordano Bruno too.

Many greetings to you



                                                                                                                                                                                        (Stefano Ulliana.)



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Ulliana Stefano

Via Latisana, 23

33033 Codroipo (Udine) - Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italia.

Tel. pref Italia+432+900829.

Cell. 333-3501509.


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