World of Darkness

Here's the page that UVRPG Site is miserably imitating.
It's the best resource site for V;tM that I've ever run across, so if yer looking for information about the Kindred, ye'd better visit it.

Well, I guess I don't have to introduce these guys to ye, do I...?:)


The site of #Vampire^Forsaken and its affiliated Role Playing channels. The game looks great and I'm planning to join it myself in the future (as soon as I get cheaper connection:).


Probably the best Polish site for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. It contains enormous amount of V edition data, but it also goes beyond the books and contains Warhammer related stuff (stories, pictures, etc.

Cyberpunk 2020

The Official Polish Site for Cyberpunk.
Great resource center for the game, but it also contains many articles about Cyberpunk culture, music, films, etc.
To be honest with ye; I haven't seen a better CP page in English and I guess that means something...

Valhalla; Lepsza Rzeczywistość

Polish RPG Center. If ye haven't seen Valhalla and its domains, ye know nothing about Polish RPG in the Net.


Kult RPG. I'd like to write more about it, but I've never played that game ...:)

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