Enrique Iglesias Chat

December 27, 1999

Enrique Iglesias shot up the charts in the summer of 1999 with his hit "Bailamos" while stealing the hearts of millions of women in the process. His first English-dominated album has cracked the Billboard Top 50 and although following in his father’s musical footsteps, he is attracting fans of all ages. Enrique also features a duet with the talented Whitney Houston on the sensual track "Could I Have This Kiss Forever." This hot sensation joined twec.com for a chat with fans online and discussed his new album, inspirations, a very talented dog, and much more!

twec.com: twec.com would like to welcome Enrique Iglesias to today's chat! Hello Enrique.

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: Hello to everyone that's out there.

Eilynn: What is your next video?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: My next video will probably be for "Be With You." It will probably be in mid-January.

TuFantasia: Hi Enrique, I just wanted to know what inspires you for your songs?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: Everything! It's my personal life. It's the way I express myself. For all the stuff that happens to me, face to face or otherwise, I put it down in my music.

Evelinka: Enrique, you said that your Spanish album will come in a year. Have you already written songs for that album?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: No, not yet. I've been concentrating a lot on the promotion of the new album. Soon enough though. I have some ideas, but no, I haven't put everything into it yet.

Athos: Enrique, did you ever sing in duet with your dad? Would you think of doing something like that?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: No, not for now. Who knows later on? But not for right now.

Crazy4enrique: Have you ever gone out and dressed up so people would not recognize you?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I try! But I don't think it works too well. I just wear my hat and that's about it. I don't think I have anything to hide. I am who I am.

evelyn: What is the craziest thing a fan has done? What is the craziest thing a fan has said to you?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: Sneak into my dressing room during a concert and no one noticed her. She was stuck under a table where all the food was. The fans are great. I get tons of letters. I have a great, great, great fan base.

Angelly: Are you planning to tour extensively in the US soon?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I'm doing the promotion of the album now, and we'll see how the promotion goes. We don't have anything planned now. We just finished a tour in June, but we'll see. The last tour was a Spanish tour for my last Spanish album.

lucofborg: Who is the Esperanza girl from your song?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I never say who the people are in my music. I think it's a very personal thing. That's the way I write my music. I wouldn't even tell that person who I was writing the song to. Everything in my music is something that actually happened to me. That's my diary.

MsMusica: As one listens to "Oyeme" one might thing you are a Bee Gees Fan - is this correct?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I'm a big Bee Gees fan. But I have many musical influences, but the song doesn't come straight from the Bee Gees. I guess you must think it sounds like the Bee Gees, but that wasn't the intention. It was just something I came up with. I think it's an honor.

Eilynn: When will your official Web site be updated?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: It should be coming up in about January. There's a new one. It's www.enriqueIg.com and it's already updated with the stuff from the new album, music and clips.

jennifer: Is the story about the song "You’re my #1" true?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: Of course the story is true. It's one of the last songs I wrote for the album when I had the whole album completed. I had the song close to the end of the album and it's one of those songs I really wanted to record for the album. So the album was all handed in and I said, ‘No, I want that song on the album!’ And I did it in a day. I love that song.

lieke: How do you start writing a song?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: It comes naturally. I usually write at night. And it happens when something in my life has touched me that I write about it. Since I was 13 years old, it's been my diary of stuff that really happens to me and I just put it down on paper. It's my way of getting away.

dina mina: What song are you going to perform on the American Music Awards?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I haven't decided yet. But pretty soon we'll decide. But I have two songs in mind. It will probably be either "Be With You" or "Rhythm Divine." I don't know, I don't know yet. It's going to be a lot of fun, singing at the Awards.

LaBomba: Enrique, this is Becky and Erica, we want to know exactly what you are doing on New Year’s Eve? Happy New Year!

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I'll be in New York. I'll be hosting a television show. That, and also the Univision.

denia: Which language do you prefer to sing in?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: It just comes naturally. It all depends. I don't know. It depends on how the song is written. I don't have a preference. Sometimes I want to speak in Spanish and sometimes I want to sing in English.

Esperanza: Enrique, my question is, why is the blue baseball hat special to you?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: It's something that a friend of mine who passed away a couple of years ago gave to me, and I've had it ever since. It's like good luck.

sassy1: Did you ever think you could touch so many people in so many ways?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I've always wanted to write my songs and to be able to show them to people. It's great that I have great and supportive fans, and that they like the music. That's my dream, what I've dreamed of doing since I was little.

SPANISHEYES: Do you ever go online?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: Sometimes! Once in a while. I go to my Web page sometimes.

YoureMyNumber1: Is it true that you and Christina Aguilera will do a duet together?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: Not yet. Not yet. I like her music. I think she's great. It would be quite an honor to do a duet with her. I met her once in Spain on a television show.

sailor_nena1: From all the songs you have sung, which is the one that you hold dearest, and why?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS I think all my songs have something special. I don't have a preference to one. Every song that I have written is about a special moment in my life.

Donna: Hi Enrique, I saw you in Philly and told you that "Be With You" is my favorite song. How long did it take you to write it?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: That came out in a couple of hours! I was in a studio in London with the people who I did my album with. I got to the studio that afternoon and I had an idea in my head, and a few hours later I had the words to the song. We recorded it that day. I think it came out great. I love that song.

lucofborg: What is the whole ‘you being a virgin’ thing you talked about with Jay Leno the other day?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: It's funny, because I like to joke around with him, and I say that every day in my life. I speak to all those people and I like to joke around. It's my pickup line. Sometimes it works.

cs: Do you ever sing any of your Father's songs in concert?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: No, no. I love his music, but no.

Enriquesgirl: Have you ever written a song that was based on a dream? Thanks, Karina.

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I think everything begins with a dream. It's the beginning of the dream that means so much, and you actually write it down. You can dream while you're awake.

Sonia de Brasil: Hi Enrique, sabes que nosotras de Brasil te amamos muchismo y queremos sabes si te gustaria hacer un video con una fan?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: Me encantaria. Me encantaria. I did a video not too long ago, "Nunca Te Olvidare," in Mexico, and it was with some fans. They were part of the video. They weren't professional models. They were just fans. It was a lot of fun.

Farah Isabel: I am a volunteer for a Colombian organization called Corazona Corazon. We are in need of a strong Latin role model like you to help us with our cause. How do you feel about using your fame to help worthy causes?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I am involved with a program called Children with AIDS, or at least affected by AIDS. And I'm the spokesperson. I think they're great, and I wish I could do more. My schedule is such that I don't have time to do more. I'd love to do more for South American countries.

Kate: What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I've never done anything embarrassing.

tak: What has been the greatest reward from your success of the past year

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: My fans. The people who go out there and support me, buy the album, and love my music.

YoureMyNumber1: Why do you want to wait until you have 4 singles until you can start your tour?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I want the people to know my music when I go out and do my concerts. When you do a concert with just one song, it's still new. I like people to sing along and be part of the show. It's so much better.

RiqueFan: Does your father come to your shows, like my father used to do by coming to my little league games?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: No, not really. He's working too. We never come across in the same place at the same time, so it's pretty difficult.

denia: Do you consider yourself a singer or a songwriter?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I'm an artist. I'm a singer that writes.

francesvanessa: Enrique, what was the name of the first song you wrote?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: "Si Tu Te Vas." It's on my first album. I think it's the song that people know the most. I used to write a lot. Like I said, it's my diary. I have more songs than that, but that's the one that people would know, "Si Tu Te Vas."

MARIA in Uruguay: I don’t understand the meaning of your song "Sad Eyes." What are you trying to say?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: That song was written by Bruce Springsteen, and it was given to me by the president of the record company, and he said ‘do this song!’ I idolize Bruce Springsteen, and I was scared. I went ahead and sang it in the studio one day. I fell in love with it. It's a beautiful song. I think the lyrics are easy and not difficult to understand. There's nothing to hide. Simple words and a beautiful melody.

Kate: What is "Rhythm Divine" about? Is the girl a mermaid or something?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: That song was written by the people who wrote "Bailamos." It's more about the music than about the girl.

Squinty: Since you have written so many songs, would you ever consider writing for another artist?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS Yeah! Of course! I've done some. I wrote a song for a friend. One day if something would ever happen and I won't be able to sing...that's what I first started doing, writing the songs.

jennifer: Do you tour with your dog, Grammy?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: He comes along sometimes, but no. I go around Miami with him everywhere I can. But I can't take him to other countries because he doesn't have a passport. He's got to stay home and clean the house.

bwitch: What music do you listen to?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I listen to all kinds. I don't really have a preference. I just turn on the radio and listen to what is out there. I listen to everything. I was heavily influenced by 80s music - Bruce Springsteen, Foreigner, Dire Straits - but I enjoy listening to the radio.

Hippy2500: Do you ever get stage fright?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: No! I think the stage is something I look forward to. Every time I get on stage it's where I feel the most comfortable. I'm with my fans. I think it's the most comfortable place that I have - on stage with my fans.

Esperanza: Enrique, are you learning to fly airplanes?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I'd love to! But would you get on the plane with me? I love to fly, but I think I'd like to have someone fly for me. I love to fly, but...I don't know if I would be able to control the plane.

Rosie: Is it true that you sang "Nunca te Olvidare" at a funeral once?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: No - where did you get that from?! At a funeral? That song is in a soap opera in the United States. On Spanish TV...but at a funeral?

shelly1225: Do you want to have a family one day?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: Of course! I think it's great to have a family. I want to have kids, and I want to be able to share with my kids all of my experiences and everything.

minniemm: Hi Enrique! How old were you when you first started performing?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I used to perform in my bathroom by myself. When I first started performing in front of a crowd I was 19 years old.

Rebecca: Enrique would you ever consider acting?

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I'm looking at stuff and I haven't found anything that I feel I can do well. I'm not the best actor.

Crazy4enrique: Describe yourself in 5 words. Thanks, Michelle.

ENRIQUE IGLESIAS: I think I'm a good person. Simple. Real. Honest. Maybe a good friend.

twec.com: twec.com would like to thank Enrique for stopping by today! Any last words to all of your great fans who stopped by to chat with you?

Thank you so much for your support and time, and supporting my music. If it wasn't for you guys...So thank you. I wish you guys a very happy, Happy New Year, and may all your dreams come true. Remember that everything starts with a dream.

twec.com: Thank you to Enrique and Interscope for making today's chat possible. twec.com thanks all of the great fans for stopping by today! We apologize for not getting to everyone questions, there were over 14,000 questions sent in! We thank everyone for all of the great questions.

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