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Ross Byrd - Undeniable Ressurection
Album Rate: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Ross Byrd turned the pain and anger from the highly publicized, racially motivated dragging murder of his father, James Byrd, Jr. into the inspiration for the lyrics for his debut CD. The 23 year-old Lufkin, TX native wrote or co-wrote all 10 tracks on the album on Plight Entertainment Records.

1. Undeniable Resurrection-- this track has an slower dark, eerie beat and Byrd raps in a slower style (almost reminds me of Koopsta Knicca in a way) on the track about how his father has been resurrected into his body. It's a bumpable track.

2. Murder-- this track has another laid back piano laced beat that I'm really feelin. Byrd has a tight flow on this one and brings more heartfelt lyrics to the mic. It's a really nice track that is definitely worth giving a listen to.

3. Wanna Go To War With Us-- this track has another laid back beat with gunshots mixed in every now and then. Byrd brings a faster and more uptempo flow to the mic. It's a decent track.

4. What Will We Do-- this track has another slower beat that Byrd raps over. He raps about surviving in the game and making that money. It's a pretty nice track here with some tight flows and decent beats.

5. Mama Warned Me-- this track has Byrd rappin about how his mother warned him what the streets were all about. I wasn't really feelin this track or the beats.

6. Game Recognize Game-- this track has a tight little laid back beat with a nice bassline that'll have ya head bobbin. Byrd's flow doesn't really match the beat all that well. It's still a decent track nonetheless.

7. Ghetto Life-- this track sounds a little different because of Bryd's flow. He almost sounds like he's yelling into the mic instead of bringing a smoother flow that goes along better with the beat.

8. If I Had It, You Can Get It-- this track has a more uptempo beat with a faster bassline as well. Byrd shows some variety in his flow by bringing a faster flow to mic but he doesn't quite tongue twist although it may have been interesting to hear that. It's a bumpable track.

9. Freestyle-- this track has a nice midtempo beat. Byrd lays down some tight flows at the beginning but I could probably do without the middle part where he's yellin out "freestyle freestyle,...." But he comes back with more solid flows to end the track with.

10. Let's Ride-- the beat on this track doesn't resemble anything else on the CD because it has a more upbeat beat with a lot more extra sound effects that weren't really necessary. It has more of a radio friendly feel to it as well. It's really not one of my favorites on the album.

Overall, I thought Ross Byrd had some decent flows that really showed when he brought those heartfelt lyrics to the mic about his father that almost made you feel his pain. That being said, there really wasn't much in terms of variety on the album as well because it almost felt like all the songs were the slower, darker tracks. The production was raw on some tracks but had pretty good beats on others. It's a decent album that you can bump but needs more variety if he wants to make a longer lasting stay in the rap game.