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S.T. - Pimpin Ain't No Thang
Album Rate: 4.00 out of 5 Stars

S.T. aka Sean Turner hails from Mobile, Alabama and has been holdin it down on the underground scene for over quite a while. His latest album is on Small Change Entertainment.

1. Intro

2. Pimpin Ain't No Thang-- this track has a decent midtempo beat. The hook on this one goes "hoes ain't nothin but a thang to me/and pimpin these hoes ain't a thang to me". It's pretty much your typical pimpin song.

3. Certified Pimp-- this track has a nice little piano intro with some scratching mixed in. S.T. raps with a fury in his voice and comes off really tight on the mic. This is definitely one of the best songs on the album. Great combo of old school and new school feel on this one.

4. Da Dawg In Me-- this track has a darker feel on the beat with symbals and brass. S.T. raps with a rapid fire delivery and raps about his lifestyle and that's the way he chooses to live his life. Tight track.

5. Chocolate Candy-- this track has S.T. really speaking instead of rappin and incorporating different candy bar names when talkin about a certain girl. Not that tight of a track but lots of different wordplay on the brand names.

6. Pink Slip-- this track has a tight laid back beat with guitars over a bassline. S.T. raps about how it's Money Over Bitches and if it comes down to it, the woman loses out everytime. Nice track.

7. Is U Wit It-- this track has a tick tock type beat. S.T. raps about his girl and the freaky things they do. Seems like a song you'd see a video for on BET Uncut.

8. Full Blown-- this track has a laid back ridin type beat. S.T. spits in a rapid fire delivery that's tight as hell and something you can sit back and bob ya head to. Really nice song.

9. Stay In Control-- this track has a slower guitar beat with hi-hats and a tight bassline. S.T. raps with his faster flow again on this one and once again comes off very tight on the mic.

10. Another Day-- this track starts off with a guy sleepin and an alarm clock going off with him sayin "Just Another Day". The beat on this one is a little darker than what we've heard so far. S.T. raps about what it's like in the life of him. Bumpable track worth checkin out.

11. Certified Pimp (remix)

12. Game Recognize Game-- this track has a midtempo beat. S.T. doesn't come off on this one as he does on other tracks on the album. Nothin really special about the beat or the flow.

13. Outro

Overall, the production on the album by S.T. is pretty good. The beats come off pretty nice with nothing really over-the-top in terms of background noises that seem to saturate a lot of the underground albums we listen to. S.T. is a lot better rapper when he flows with that rapid fire delivery. When he slows it down, he sounds like any other ordinary rapper with no standout flow. The album is worth checkin out for some hot Bama rap.