She-Ra Princess of Power: The Evil Horde
George DiCenzo voices:
Duke Dreer
As seen in the episode "Troll's Dream"

Image taken from the episode "Troll's Dream"

Duke Dreer is a crafty Horde Governor.

Duke Dreer is the only Horde Member to have his own kingdom. Though Shadow Weaver, Scorpia and
even Octavia seem to reside in some sort of personal haven, none of them are stated to be in charge of
a particular region - Dreer certainly seems to be. Dreer Keep is situated in the Shadow Kingdom of Skull
Path, a dark and boney road-way and allows Duke Dreer to watch over his kingdom via spirits existing
within the path. [

The spirits act as eyes for Dreer - for what they see, he can also view through a screen in his fortress.
Though little is known about this singular-episode character, we get the impression he is a magician and
draws on the powers of evil to perform incantations through a magic wand. [
34] He was able to give life
to lifeless bone-structures, known as Bone Bats, almost invincible flying skeletons.

After just one episode to appear in, the Duke was no more. Though Skull Path itself would provide a
refreshing location for other malevolent goings-on during the series, the Duke had had his day. Much
to the embarrassment of the Horde, he met his match with a bucket. Yes, a bucket. And, to add insult
to injury, the bucket itself was brandished by one seemingly puny Spragg. Yes, Spragg. [
34] Oh dear.

She-Ra Princess of Power: The Evil Horde : Cartoon Appearances
Duke Dreer

Season One

Troll's Dream
Total: 01/65

Season Two

Total: 00/28

The images on this site were all, unless stated, taken from my episodes. If you wish to use
them for a different site, please contact me in advance and place a link on your website to this one.

This site is in no way connected with Filmation, Hallmark or any of their corporates.
It is merely a fan-site, showing the appreciation of a beautiful, inspiring cartoon.

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