She-Ra Princess of Power: The Evil Horde
Schiemer voices:
As seen in
the episode "King Miro's Journey"
Image taken from the episode "The Inspector"
Inspector Darkney is Inspector General of Horde World.
there's nothing Hordak hates more than a Horde Inspector. Given
this evidence, the very
idea of he and Inspector Darkney seeing eye-to-eye is about as
likely as Madame Razz remembering
a spell correctly or Hordak himself taking responsibility for a
backfired plan. In other words, Darkney
was possibly the only Hordesman, other than Horde Prime, who had
any particular control over the
no occasion did Inspector Darkney show any sort of power - his
purpose was to oversee goings-on
on Horde World (which we never saw) and inspect places like the
Fright Zone for faults. On two different
occasions, Darkney was sent from Horde World to visit Etheria to
find out why Hordak was having so
much trouble defeating the Rebellion. The first time, early on in
the She-Ra series, he propsed to put a
giant dome over the Whispering Woods to stop the Rebels getting
out and threatening the Horde. The
plan, foiled by He-Man and She-Ra, showed Darkney that the
Rebellion is possibly the most formidible
force ever faced by the Horde and that Hordak clearly has his
work cut out for him. [13]
the second occasion, Darkney fell foul to one of the Rebellion's
attacks and was taken prisoner in
the Rebel camp. The idea of an Inspector allowed Adam and Adora
to rescue some prisoners from the
Fright Zone, by posing as Inspector Darkney's replacements. Of
course, given the fact that Inspectors
are among the elite few that can order Hordak around, Adam and
Adora had an easy job freeing the
captured Rebels and, when they were safe, Darkney was sent back.
Darkney is a difficult character to sum up - whilst he seems
crafty and has a valid job in the
Horde, neither of the two episodes which gave him a 'starring
role' really gave him much material - the
first looking moreso at the relationship between Adora, Adam and
their Grandfather and the second
simply using him to utilise the plot. His lack of physical power
is balanced by his status in the Horde,
seemingly higher than Hordak himself, but still far lower than
the mighty Horde Prime.
She-Ra Princess of Power: The Evil Horde :
Cartoon Appearances
Season One
Miro's Journey
Total: 01/65
Season Two
Total: 01/28
The images on this site
were all, unless stated, taken from my episodes. If you wish to
them for a different site, please contact me in advance and place
a link on your website to this one.
This site is in
no way connected with Filmation, Hallmark or any of their
It is merely a fan-site, showing the appreciation of a beautiful,
inspiring cartoon.