She-Ra Princess of Power: The Evil Horde
Lou Schiemer voices
First seen in the episode "Into Etheria"

Image taken from the episode "Shades Of Orko"

Leech is the Horde's evil master of suction.

The origin of Leech is never explored, although he was once seen appearing all too suddenly
from a marsh [
09] and therefore refering to the roots of his animal counterpart. He is another of the
Hordesmen to whom Hordak directs his 'Horde science and magic' comment, along with
Mantenna, Grizzlor and Scorpia. [
Hordak makes a reference to the origins of several Horde members ~ SOUND

Leech is oddly the most prominent member of Catra's Force Squad, especially when
acknowledging his minimal amount of appearances in the show and his surprising ability at being
useless. He has featured as part of the full-squad [
44], with a seemingly part-time member [10] and
in a smaller group. [

The general power Leech was blessed with, aside from almost formidible strength [33], is the
ability to drain people's energy with his suction-cupped hands. A worthy power if ever there was
one, but as it was only used twice [
01, 44] and threatened with once more [51], it was never
fully utilisted to reach its potential. As a side note, it was also revealed early on that Leech actually
had hands that could be changed to become his suction-cups. [
01] However, this was used early
on in the series and was abandoned from there onwards.

Though he was a very threatening creature, it would often seem as this was false pretence,
especially after retreating from battle with She-Ra [
51], running away petrified of the onslaught of
Shadow Weaver [
90] and even racing from the so-called cowardly dragon Sorrowful. [12]

Leech is almost on a par with Grizzlor as far as intelligence goes. [45] However, he didn't get
as much air-time as Hordak's hairy henchman, so it wasn't explored as much as his was. In a
similar way, his feelings towards Imp were never given enough of a chance to be fully portrayed.
It seems, from several instances, that the two didn't get on [
12, 56] but a head-tohead conflict
never arose between the two, so no factual points can be discussed. One thing that can be
mentioned, however, is that wild tongue - judging by its ferocity, it seems that that would have
been a better weapon when battles took place! [
10, 66, 82]

She-Ra Princess of Power: The Evil Horde : Cartoon Appearances

Season One

Into Etheria
The Red Knight
The Prisoners of Beast Island
The Peril of Whispering Woods
The Laughing Dragon
Book Burning
Friends Are Where You Find Them
A Talent for Trouble
The Rock People
The Wizard
Of Shadows and Skulls
Total: 12/65

Season Two

A Lesson In Love
The Time Transformer
The Locket
Shades Of Orko
Total: 04/28

The images on this site were all, unless stated, taken from my episodes. If you wish to use
them for a different site, please contact me in advance and place a link on your website to this one.

This site is in no way connected with Filmation, Hallmark or any of their corporates.
It is merely a fan-site, showing the appreciation of a beautiful, inspiring cartoon.

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