She-Ra Princess of Power: Season One:
Episode 51
Friend, My Enemy
Written by
Baxter -
Directed by Richard Trueblood
Plot Outline
begins to fade away from life on Etheria after becoming victim to
Doom Berries, given to
him in the form of a pie by Catra. She plans to overthrow her
master, with the help of Skeletor, still
intent on getting revenge on Hordak. The only cure is for someone
to cry tears for Hordak. But even
Hordak's mentor, Noah, refuses to help - so who will
help him?
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were all, unless stated, taken from my episodes. If you wish to
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This site is in
no way connected with Filmation, Hallmark or any of their
It is merely a fan-site, showing the appreciation of a beautiful,
inspiring cartoon.
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