She-Ra Princess of Power: Season One:
Episode 62
Written by J. Michael Straczynski - Directed by Ed Friedman

Plot Outline

Catra has a new weapon, which just manages to open the ground and swallow up She-Ra - but
much to Catra's dismay, it soon swallows her too. It is revealed that a race of Cat-Folk live in this
underground city, awaiting the return of their captured queen - who just so happened to look like
Catra. This is her ideal oppurtunity to turn a group of innocent people against She-Ra, as well as
ruling her own group of people. And Catra will stop at nothing to beat She-Ra.

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This site is in no way connected with Filmation, Hallmark or any of their corporates.
It is merely a fan-site, showing the appreciation of a beautiful, inspiring cartoon.

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