She-Ra Princess of Power: Season Two:
Episode 68
Out Of
The Cocoon
Written by
Heckman -
Directed by Marsh Lamore
Plot Outline
a tale of destiny, She-Ra meets a young girl called Small One
after being captured by a
group of evil warriors lead by Baron Condor of Sand Valley. The
girl is knocked unconscious
by one of the Baron's inventions, but is revived by Light Hope
into a thoroughly new form - that of
Flutterina, the latest addition to the Rebellion. Together, She-Ra
and Flutterina teach the residents
of Sand Valley to live in peace and Glimmer to see that true
beauty comes from within.
The images on this site
were all, unless stated, taken from my episodes. If you wish to
them for a different site, please contact me in advance and place
a link on your website to this one.
This site is in
no way connected with Filmation, Hallmark or any of their
It is merely a fan-site, showing the appreciation of a beautiful,
inspiring cartoon.
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