She-Ra Princess of Power: Season Two:
Episode 78
Whispering Woods Last Bloomed
Written by
Becker -
Directed by Ernie Schmidt
Plot Outline
and Netossa tell Adora and Bow the full story of how they came to
be Rebels. They
came to Bright Moon for a simple vacation when the Horde
discovered Spinnerella's amazing power
to spin as fast as a whirlwind and Hordak wanted to use it to
destroy the Whispering Woods. Netossa
was captured and the crime was blamed on the Rebels, giving
Spinnerella a motive to knock down
the forest. But she won't stop at a simple explanation - she
needs evidence, quickly.
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This site is in
no way connected with Filmation, Hallmark or any of their
It is merely a fan-site, showing the appreciation of a beautiful,
inspiring cartoon.
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