She-Ra Princess of Power: Season Two:
Episode 86
Come Home
Written by
Steven J.
Fisher -
Directed by Ernie Schmidt
Plot Outline
Rebels plan a raid on a Horde food warehouse to get back rations
stolen from innocent
villagers. As Rebel leader, Adora is in charge of the
proceedings, something that seriously
irritates Glimmer, who feels she should be given better jobs than
just distracting the Horde.
Furious with her friends, Glimmer runs off to form her own
Rebellion out of a couple of Horde
Troopers, who claim to have turned against Hordak, and a Wooble -
really Shadow Weaver,
disguised to trick Glimmer into sacrificing herself to the Horde...
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This site is in
no way connected with Filmation, Hallmark or any of their
It is merely a fan-site, showing the appreciation of a beautiful,
inspiring cartoon.
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